Rick Perry

This speech titled 2011.09.30.remarks_to_the_georgia_public_policy_foundation_in_atlanta originally had 1450 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 68 cue terms and an average lag of 18.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 unit_state 14
0.0243 0.000597 0.975
0 0 0
2 intellig_commun 3
0.21 0.000597 0.0257
0.046 0 0.718
3 presid_obama 3
0.198 0.00119 0.0183
0.266 0.000199 0.516
4 anwar_al 29
0.0354 0.0213 0.386
0.16 0.00159 0.395
5 ten_year 12
0.00318 0.00179 0.303
0.0348 0.00318 0.654
6 intellig_servic 12
0.0279 0.00318 0.0957
0.0302 0.00239 0.841
7 fort_hood 55
0.0151 0.0107 0.386
0.00617 0.00159 0.58
8 public_polici 57
0.00358 0.00219 0.422
0.00139 0.000398 0.571
9 white_hous 30
0.00896 0.00179 0.101
0.00239 0 0.886
10 conserv_movement 18
0.00398 0.000597 0.0579
0.00517 0.000199 0.932
11 america_todai 2
0.00378 0 0.0464
0.00537 0 0.944
12 home_state 78
0.000796 0.000199 0.715
0 0 0.284
13 public_polici 26
0.00557 0.00199 0.169
0.000398 0 0.823
14 america_todai 29
0.0352 0.00139 0.115
0.00358 0.000199 0.844
15 feder_govern 22
0.00299 0.0253 0.634
0.00139 0.000398 0.336
16 nanni_state 4
0 0 0.0778
0.000597 0 0.922
17 free_enterpris 8
0.0474 0.000796 0.0649
0.00139 0 0.886
18 central_planner 10
0.0169 0.000199 0.0561
0.042 0 0.885
19 creat_job 13
0.0235 0 0.0378
0.0527 0 0.886
20 stimulu_plan 9
0.000199 0 0.0854
0.00378 0 0.911
21 half_million 6
0 0 0.00816
0 0 0.992
22 million_job 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
23 half_million 13
0 0 0.00338
0 0 0.997
24 million_job 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
25 candid_obama 5
0.00199 0.00677 0.0181
0 0 0.973
26 same_thing 45
0.0535 0.531 0.0804
0.000597 0.00637 0.329
27 american_worker 28
0.0131 0.465 0.000796
0.00736 0.509 0.00498
28 american_enterpris 2
0.000597 0.0109 0.000995
0.0145 0.968 0.00517
29 tax_relief 22
0 0.0577 0
0 0.942 0
30 tax_hike 5
0 0.0123 0
0 0.988 0
31 tax_relief 28
0.000597 0.0583 0
0 0.941 0
32 regulatori_burden 9
0.461 0.00756 0.0239
0.0611 0.443 0.00338
33 administr_polici 3
0.353 0 0.000199
0.638 0.00776 0.000398
34 obama_administr 4
0.0277 0 0.000995
0.971 0.000199 0.000398
35 __MONEY___billion 10
0.0442 0.000796 0.0492
0.901 0.000199 0.00458
36 communist_countri 29
0.00537 0.0263 0.863
0.044 0.00219 0.0595
37 red_tape 4
0.00119 0.00796 0.0531
0.0215 0.0259 0.89
38 time_job 32
0.000199 0.169 0.0888
0.000199 0.0316 0.711
39 million_american 4
0 0.00259 0.00318
0 0.197 0.797
40 food_stamp 3
0.000597 0.00179 0.00856
0.000199 0.185 0.804
41 home_state 42
0.00119 0.00139 0.893
0 0.00199 0.102
42 credit_rate 17
0.00557 0.000199 0.174
0.000398 0.000199 0.82
43 guid_principl 15
0.0623 0.000796 0.11
0.00597 0.000597 0.821
0.0619 0 0.887
45 creat_job 2
0.00358 0 0.00498
0.0822 0 0.909
46 medic_malpractic 10
0.00776 0.00199 0.0718
0.044 0.000199 0.874
47 put_forward 4
0.00577 0.000398 0.2
0.0257 0 0.769
48 econom_damag 11
0.0687 0.0117 0.0438
0.0308 0.000398 0.845
49 pregnant_women 19
0.381 0.0161 0.05
0.0917 0.00378 0.458
50 econom_growth 82
0.599 0.00716 0.0933
0.262 0.000796 0.0374
51 feder_regul 20
0.0416 0.000199 0.408
0.437 0 0.113
52 america_todai 5
0.0125 0.000199 0.034
0.443 0 0.51
53 presid_obama 2
0.045 0.000199 0.0366
0.45 0 0.468
54 feder_regul 26
0.0482 0 0.117
0.396 0 0.44
55 republican_voter 32
0.0197 0.00876 0.386
0.0896 0.000199 0.496
56 spend_spree 17
0.00179 0.00179 0.117
0.0133 0.00498 0.861
57 conserv_principl 17
0.0233 0.00378 0.0621
0.0123 0.00378 0.895
58 higher_premium 17
0.148 0.0217 0.079
0.0334 0.00537 0.712
59 environment_polici 38
0.794 0.00139 0.00995
0.153 0.000199 0.0416
60 creat_job 9
0.0774 0.000199 0.0287
0.879 0.000199 0.0141
61 carbon_emiss 29
0.123 0 0.0318
0.826 0 0.0195
62 power_plant 2
0.0121 0.000199 0.0291
0.904 0 0.0547
63 presid_obama 15
0.122 0.00279 0.0953
0.755 0.000398 0.0239
64 big_govern 40
0.144 0.161 0.0119
0.672 0.00438 0.00756
65 republican_primari 11
0.0396 0.0213 0.0474
0.73 0.143 0.0183
66 execut_order 79
0.306 0.043 0.15
0.447 0.044 0.00995
67 countri_back 20
0 0.000199 0.843
0.000995 0.00179 0.154
68 god_bless 16
0.000597 0 0.134
0 0 0.865