The Fact Chronology of Case # 84-1

Fact Time Qualifier
1. Engineer A <is engineering society president of> Society X. Pre-existing fact
2. Engineer B <is engineering society president of> Society Y. Pre-existing fact
3. Society X <negotiates with> Society Y <for> Merger A. After the start of 1, 2
4. Society X <reaches a negotiating impasse with> Society Y. Ends 3
5. Engineer A <writes paper/article> Article X. [Questioned Fact] After the conclusion of 4
6. Article X <criticizes> Engineer B & Society Y. [Questioned Fact] Occurs as part of 5
7. Engineer B <accuses> Engineer A <of unethical behavior because> (Article X <criticizes> Engineer B & Society Y). After the conclusion of 5

Actor and Object Types.

Engineer A --> Engineer.
Society X --> Engineering Society.
Engineer B --> Engineer.
Society Y --> Engineering Society.
Merger A --> Merger of Engineering Organizations.
Article X --> Published Article.

The Board's Analysis

Questioned Fact(s): Facts 5, 6
Questioned Actor or Actors: Engineer A
The Board's Conclusion: Ethical

The board cites the following evidence in support of their conclusion:

Code Code Status How Cited Grouped With Over rides Why Relevant? Why Violated, Not Violated, Changed, or Not Applicable?
III.1.f. Not Violated Explicitly Discussed III.2.c. None ^ Engineer performs action related to the interest of the engineering profession [5, 6] ^  ^ Engineer's action does not promote his own interest at the expense of the dignity and integrity of the profession [1, Inference based on facts] 

% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents.% [1] ^ 

III.2.c. Not Violated Explicitly Discussed III.1.f. None ^ Engineer performs action related to the public's knowledge and appreciation of engineering [5, 6] ^  ^ Engineer's action extends public knowledge and appreciation of engineering and its achievements [5, 6] 

% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents. % [1] ^ 

II.3. Not Violated Explicitly Discussed II.3.a. None ^ Engineer issues a public statement. [5, 6] ^  ^ Engineer is objective in the public statement [5, 6] Engineer is truthful in the public statement [Unstated assumption] 

% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents % [1] ^ 

II.3.a. Not Violated Explicitly Discussed II.3. None ^ Engineer writes a professional report. [5, 6] ^  ^ Engineer is objective in the professional report [Unstated assumption] 

Engineer is truthful in the professional report [Unstated assumption] 

% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents % [1] ^ 

III.8. Not Violated, More Importance Explicitly Discussed None None ^ Engineer makes comments about another engineer. [5, 6] ^  ^ Engineer's comments are not an attempt to maliciously injure the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers [Hypo: "While some or all of the statements at issue may have been overbroad... there is no basis to conclude they were made maliciously."] 

Engineer's comments are not an attempt to falsely injure the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers [Unstated assumption] ^ 

The board cited the following evidence that conflicts with their conclusion:


The board cited the following background information that neither directly supports nor directly conflicts with their conclusion:


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