05-830, User Interface Software, Spring, 1999
Lecture 9,   March 8, 1999
Copyright © 1999 - Brad Myers

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Toolkits: Intrinsics, Callbacks, Resources,
Widget Hierarchies, Geometry Management

(About 30-40 minutes)

Widgets as objects




Widget Hierarchies

Geometry Management

Standard Motif Application

  1. Include Motif and widget header files
  2. Initialize the toolkit: XtAppInitialize
  3. Create the widgets and put them in composites ("parent")
  4. Register call-backs with the widges
  5. "Realize" the top level widget
  6. Start the main loop: XtAppMainLoop

Simple Hello World Program in Amulet:
#include <amulet.h>

main (void) {

Am_Initialize ();


.Add_Part (Am_Window.Create ("window")

.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)

.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)

.Add_Part (Am_Text.Create ("string")

.Set (Am_TEXT, "Hello World!")));

Am_Main_Event_Loop ();

Am_Cleanup ();


Goodbye-world Amulet program with button
#include <amulet.h>

main (void) {

Am_Initialize ();


.Add_Part (Am_Window.Create ("window")

.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)

.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)

.Set (Am_FILL_STYLE, Am_Amulet_Purple)

.Add_Part (Am_Button.Create ("button")



.Set (Am_LABEL, "Goodbye, world!"))));

Am_Main_Event_Loop ();

Am_Cleanup ();


Goodbye-world Amulet program without button
#include <amulet.h>

Am_Define_Method (Am_Object_Method, void, quit_method, (Am_Object)) {

cerr << "It was nice knowing you.\n" << flush;



main (void) {

Am_Object inter;

Am_Initialize ();


.Add_Part(Am_Window.Create ("window")

.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)

.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)

.Add_Part(Am_Text.Create ("string")

.Set (Am_TEXT, "Goodbye World!")

.Add_Part(inter = Am_One_Shot_Interactor.Create())




Set (Am_DO_METHOD, quit_method);

Am_Main_Event_Loop ();

Am_Cleanup ();


Minimal Hello-World in Java as Applet using AWT

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Label; public class AWTHelloWorld extends Applet { public void init () { super.init (); add ( new Label ( "Hello World!" ) ); } }

Hello-World in Java as Applet or Application using Swing (In another file)

Goodbye-World in Java as Applet or Application using AWT (In another file)

Goodbye-World in Java as Applet or Application using Swing (In another file)

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