
year_period can be found in 7 cue lexicons and 8 speeches. Its been used 8 times by 8 candidates.

Cue lexicons

year_period is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

dure the same __NUM__ year period __PUNCT__ energi demand in the rest of countri __PUNCT__ skyrocket by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.05.remarks_on_comprehensive_strategy_to_address_the_climate_and_energy_challenge during the 2008 Primary elections.

russert __PUNCT__ and becom __PUNCT__ and becom u. __PUNCT__ citizen __PUNCT__ richardson __PUNCT__ eventu __PUNCT__ over a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year period __PUNCT__ follow those benchmark that i mention __PUNCT__

Bill Richardson in 2007.05.27.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press during the 2008 Primary elections.


year_period is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.11.05.remarks_on_comprehensive_strategy_to_address_the_climate_and_energy_challenge
Newt Gingrich 2012 Primary 2012.02.10.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference
Mike Huckabee 2008 Primary 2007.12.30.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press
Ron Paul 2012 Primary 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary
Bill Richardson 2008 Primary 2007.05.27.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press
Mitt Romney 2008 Primary 09.22.2006.Washington.DC
Rick Santorum 2012 Primary 2012.02.04.remarks_in_colorado_following_the_nevada_caucuses
Fred Thompson 2008 Primary 2007.08.03.address_to_the_lincoln_clubs_45th_annual_dinner