The Robotics Institute

RI | Centers | CFR | Seminar

Foundations of Robotics Seminar, April 12, 2011
Time and Place | Seminar Abstract

Kinematics of Sliding-Rolling Contact and Its Applications to Manipulation

Lei Cui
Robotics Institute

Carnegie Mellon University


Time and Place

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
NSH 3305
Talk 4:30 pm



Real-world grasping and handling situations involve sliding-rolling contact. The kinematics of sliding-rolling contact of rigid objects is essential for understanding the kinematics of grasping and solving the subsequent problems of control of a multifingered hand. Applying the curvature theory from differential geometry, this work develops coordinate-invariant kinematic formulations of sliding-spin-rolling motion and further establishes the characteristic kinematic equations of multifingered hands in the case of fingertips and object maintaining point contact, rolling contact, and sliding-rolling contact respectively.




Lei Cui got his PhD in mechanical engineering in 2010 from King's College London. He has more than ten peer reviewed publications including five in leading professional journals such as IEEE Transaction on Robotics and ASME Transaction: Journal of Mechanical Design and Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. He has led a team to design and develop a reconfigurable carton-folding machine for a project sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of UK and done two successful demonstrations for project inspections. His current research centers on the dexterous manipulation and nonholonomic motion planning.


The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.