Fact | Time Qualifier |
1. Engineer A <is engineering society president of> Society X. | Pre-existing fact |
2. Engineer B <is engineering society president of> Society Y. | Pre-existing fact |
3. Society X <negotiates with> Society Y <for> Merger A. | After the start of 1, 2 |
4. Society X <reaches a negotiating impasse with> Society Y. | Ends 3 |
5. Engineer A <writes paper/article> Article X. [Questioned Fact] | After the conclusion of 4 |
6. Article X <criticizes> Engineer B & Society Y. [Questioned Fact] | Occurs as part of 5 |
7. Engineer B <accuses> Engineer A <of unethical behavior because> (Article X <criticizes> Engineer B & Society Y). | After the conclusion of 5 |
Questioned Fact(s): | Facts 5, 6 |
Questioned Actor or Actors: | Engineer A |
The Board's Conclusion: | Ethical |
Code | Code Status | How Cited | Grouped With | Over rides | Why Relevant? | Why Violated, Not Violated, Changed, or Not Applicable? |
III.1.f. | Not Violated | Explicitly Discussed | III.2.c. | None | ^ Engineer performs action related to the interest of the engineering profession [5, 6] ^ | ^ Engineer's action does not promote his own interest at
the expense of the dignity and integrity of the profession [1, Inference
based on facts]
% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents.% [1] ^ |
III.2.c. | Not Violated | Explicitly Discussed | III.1.f. | None | ^ Engineer performs action related to the public's knowledge and appreciation of engineering [5, 6] ^ | ^ Engineer's action extends public knowledge and appreciation
of engineering and its achievements [5, 6]
% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents. % [1] ^ |
II.3. | Not Violated | Explicitly Discussed | II.3.a. | None | ^ Engineer issues a public statement. [5, 6] ^ | ^ Engineer is objective in the public statement [5, 6] Engineer
is truthful in the public statement [Unstated assumption]
% Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents % [1] ^ |
II.3.a. | Not Violated | Explicitly Discussed | II.3. | None | ^ Engineer writes a professional report. [5, 6] ^ | ^ Engineer is objective in the professional report [Unstated
Engineer is truthful in the professional report [Unstated assumption] % Engineer is in a position of leadership, and thus he has an obligation to provide information to his constituents % [1] ^ |
III.8. | Not Violated, More Importance | Explicitly Discussed | None | None | ^ Engineer makes comments about another engineer. [5, 6] ^ | ^ Engineer's comments are not an attempt to maliciously
injure the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment
of other engineers [Hypo: "While some or all of the statements at issue
may have been overbroad... there is no basis to conclude they were made
Engineer's comments are not an attempt to falsely injure the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers [Unstated assumption] ^ |