Mitt Romney

This speech titled 04.13.2012.StLouis.MO originally had 3045 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 103 cue terms and an average lag of 26.3. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 nation_rifl 29
0.42 0.0247 0.556
0 0 0
2 __NUM___dai 41
0.56 0.00398 0.0147
0.359 0.00239 0.0603
3 polit_parti 87
0.369 0.00259 0.00179
0.623 0.000398 0.00358
4 big_issu 30
0.112 0.00358 0.00597
0.872 0.00119 0.00478
5 harri_truman 31
0.129 0.00139 0.0155
0.846 0.000796 0.00716
6 creat_equal 120
0.206 0.0545 0.449
0.278 0.000199 0.0125
7 founder_understood 55
0.0603 0.0424 0.333
0.196 0.0368 0.332
8 limit_govern 28
0.00657 0.00299 0.486
0.0191 0.0101 0.475
9 barack_obama 53
0.0486 0.084 0.236
0.00657 0.00995 0.615
10 econom_freedom 57
0 0 0.375
0 0 0.625
11 religi_freedom 3
0 0 0.0203
0 0 0.98
12 person_freedom 4
0 0 0.0251
0 0 0.975
13 american_economi 19
0 0 0.0979
0 0 0.902
14 free_peopl 5
0 0 0.0281
0 0 0.972
15 free_enterpris 3
0.000199 0 0.0223
0 0 0.978
16 obama_administr 8
0.00179 0 0.0428
0.000199 0 0.955
17 econom_freedom 4
0.000398 0 0.0243
0.00179 0 0.974
18 tax_hike 33
0.179 0.00279 0.131
0.00279 0 0.684
19 free_economi 15
0.539 0.00139 0.0193
0.17 0.000398 0.27
20 nation_secur 13
0.0925 0.000995 0.0167
0.672 0.000398 0.218
21 presid_obama 18
0.0607 0.00139 0.221
0.598 0.000796 0.118
22 margin_tax_rate 5
0.0173 0 0.0438
0.622 0.00119 0.315
23 vice_presid 8
0.254 0.00279 0.00617
0.62 0.000995 0.115
24 medic_devic 8
0.0267 0.0205 0.0965
0.736 0.00358 0.117
25 econom_freedom 58
0.00358 0 0.892
0.00796 0 0.0965
26 busi_owner 50
0.00458 0.00199 0.246
0.000995 0 0.746
27 financi_institut 8
0.000398 0 0.0535
0.00299 0.00139 0.942
28 presid_obama 5
0.00139 0.000199 0.0316
0.00119 0.000796 0.965
29 econom_freedom 14
0.000199 0 0.085
0.000199 0.000199 0.914
30 natur_ga 24
0.000398 0 0.112
0.000199 0 0.888
31 presid_obama 48
0.0143 0.00279 0.229
0 0 0.754
32 feder_employe 8
0.00318 0.00119 0.0448
0.00955 0.00239 0.939
33 american_dream 13
0.974 0.00139 0.00119
0.0175 0.000398 0.00517
34 america_greatest 11
0.0476 0 0
0.952 0 0
35 success_stori 1
0.00517 0 0
0.995 0 0
36 good_idea 11
0.039 0.00458 0
0.956 0 0
37 highwai_system 74
0.278 0.00119 0.00179
0.715 0.00358 0
38 largest_citi 51
0.186 0.0171 0.00816
0.787 0.000995 0
39 high_school 5
0.00716 0.000995 0.000995
0.967 0.0169 0.00677
40 econom_growth 62
0.000597 0.0314 0.958
0.00219 0.00219 0.00517
41 job_growth 2
0.000199 0.000796 0.0197
0.00139 0.0332 0.945
42 rais_tax 109
0.000199 0.000199 0.504
0 0.000597 0.495
43 econom_freedom 30
0.000398 0 0.162
0 0 0.837
44 obama_administr 5
0 0 0.0302
0.000398 0 0.969
45 religi_freedom 8
0.00259 0.000995 0.0436
0.000199 0 0.953
46 govern_claim 16
0.0133 0.0561 0.0601
0.00199 0.000995 0.867
47 suprem_court 40
0.0259 0.047 0.0304
0.00876 0.0521 0.836
48 court_reject 0
0 0.000597 0.00498
0.0306 0.0975 0.866
49 obama_administr 2
0.00199 0.000597 0.0484
0.0223 0.0718 0.855
50 insur_plan 34
0.0352 0.000597 0.0704
0.0181 0.0161 0.86
51 presid_obama 7
