Mitt Romney

This speech titled 08.30.2012.Tampa.FL.Convention originally had 4565 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 119 cue terms and an average lag of 34.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 unit_state 13
0.987 0.000796 0.0119
0 0 0
2 small_town 60
0.288 0.00239 0.000597
0.708 0.000398 0
3 vice_presid 22
0.102 0 0
0.898 0 0
4 paul_ryan 2
0.0145 0.000995 0.000597
0.984 0 0
5 year_ago 87
0.271 0.047 0.259
0.423 0.000597 0.000199
6 american_experi 218
0.111 0.00697 0.805
0.0187 0.00119 0.0567
7 small_busi 162
0.0169 0.0533 0.611
0.00259 0.00139 0.315
8 hard_time 27
0.0169 0.0169 0.122
0.0121 0.0501 0.782
9 colleg_graduat 14
0.0257 0.0119 0.0585
0.0259 0.0621 0.816
10 good_job 5
0.00776 0.00259 0.0271
0.0476 0.0704 0.845
11 pai_back 15
0.0211 0.0131 0.073
0.035 0.0591 0.799
12 nation_debt 22
0.00358 0.0404 0.132
0.00279 0.0579 0.763
13 roll_back 2
0 0.00159 0.0221
0.00279 0.0963 0.877
14 america_vote 10
0.000796 0.0109 0.0521
0 0.0955 0.841
15 work_harder 27
0.00637 0.035 0.11
0 0.0989 0.749
0.00498 0.117 0.653
17 drive_home 50
0.0111 0.0716 0.191
0.0101 0.144 0.572
18 __NUM___dollar 15
0.0191 0.00478 0.0549
0.0167 0.206 0.699
19 work_harder 40
0.00657 0.0115 0.324
0.00279 0.127 0.528
20 presid_obama 33
0.0913 0.0115 0.133
0.00478 0.105 0.655
21 babi_boomer 126
0.357 0.0772 0.282
0.0302 0.0396 0.214
22 presid_kennedi 28
0.109 0.0155 0.0997
0.312 0.0961 0.368
23 nation_psych 42
0.346 0.0165 0.0444
0.328 0.0786 0.186
24 god_bless 34
0.568 0.000199 0.000199
0.427 0.000995 0.00358
25 american_flag 5
0.0255 0.000597 0.00338
0.965 0.00119 0.00398
26 care_deepli 208
0.635 0.0101 0.0255
0.329 0.000398 0.000199
27 god_love 77
0.084 0.00239 0.00179
0.908 0.00219 0.00159
28 __NUM___year 18
0.0513 0.00517 0.0476
0.89 0.00378 0.00219
29 father_di 45
0.0808 0.000597 0.000597
0.915 0.00159 0.00139
30 life_lesson 24
0.0143 0.00139 0.00458
0.976 0.00179 0.00159
31 condoleezza_rice 87
0.587 0.0133 0.0675
0.33 0.000796 0.00119
32 senior_offici 25
0.179 0.00836 0.0107
0.764 0.0105 0.0271
33 long_hour 107
0.552 0.0366 0.00856
0.394 0.00697 0.00239
34 young_son 6
0.0295 0.0135 0.0221
0.881 0.0432 0.0109
35 world_war 13
0.106 0.0129 0.0816
0.719 0.0523 0.0279
36 good_time 284
0.88 0.00179 0.0135
0.104 0.000398 0.000597
37 make_america 51
0.192 0.000398 0.187
0.612 0.000398 0.00856
38 good_feel 90
0.357 0.077 0.104
0.412 0.000199 0.049
39 elect_dai 58
0.39 0.031 0.0392
0.474 0.0458 0.0195
40 year_ago 2
0.0127 0.00438 0.0159
0.833 0.0758 0.0581
41 barack_obama 25
0.0862 0.0591 0.137
0.584 0.0726 0.0609
42 presid_obama 10
0.0424 0.00736 0.0436
0.604 0.119 0.184
43 bain_capit 165
0.442 0.2 0.11
0.165 0.0611 0.0225
44 big_mistak 45
0.0671 0.0408 0.0157
0.536 0.242 0.0989
45 pension_fund 8
0.0173 0.00597 0.00299
0.59 0.275 0.108
46 episcop_church 41
0.0299 0.0143 0.00179
0.578 0.266 0.109
47 pension_fund 1
0.00279 0.000199 0
0.606 0.28 0.111
48 __NUM___peopl 21
0.803 0.00159 0.00139
0.168 0.0243 0.00159
49 great_american 6
0.0613 0 0.00179
0.936 0.000199 0.000796
50 success_stori 1
0.0117 0 0
0.987 0 0.000995
51 compani_call 15
0.078 0 0
0.922 0 0
52 obama_campaign 9
0.0402 0 0.0113
0.948 0 0
53 earli_childhood 19
0.0965 0.00776 0.0123
0.878 0 0.00537
54 michel_obama 9
0.0414 0.00478 0.0209
0.909 0.00736 0.0163
55 steel_mill 14
0.214 0.00716 0.00796
0.75 0.00915 0.0119
56 unit_state 30
0.217 0 0.000199
0.781 0.000796 0.000398
57 success_stori 4
0.0269 0.00119 0.000597
0.971 0.000597 0.000199
58 elect_campaign 11
0.0306 0.338 0.0792
0.546 0.00517 0.000796
