How do I post a bulletin board message?

Go to thread on which you want to post a message. Select the exclamation point icon, and fill in the form.

Registration is not required for posting a message. If you are registered, you can just fill out the `Name', `Password', and message fields. If you leave the other fields blank, the system will fill them out based on what it has stored for you.

To learn about why you might want to register and how you go about it, click here.

Formatting commands (such as HTML) will not work within a message. (This is on my wish list...) Additionally, your message will be truncated to just the first 2048 characters.

To start a new thread, go to the thread index page (select ``[All threads]'' from anywhere) and select ``[New thread]''. Now you can type in a message for a new thread. Only registered users can start new threads.

Bulletin board FAQ / Po-Hi alumni page