Computational narratology is concerned with extracting, generating, and reconfiguring stories via algorithms. A core problem in the field is narrative representation, i.e. with what formal elements should we represent stories and story generators? Linear logic is a partial answer, in which a story may be equated to a proof of a logical sequent. Different linear logic connectives can be used to model various *nonlinear* aspects of stories, specifically branching alternatives (as in interactive stories) and simultaneity (as in stories that support telling out of chronological structure because their events are only partially ordered). However, this version of narrative theory is limited to the discussion of plausible and coherent event structures, and several aspects of "narrative" itself have yet to be addressed. We sketch two lines of ongoing work to address different aspects of this problem. First, the structure of a proof in linear logic maps onto the event structure, or "fabula," of the story. The counterpart to the fabula, the "sjuzet," or conveying of a story to an audience, has had relatively little attention paid to its formal modeling. We posit that linear logic proofs may offer support for sjuzet modeling via an account of narrative focalization (character perspective) as a transformation on proofs. Second, whereas standard proof search strategies may give rise to degenerate stories, a multi-agent, intent-driven theory of proof construction (inspired by the Belief-Desire-Intention framework and intent-driven planning) may be able to restrict the set of proofs to those corresponding to stories with conflict and motivated character actions.