

Dean, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University

Pradeep Khosla is currently the Dean (2004 -- ) of the Carnegie Institute of Technology (the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon), the Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor in the College of Engineering and School of Computer Science (1998 -- ), and Founding co-Director of CyLab (2003 -- ). His previous positions include Assistant Professor (1986-90), Associate Professor (1990 -- 94), and Professor (1994 -- ), Founding Director (1997 -- 1999) of Institute for Complex Engineered Systems (ICES), Department Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1999 -- 2004), and Director of Information Networking Institute (2000 -- 2004). Prior to joining Carnegie-Mellon, he worked with Tata Consulting Engineers, and Siemens in the area of real-time control. He received B. Tech (Hons) from IIT (Kharagpur, India) in 1980, and both MS (1984) and PhD (1986) degrees from Carnegie Mellon University.

From January 1994 to August 1996 he was on leave from Carnegie Mellon and served as a DARPA Program Manager in the Software and Intelligent Systems Technology Office (SISTO), Defense Sciences Office (DSO), and Tactical Technology Office (TTO), where he managed advanced research and development programs, with a total budget exceeding $50M in FY96, in the areas of Information based Design and Manufacturing, Web-based Information Technology Infrastructure, Real-Time Planning, and Distributed AI and Intelligent Systems, Real-Time Embedded Software, Sensor-based Control, and Collaborative Robotics.
During his tenure as Founding Director (1997 -- 1999), ICES grew to a total budget of more than $8M per year through strategic positioning to pursue interdisciplinary projects that involved faculty from 6 different colleges at Carnegie Mellon in the areas of Embedded Systems, Tissue Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Design and Human Factors, and Networking. During his tenure as department head of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the department grew more than 80% in research volume, added 23 new faculty (tenure track and research), defined several strategic multidiscipinary initiatives, and the Computer Engineering graduate program was ranked number one for the first time, and the undergraduate program ranked 3rd by /US News and World Report/ in their 2002 rankings.
In 2003 he founded Carnegie Mellon CyLab -- a university-wide research center -- with the goal of integrating technology (security, privacy, and next generation IT), policy, and economics of IT, to address multidisciplinary issues that require collaboration of experts across various disciplines. CyLab is a broad-based research, development, and community outreach oriented multidisciplinary center that supports and involves more than 40 faculty and 100 graduate students from 5 different colleges within Carnegie Mellon, and has an annual budget of more than $10M per year.
As Director of the Information Networking Institute (INI), he increased its enrollment severalfold, created the Master of Science in Information Security Technology and Management degree program, and defined international graduate degree, and research programs with the Athens Information Technology (AIT) Institute in Athens, Greece (CyLab Athens), Cylab Korea, and CyLab Japan.
He is involved in education both at the graduate and the undergraduate level. He was a member of the committee that formulated a curriculum for the multidisciplinary PhD program in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon. He was also a member of the Wipe the Slate Clean Committee that created a new four-year undergraduate ECE degree curriculum at CMU and proposed, amongst several other new ideas, the notion of teaching Engineering to freshman -- an idea that has been adopted widely by US and international universities. In support of the new curriculum he developed the Introductory Freshman level course "Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering" that emphasizes the notion of Teaching in Context. He is the co-author of a text book and a laboratory manual for this freshman course. As Dean, he initiated the development of a professional MS program in Innovation Management and is providing leadership to redefine undergraduate education in engineering.

He is a recipient of the Inlaks Foundation Fellowship in 1982, the Carnegie Institute of Technology Ladd award for excellence in research in 1989, two NASA Tech Brief awards (1992, 1993), the ASEE 1999 George Westinghouse Award for Education, the Siliconindia Leadership award for Excellence in Academics and Technology in 2000, and the W. Wallace McDowell award from IEEE Computer Society in 2001. He was elected Fellow of IEEE in January 1995, Fellow of AAAI in 2003, Fellow of AAAS in 2004, and member of the NAE in 2006. He served as Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (1998-2003). In December 2002, he was appointed a member of the IT transition team of Pennsylvania Governor-elect Ed Rendell and in February 2003 he was appointed to the National Research Council Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design for a three-year term. Professor Khosla's research has resulted in 3 books and more than 300 articles in journals, conferences, and book contributions. He has been a keynote and plenary speaker at several international conferences and workshops.

He has served as member of the AdCom of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Chairman of the Education Committee of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Professional Activities (PACE) Chair of the Robotics and Automation Society, member of Robotics and Intelligent Machines Coordinating Council (RIMCC), member of the Long Range Planning Committee of the Robotics and Automation Society, member of the Board of Directors of The Robotics Industries Association (RIA) from 1998 -- 2002, and member of the Board of Directors of Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative (PTEI) during 2000-2001, and 2004 -- present. He served as Technical Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation and Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Computers and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE), and IEEE Security and Privacy. He currently serves on editorial boards of IEEE Spectrum, and Oxford University Press series in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He is a consultant to several companies and Venture Capitalists and has served on the technology advisory boards of many start-ups and currently serves on several advisory boards including iNetworks, ITU Ventures, iPolicy, and Alcoa CIO's Advisory Board. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Quantapoint Inc., the Children's Institute, IIT Foundation, and MPC corporation. He also serves on the advisory boards of Institute for Systems Research (Univ. of Maryland), College of Engineering (Univ. of Waterloo), and is a member of the IT advisory committee, CSIRO, Australia. He has served as member of the Strategy Review Board for Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Council of Deans of the Aeronautics Advisory Committtee, NASA; and Senior Advisory Group, DARPA Program on Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems. He is a co-founder of Quantapoint Inc. -- a high tech company based in Pittsburgh. Quantapoint specializes in high precision laser scanners that are used for creating high fidelity 3D models.

