Mitt Romney

This speech titled 08.11.2012.Norfolk.VA originally had 893 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 50 cue terms and an average lag of 15.3. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 step_forward 33
0.991 0.00776 0.00139
0 0 0
2 move_forward 10
0.0541 0.000199 0.00139
0.94 0.00358 0.000398
3 run_mate 22
0.114 0.000199 0.00159
0.883 0.000597 0.000398
4 vice_presid 4
0.0293 0 0
0.971 0 0
5 unit_state 3
0.0195 0 0
0.98 0 0
6 paul_ryan 2
0.0147 0 0
0.985 0 0
7 larg_part 24
0.112 0.000597 0.00179
0.886 0 0
8 earli_life 3
0.0147 0.000199 0
0.985 0.000199 0
9 father_di 2
0.00637 0 0
0.994 0 0
10 high_school 5
0.0123 0 0.000199
0.987 0 0
11 young_man 10
0.0223 0.000597 0.000796
0.976 0 0
12 work_ethic 35
0.515 0.00279 0.0239
0.459 0 0
13 paul_ryan 4
0.182 0.00597 0.00458
0.792 0.00259 0.0125
14 person_attack 63
0.224 0.0165 0.0458
0.697 0.00697 0.00915
15 paul_ryan 2
0.0428 0.000199 0.000398
0.912 0.0135 0.031
16 public_life 62
0.239 0.00816 0.0285
0.712 0.00577 0.00597
17 human_life 55
0.327 0.000199 0.00677
0.66 0.000199 0.00617
18 paul_ryan 6
0.256 0.000199 0.000597
0.743 0 0.000995
19 republican_parti 8
0.0951 0 0
0.905 0 0
20 challeng_face 5
0.0285 0.000199 0.000796
0.971 0 0
21 paul_ryan 22
0.112 0.000398 0.00119
0.886 0 0
22 america_futur 19
0.0967 0 0.0191
0.883 0 0.000796
23 american_peopl 10
0.0519 0.000199 0.00577
0.928 0 0.0141
24 common_ground 50
0.233 0.000398 0.0117
0.754 0 0.00119
25 american_peopl 9
0.0398 0 0.11
0.837 0 0.0137
26 econom_growth 30
0.00239 0.0376 0.832
0.0185 0.000199 0.109
27 share_prosper 5
0.000398 0.000995 0.0231
0.0169 0.0372 0.921
28 fellow_citizen 10
0.00517 0.000398 0.0515
0.0125 0.0352 0.895
29 middl_class 6
0.00119 0.000398 0.0306
0.0121 0.0312 0.924
30 countri_back 10
0.0181 0.000796 0.0416
0.0135 0.0275 0.899
31 creat___NUM__ 20
0 0 0.148
0 0 0.852
32 __NUM___million 0
0 0 0.00517
0 0 0.995
33 middl_class 11
0 0 0.0561
0 0 0.944
34 class_famili 0
0 0 0.00438
0 0 0.996
35 middl_class 4
0.000398 0.000398 0.0229
0 0 0.976
36 small_busi 29
0.000199 0.000199 0.131
0 0.000199 0.868
37 energi_resourc 8
0 0 0.041
0 0 0.959
38 north_american 3
0 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
39 american_energi 0
0 0 0.00637
0 0 0.994
40 energi_independ 0
0 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
41 middl_class 52
0.000796 0.00498 0.23
0 0 0.764
42 __MONEY___billion 11
0 0.00139 0.0535
0 0.00478 0.94
43 social_secur 9
0.000796 0.00219 0.00478
0 0.00597 0.986
44 american_polit 47
0.908 0.0255 0.00915
0.000597 0.00637 0.0505
45 american_ideal 20
0.107 0.0149 0.0888
0.752 0.0269 0.0101
46 bring_peopl 3
0.0868 0.0259 0
0.841 0.0426 0.00378
47 problem_face 6
0.0344 0.00398 0.000995
0.895 0.0645 0.00119
48 vice_presid 38
0.259 0 0
0.74 0.000398 0
49 unit_state 3
0.0187 0 0
0.981 0 0
50 paul_ryan 2
0.0133 0 0.000597
0.986 0 0