Mitt Romney

This speech titled 08.14.2012.Chillicothe.OH originally had 2119 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 85 cue terms and an average lag of 21.9. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 good_friend 22
0.884 0.0394 0.0764
0 0 0
2 work_famili 52
0.237 0.032 0.0412
0.637 0.0297 0.0237
3 bu_tour 13
0.0501 0.0161 0.0519
0.763 0.0579 0.0613
4 oval_offic 36
0.166 0.0167 0.261
0.425 0.0498 0.0806
5 nation_secur 23
0.26 0.00458 0.0348
0.471 0.0424 0.187
6 __NUM___job 2
0.00418 0.000199 0.541
0.246 0.0199 0.189
7 north_carolina 7
0.00856 0.00259 0.085
0.194 0.0173 0.693
8 manufactur_job 11
0.00199 0.00318 0.231
0.039 0.0173 0.707
9 middl_class 100
0.00975 0.0283 0.428
0.000597 0.0133 0.52
10 colleg_graduat 88
0.0507 0.0448 0.324
0.000796 0.0291 0.551
11 find_work 2
0.000597 0.00398 0.0197
0.0454 0.0726 0.858
12 good_job 10
0.00517 0.00239 0.0456
0.0406 0.0702 0.836
13 presid_obama 22
0.00637 0.00438 0.128
0.0139 0.0629 0.784
14 trillion_dollar 4
0.00199 0.000597 0.0302
0.0125 0.0633 0.891
15 presid_obama 30
0.00119 0.0617 0.121
0.000796 0.0593 0.756
16 obama_polici 0
0 0.00398 0.00378
0.00159 0.121 0.869
17 presid_obama 63
0.376 0.048 0.122
0.00119 0.105 0.348
18 elect_campaign 3
0.0468 0.0101 0.00776
0.369 0.151 0.416
19 candid_obama 63
0.0549 0.0153 0.453
0.0878 0.0931 0.296
20 small_thing 61
0.0868 0.0199 0.198
0.0925 0.0911 0.511
21 candid_obama 3
0.00915 0.00179 0.0304
0.161 0.107 0.69
22 white_hous 43
0.384 0.0167 0.0754
0.134 0.0913 0.299
23 presid_obama 16
0.0641 0.00697 0.074
0.434 0.101 0.32
24 american_presid 74
0.328 0.0418 0.15
0.27 0.0718 0.138
25 american_histori 20
0.0794 0.00955 0.0722
0.494 0.0961 0.249
26 parti_affili 59
0.415 0.00318 0.0498
0.382 0.00756 0.143
27 pledg_allegi 22
0.105 0.000199 0.000995
0.705 0.000597 0.188
28 unit_state 3
0.041 0 0.000398
0.779 0 0.18
29 nation_futur 47
0.267 0.00438 0.0113
0.602 0 0.115
30 america_face 5
0.145 0.000199 0.000398
0.821 0.00179 0.032
31 paul_ryan 45
0.208 0.0109 0.0563
0.722 0.00119 0.000995
32 econom_growth 17
0.00219 0.0267 0.882
0.0201 0.0107 0.0585
33 share_prosper 5
0.000796 0.00179 0.0334
0.0165 0.0358 0.912
34 fellow_citizen 8
0.00517 0.000995 0.0426
0.0123 0.0354 0.903
35 middl_class 6
0.00119 0.000796 0.0348
0.0117 0.032 0.919
36 countri_back 10
0.0173 0.00139 0.0492
0.0123 0.0279 0.892
37 creat___NUM__ 19
0 0.000199 0.13
0 0.000199 0.87
38 __NUM___million 0
0 0 0.00438
0 0.000398 0.995
39 middl_class 12
0 0 0.0521
0 0 0.948
40 class_famili 0
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
41 energi_independ 9
0 0 0.0406
0 0 0.959
42 north_america 4
0 0 0.0221
0 0 0.978
43 energi_independ 1
0 0 0.00736
0 0 0.993
44 nuclear_power 21
0.000199 0.000199 0.0951
0 0 0.904
45 bring_back 16
0.00139 0.000597 0.0752
0 0.000199 0.923
46 manufactur_job 1
0.00119 0.00139 0.00756
0.00119 0.000597 0.988
47 public_educ 24
0.141 0.00318 0.0989
0.00259 0.000398 0.754
48 union_boss 11
0.0203 0.00219 0.128
0.0573 0.00318 0.789
49 creat_job 44
0 0.000398 0.265
0.000995 0 0.733
50 american_worker 8
0 0.000199 0.045
0.000199 0.000398 0.954
51 latin_america 9
0 0.00975 0.0422
0 0.000597 0.947
52 middl_class 7
0.000796 0.000199 0.0336
0 0.00975 0.956
53 cut_spend 46
0.00677 0.00199 0.201
0.000199 0.00358 0.787
54 balanc_budget 12
0 0.000597 0.128
0.000199 0.00299 0.868
55 small_busi 6
0 0 0.0878
0 0.00179 0.91
56 presid_obama 2
0 0 0.0119
0 0.00139 0.987
57 rais_tax 4
0 0 0.0211
0 0.00139 0.978
58 small_busi 2
0.000597 0.000398 0.0135
0 0.00119 0.984
59 repeal_obamacar 31
0.000199 0 0.135
0 0 0.865
60 __MONEY___billion 23
0 0 0.0137
0 0 0.986
61 trust_fund 6
0.0123 0.000199 0.00159
0 0 0.986
62 care_system 29
0.0704 0.000199 0.00736
0.0107 0.000199 0.911
63 health_care 11
0.0492 0 0.0149
0.0736 0 0.862
64 small_busi 36
0.000597 0.00279 0.957
0.000398 0 0.0394
65 america_economi 2
0 0 0.0159
0 0.00139 0.983
66 middl_class 16
0.000199 0.000398 0.0724
0 0.00139 0.926
67 __NUM___year 15
0.00279 0.000796 0.0774
0 0.000995 0.918
68 privat_sector 12
0 0 0.0613
0.000199 0 0.939
69 creat_job 2
0 0 0.0113
0.000199 0 0.988
70 make_america 22
0.105 0.000995 0.0991
0 0 0.795
71 point_plan 17
0.041 0.0261 0.074
0.078 0.000995 0.78
72 class_american 14
0.0253 0.00716 0.0977
0.0758 0.0247 0.769
73 presid_obama 19
0.364 0.00458 0.0436
0.0901 0.0207 0.477
74 free_men 13
0.469 0 0.00677
0.43 0.000796 0.0933
75 work_hard 8
0.0496 0 0.0243
0.84 0.000597 0.086
76 american_peopl 56
0.167 0.000398 0.298
0.462 0 0.0728
77 pursu_happi 52
0.00577 0.00119 0.697
0.0117 0 0.284
78 __NUM___dai 71
0.927 0.00856 0.0157
0.0121 0 0.0362
79 paul_ryan 32
0.191 0.00418 0.000398
0.797 0.00657 0.00159
80 singl_dai 21
0.0931 0.0195 0.00438
0.872 0.0101 0.000597
81 __NUM___dai 62
0.282 0.00199 0.0372
0.669 0.00896 0.000597
82 presid_obama 34
0.152 0.0295 0.0637
0.727 0.00915 0.0189
83 year_ago 2
0.0167 0.00159 0.00398
0.864 0.0376 0.0764
84 god_bless 27
0.238 0 0
0.762 0 0.000199
85 unit_state 6
0.033 0 0.000398
0.966 0 0.000199