The First Workshop on Ethics in Computer Vision
Focus: Surveillance and Privacy

Organized in Conjunction with CVPR 2014

Keynote Speakers | Panel | Organizers

Computer vision technology has matured to a point where it is enabling a wide spectrum of new technologies and functions. These new technologies have the potential, at once, to be incredibly empowering and destructive to society and to the individual.

This workshop is aimed at exploring the following question: what, if any, responsibility does the computer vision research community have in choosing to provide such tools?

The workshop will bring together stakeholders in the computer vision community: leading academics, program managers at government funding agencies, and researchers in the industry. It is opportune for the extended community to introspect and analyze the ethical implications of the research directions in the field. This workshop will focus on the topic of surveillance, and aim to take the first steps in this direction by initiating a dialogue from within the community. The workshop will focus on providing a platform for the community to voice their views, experience, and recommendations for socially responsible research in computer vision.

The workshop will take the form of keynote talks and a panel discussion for the community to voice their views. A summary document and video capture of the discussion will be shared online as the proceedings of the event.

Keynote Speakers

Industry Keynote: TBD

Government Keynote: TBD

Academia Keynote: TBD


Panel Members: TBD


Varun Ramakrishna
Yaser Sheikh