Dean, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University

Pradeep Khosla is currently the Dean (2004 -- ) of the Carnegie Institute of Technology (the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon), the Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor in the College of Engineering and School of Computer Science (1998 -- ), and Founding co-Director of CyLab (2003 -- ). His previous positions include Assistant Professor (1986-90), Associate Professor (1990 -- 94), and Professor (1994 -- ), Founding Director (1997 -- 1999) of Institute for Complex Engineered Systems (ICES), Department Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1999 -- 2004), and Director of Information Networking Institute (2000 -- 2004). Prior to joining Carnegie-Mellon, he worked with Tata Consulting Engineers, and Siemens in the area of real-time control. He received B. Tech (Hons) from IIT (Kharagpur, India) in 1980, and both MS (1984) and PhD (1986) degrees from Carnegie Mellon University.

From January 1994 to August 1996 he was on leave from Carnegie Mellon and served as a DARPA Program Manager in the Software and Intelligent Systems Technology Office (SISTO), Defense Sciences Office (DSO), and Tactical Technology Office (TTO), where he managed advanced research and development programs, with a total budget exceeding $50M in FY96, in the areas of Information based Design and Manufacturing, Web-based Information Technology Infrastructure, Real-Time Planning, and Distributed AI and Intelligent Systems, Real-Time Embedded Software, Sensor-based Control, and Collaborative Robotics.
During his tenure as Founding Director (1997 -- 1999), ICES grew to a total budget of more than $8M per year through strategic positioning to pursue interdisciplinary projects that involved faculty from 6 different colleges at Carnegie Mellon in the areas of Embedded Systems, Tissue Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Design and Human Factors, and Networking. During his tenure as department head of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the department grew more than 80% in research volume, added 23 new faculty (tenure track and research), defined several strategic multidiscipinary initiatives, and the Computer Engineering graduate program was ranked number one for the first time, and the undergraduate program ranked 3rd by /US News and World Report/ in their 2002 rankings.
In 2003 he founded Carnegie Mellon CyLab -- a university-wide research center -- with the goal of integrating technology (security, privacy, and next generation IT), policy, and economics of IT, to address multidisciplinary issues that require collaboration of experts across various disciplines. CyLab is a broad-based research, development, and community outreach oriented multidisciplinary center that supports and involves more than 40 faculty and 100 graduate students from 5 different colleges within Carnegie Mellon, and has an annual budget of more than $10M per year.
As Director of the Information Networking Institute (INI), he increased its enrollment severalfold, created the Master of Science in Information Security Technology and Management degree program, and defined international graduate degree, and research programs with the Athens Information Technology (AIT) Institute in Athens, Greece (CyLab Athens), Cylab Korea, and CyLab Japan.
He is involved in education both at the graduate and the undergraduate level. He was a member of the committee that formulated a curriculum for the multidisciplinary PhD program in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon. He was also a member of the Wipe the Slate Clean Committee that created a new four-year undergraduate ECE degree curriculum at CMU and proposed, amongst several other new ideas, the notion of teaching Engineering to freshman -- an idea that has been adopted widely by US and international universities. In support of the new curriculum he developed the Introductory Freshman level course "Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering" that emphasizes the notion of Teaching in Context. He is the co-author of a text book and a laboratory manual for this freshman course. As Dean, he initiated the development of a professional MS program in Innovation Management and is providing leadership to redefine undergraduate education in engineering.

He is a recipient of the Inlaks Foundation Fellowship in 1982, the Carnegie Institute of Technology Ladd award for excellence in research in 1989, two NASA Tech Brief awards (1992, 1993), the ASEE 1999 George Westinghouse Award for Education, the Siliconindia Leadership award for Excellence in Academics and Technology in 2000, and the W. Wallace McDowell award from IEEE Computer Society in 2001. He was elected Fellow of IEEE in January 1995, Fellow of AAAI in 2003, Fellow of AAAS in 2004, and member of the NAE in 2006. He served as Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (1998-2003). In December 2002, he was appointed a member of the IT transition team of Pennsylvania Governor-elect Ed Rendell and in February 2003 he was appointed to the National Research Council Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design for a three-year term. Professor Khosla's research has resulted in 3 books and more than 300 articles in journals, conferences, and book contributions. He has been a keynote and plenary speaker at several international conferences and workshops.

He has served as member of the AdCom of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Chairman of the Education Committee of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Professional Activities (PACE) Chair of the Robotics and Automation Society, member of Robotics and Intelligent Machines Coordinating Council (RIMCC), member of the Long Range Planning Committee of the Robotics and Automation Society, member of the Board of Directors of The Robotics Industries Association (RIA) from 1998 -- 2002, and member of the Board of Directors of Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative (PTEI) during 2000-2001, and 2004 -- present. He served as Technical Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation and Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Computers and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE), and IEEE Security and Privacy. He currently serves on editorial boards of IEEE Spectrum, and Oxford University Press series in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He is a consultant to several companies and Venture Capitalists and has served on the technology advisory boards of many start-ups and currently serves on several advisory boards including iNetworks, ITU Ventures, iPolicy, and Alcoa CIO's Advisory Board. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Quantapoint Inc., the Children's Institute, IIT Foundation, and MPC corporation. He also serves on the advisory boards of Institute for Systems Research (Univ. of Maryland), College of Engineering (Univ. of Waterloo), and is a member of the IT advisory committee, CSIRO, Australia. He has served as member of the Strategy Review Board for Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Council of Deans of the Aeronautics Advisory Committtee, NASA; and Senior Advisory Group, DARPA Program on Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems. He is a co-founder of Quantapoint Inc. -- a high tech company based in Pittsburgh. Quantapoint specializes in high precision laser scanners that are used for creating high fidelity 3D models.