59 econom_recoveri 17
0.0464 0.26 0.00498
0.33 0.338 0.0203
60 great_depress 3
0.00677 0.0157 0.00617
0.355 0.591 0.0251
61 real_world 27
0.0344 0.0673 0.198
0.193 0.475 0.032
62 steve_job 45
0.0105 0.119 0.199
0.0416 0.457 0.173
63 free_enterpris 18
0.000199 0.000199 0.537
0.000597 0.033 0.429
64 enterpris_system 0
0 0 0.0111
0.000597 0.00398 0.984
65 american_peopl 13
0.475 0.00338 0.0297
0.00378 0.000199 0.488
66 great_depress 24
0.364 0.0249 0.0209
0.416 0.00338 0.171
67 american_peopl 5
0.031 0.000796 0.0139
0.758 0.0119 0.184
68 year_ago 28
0.107 0.0706 0.048
0.652 0.0117 0.11
69 jimmi_carter 2
0.0113 0.00537 0.00657
0.743 0.0822 0.151
70 good_faith 63
0.26 0.0464 0.129
0.447 0.0669 0.0515
71 middl_class 140
0.186 0.0386 0.591
0.101 0.0295 0.0537
72 famili_incom 1
0.319 0.00338 0.00338
0.295 0.0653 0.314
73 health_insur 6
0.217 0.000995 0.00279
0.593 0.0358 0.15
74 insur_premium 0
0.00498 0 0.000597
0.805 0.0366 0.152
75 food_price 4
0.0175 0.00299 0.207
0.624 0.0302 0.118
76 gasolin_price 10
0.00239 0.0115 0.65
0.0466 0.0219 0.267
77 fellow_american 38
0.00199 0.00637 0.208
0.00199 0.0245 0.757
78 creat_job 6
0.000199 0.000199 0.0486
0 0.00975 0.941
79 presid_obama 14
0.00239 0.00139 0.0609
0 0.00915 0.926
80 rais_tax 7
0 0.000597 0.0348
0 0.0101 0.954
81 small_busi 2
0.000199 0 0.0149
0 0.0105 0.974
82 manufactur_job 21
0 0.00657 0.0868
0 0.00876 0.898
83 trillion_dollar 4
0.000597 0.000398 0.0197
0 0.0151 0.964
84 __MONEY___billion 22
0.00378 0.0135 0.0846
0.000398 0.0125 0.885
85 barack_obama 67
0.209 0.114 0.61
0.00119 0.0201 0.046
86 good_job 60
0.0304 0.00995 0.409
0.0328 0.045 0.472
87 creat___NUM__ 15
0 0 0.18
0 0 0.82
88 __NUM___million 0
0.000199 0 0.00677
0 0 0.993
89 north_america 11
0.000199 0 0.0444
0 0 0.955
90 energi_independ 3
0 0.000199 0.0185
0.000199 0 0.981
91 fellow_citizen 22
0.0346 0.0245 0.0921
0.000398 0.000398 0.848
92 trade_agreement 52
0.00219 0.00438 0.262
0.000398 0.0137 0.717
93 balanc_budget 49
0.000398 0.00418 0.205
0 0.0129 0.777
94 small_busi 7
0.000199 0.00517 0.035
0 0.0171 0.942
95 job_growth 5
0 0.00418 0.0257
0.000199 0.0217 0.948
96 small_busi 20
0.000597 0.00239 0.0903
0 0.0215 0.885
97 presid_obama 53
0.00458 0.00279 0.239
0 0.0137 0.74
98 rais_tax 5
0 0.000398 0.0302
0 0.0145 0.955
99 middl_class 3
0 0.000995 0.0173
0 0.0147 0.967
100 presid_obama 30
0.00119 0.0155 0.128
0 0.0137 0.842
101 obama_promis 0
0 0.000199 0.00458
0.000995 0.0293 0.965
102 presid_obama 33
0.0973 0.00338 0.124
0.000995 0.0193 0.755
103 osama_bin_laden 46
0.238 0.000597 0.147
0.0683 0.00119 0.545
104 iran_nuclear 19
0.0394 0.000597 0.0732
0.234 0.00159 0.651
105 tv_interview 5
0.00935 0.000398 0.0263
0.249 0.00199 0.713
106 presid_obama 21
0.0113 0.00119 0.17
0.108 0.00139 0.708
107 missil_defens 30
0.00657 0 0.132
0.0207 0.000199 0.841
108 democrat_ideal 47
0.0752 0 0.0125
0.0185 0.000199 0.894
109 free_world 3
0.0121 0 0.00139
0.0905 0 0.896
110 foreign_polici 10
0.0494 0.000199 0.00318
0.0975 0 0.85
111 greatest_gener 40
0.747 0.000995 0.039
0.116 0 0.0967
112 trillion_dollar 8
0.0314 0.00418 0.22
0.635 0.000597 0.109
113 __NUM___million_peopl 16
0.0826 0.00219 0.0291
0.627 0.00199 0.258
114 develop_world 21
0.0772 0.00199 0.0145
0.68 0.00119 0.225
115 parti_affili 85
0.672 0.00876 0.0549
0.126 0.000199 0.139
116 pledg_allegi 24
0.105 0.000199 0.00119
0.705 0.000597 0.188
117 unit_state 3
0.0372 0 0.000597
0.786 0 0.176
118 elect_presid 150
0.67 0.00637 0.0259
0.295 0 0.00279
119 unit_state 3
0.0277 0.000199 0.000597
0.945 0.00517 0.0213