0.00179 0.000199 0.0115
0.0519 0.0159 0.919
52 insur_plan 10
0.00239 0.000199 0.00955
0.0513 0.0157 0.921
53 feder_govern 23
0.0237 0 0.0265
0.0426 0.00159 0.906
54 religi_group 5
0.00537 0.000398 0.258
0.0398 0 0.697
55 cathol_church 27
0.0299 0.00318 0.18
0.03 0 0.756
56 presid_obama 36
0.0169 0.000597 0.439
0.0139 0 0.53
57 religi_freedom 8
0.00179 0.000199 0.0667
0.0157 0 0.916
58 religi_group 13
0.00876 0.000597 0.0525
0.0139 0 0.924
59 religi_freedom 22
0.00139 0.000199 0.232
0.00418 0 0.762
60 person_freedom 3
0 0 0.037
0 0.000199 0.963
61 __NUM___amend 20
0.00617 0 0.0758
0 0 0.918
62 feder_govern 18
0.045 0.000398 0.0117
0.00557 0 0.937
63 suprem_court 21
0.147 0.0111 0.0103
0.046 0.000199 0.786
64 health_care 9
0.0295 0 0.0279
0.177 0.00199 0.764
65 govern_interfer 11
0.00139 0.00159 0.616
0.0111 0.000796 0.369
66 person_freedom 2
0 0 0.265
0 0 0.735
67 small_busi 4
0.000597 0.000199 0.0702
0 0 0.929
68 obama_administr 73
0.00338 0.00677 0.336
0 0 0.654
69 suprem_court_rule 3
0.00119 0.000597 0.0211
0.00279 0.00657 0.968
70 bear_arm 28
0.00915 0.0137 0.172
0.000398 0.00537 0.799
71 hard_time 13
0.0249 0.0446 0.073
0.00716 0.0149 0.835
72 attornei_gener 80
0.623 0.0354 0.109
0.0177 0.034 0.181
73 gun_owner 24
0.0442 0.0231 0.309
0.347 0.0486 0.228
74 presid_obama 1
0.0109 0.00159 0.0125
0.378 0.0702 0.527
75 good_idea 163
0.723 0.0921 0.00517
0.159 0.0193 0.00179
76 presid_obama 4
0.0173 0.0265 0.00896
0.83 0.111 0.00637
77 suprem_court 7
0.0245 0.0774 0.00577
0.747 0.137 0.00776
78 democrat_elect 48
0.0671 0.0951 0.382
0.277 0.173 0.00677
79 presid_obama 6
0.0117 0.0304 0.0569
0.277 0.263 0.361
80 obama_call 0
0.000597 0.0107 0.00697
0.277 0.294 0.411
81 judici_review 15
0.0181 0.591 0.00179
0.0561 0.306 0.0271
82 constitut_system 10
0.00199 0.0117 0.000398
0.0708 0.888 0.0273
83 judici_review 3
0.00159 0.00219 0.000398
0.0718 0.897 0.0269
84 suprem_court 4
0.0283 0.00338 0.00458
0.0702 0.871 0.0227
85 found_document 11
0.00498 0.0115 0.205
0.0478 0.708 0.0227
86 presid_obama 9
0.0155 0.0169 0.0273
0.0426 0.694 0.204
87 court_decis 5
0.00239 0.125 0.00577
0.0414 0.708 0.117
88 highest_court 20
0.00179 0.102 0.00498
0.0231 0.814 0.0537
89 origin_intent 16
0.00219 0.0531 0.00517
0.0183 0.902 0.0191
90 barack_obama 2
0.00478 0.00458 0.00239
0.0183 0.951 0.0189
91 suprem_court 51
0.199 0.035 0.0227
0.0205 0.718 0.00498
92 nation_great 78
0.159 0.0183 0.553
0.0796 0.177 0.0131
93 great_american 5
0.0374 0 0.195
0.207 0.0163 0.544
94 american_experi 0
0.00139 0.000597 0.0458
0.197 0.0119 0.743
95 million_american 29
0.0175 0.0997 0.183
0.0587 0.00955 0.632
96 state_trooper 114
0.000796 0.905 0.00318
0 0.0896 0.00119
97 polic_car 53
0 0.0565 0
0 0.943 0
98 peopl_walk 14
0.000199 0.0157 0
0 0.984 0
99 singl_person 27
0.0243 0.0247 0.000199
0.000398 0.95 0
100 great_nation 73
0.962 0.000597 0.00537
0.0221 0.00975 0
101 long_ago 55
0.214 0.000199 0.00279
0.782 0.000398 0.000199
102 god_bless 94
0.36 0 0
0.64 0 0
103 unit_state 7
0.0281 0 0.000796
0.971 0 0