John McCain

This speech titled 2008.09.16.interview_with_kiran_chetry_on_cnns_american_morning originally had 1334 tokens. You can view the original text here.

chetri __PUNCT__ and senat_john john_mccain join us now __PUNCT__

thank so much for be with us thi morn __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ your oppon barack_obama seiz on the comment that you made yesterdai __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ i want to ask you thi morn __PUNCT__ what did you mean when you said the fundament of the economi ar strong __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__

john_mccain __PUNCT__ r __PUNCT__ presidenti_candid __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what i obvious wa sai __PUNCT__ and i believ is the american_worker __PUNCT__ the most product __PUNCT__ the most innov __PUNCT__ thei ar the fundament of our economi and the strength of it and the reason why we will rebound __PUNCT__

we will come back from thi crisi __PUNCT__

but right now __PUNCT__ we ar the victim of greed __PUNCT__ excess and corrupt in wall_street __PUNCT__ which is hurt them veri __PUNCT__ veri badli and __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ it will in the futur __PUNCT__

but i believ in the american_worker and i believ the american worker is the fundament strength and futur of america __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ you did sai that greed on wall_street wa behind thi situat suggest there should be more oversight __PUNCT__

throughout your record __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ you realli been somebodi who push deregul __PUNCT__

ar you chang your posit on that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ of cours not __PUNCT__

ask ani american_citizen who ha been the victim of a bureaucrat or a bureaucraci __PUNCT__

i said two year_ago that the fanni and freddi thing wa a veri seriou problem and we had to work on it __PUNCT__

and i have alwai oppos greed of wall_street and i know how we can fix thi __PUNCT__

we have to assur everi american that their deposit in a bank is safe __PUNCT__

we have to have a 9/11_commiss __PUNCT__ and we have to fix thi alphabet soup of regulatori_agenc that left over from the 1930 __PUNCT__

we can come back from thi __PUNCT__

it a veri tough crisi and we ar the victim of the violat of the social_contract between capit and the american_citizen __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ when you make __PUNCT__ if you make it into the white_hous and you take a look at thi __PUNCT__ it now in your lap __PUNCT__

what do you propos for smart regul to make sure that busi can still thrive and at the same_time what we saw with the subprim_mortgag mortgag_crisi doesn't happen again __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ we have these regulatori_agenc __PUNCT__ some of them who ar asleep at the switch for the last coupl of year or a few year __PUNCT__ and thei were design for the 1930 __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we have an instantan global_financi situat __PUNCT__ and those agenc have to be consolid and thei have to be given more strength where necessari __PUNCT__

and we have to figur out exactli how it is that we can understand a global_economi where __PUNCT__ what happen in the unit_state of america affect the rest of the world and vice_versa __PUNCT__

but these regulatori_agenc were fine mayb in the 1930 __PUNCT__

teddi_roosevelt said that unfett capit lead to corrupt __PUNCT__

we ar see that now __PUNCT__ and the social_contract ha been broken __PUNCT__

it got to be fix __PUNCT__ and some of that monei ought to be given back __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about thi though when it come to tax_polici __PUNCT__ the non __PUNCT__ partisan tax polici center calcul the middl_class would actual save significantli more under barack_obama tax_plan than your __PUNCT__

how will your tax_cut __PUNCT__ as it break down on incom level __PUNCT__ benefit the work_class and the middl_class __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ senat_obama want to rais_tax __PUNCT__

i not go to rais anybodi tax and the fact is __PUNCT__ that with my health_care_plan where peopl receiv a __MONEY__ refund tax_credit __PUNCT__ that will have a huge impact __PUNCT__

on of the greatest thing that hinder the progress of mani middl __PUNCT__ incom_american and lower incom american is afford and avail health_care __PUNCT__

i will do that __PUNCT__

everi child __PUNCT__ everi child in america __PUNCT__ everi famili with a child will receiv a __MONEY__ refund tax exempt for their children __PUNCT__ and we will continu to make sure that low __PUNCT__ incom and middl __PUNCT__ incom_american have the tax reduct and nobodi ha their tax_increas __PUNCT__

you rais_tax in tough_time and certainli i go to restrain spend in govern __PUNCT__ and senat_obama ha plan for increas_govern govern_spend dramat __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ i want to ask you __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i restrain spend __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about that __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ that the reason why our economi is in troubl todai __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ most of our independ economist sai that barack_obama is actual cut_tax for about __NUM__ percent of american __PUNCT__

do you agre with that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar tax __PUNCT__ mani american ar not pai_tax at all __PUNCT__

but the point is __PUNCT__ that keep tax low and restrain spend __PUNCT__ he want to increas and ha vote for consist increas in spend __PUNCT__

he ha vote for __PUNCT__ in the senat __PUNCT__ rais_tax on peopl that make as low as __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__

so he been all over the map on thi __PUNCT__ and he ha consist vote to rais tax as well as payrol_tax __PUNCT__ as well as other __PUNCT__

and i not for that __PUNCT__ and that my record __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about the current financi_crisi __PUNCT__

we talk about billion_dollar bailout that the govern_fund __PUNCT__

we talk about a grow nation_debt __PUNCT__

is it realist to even promis tax_cut right now __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think the worst_thing you can do is promis tax_increas __PUNCT__

i think if you increas american tax right now __PUNCT__ no matter who thei ar __PUNCT__ it will be a harm blow to an alreadi veri __PUNCT__ veri seriou situat __PUNCT__

and i am commit to keep tax low and restrain spend __PUNCT__

it not tax that ha caus a lot of the problem __PUNCT__

it ha been out of control_spend __PUNCT__

i have fought to control spend __PUNCT__

i have fought against earmark and pork barrel project __PUNCT__

senat_obama ha ask for __MONEY___million of earmark project and pork barrel project __PUNCT__ chetri __PUNCT__ let me just as you __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i never ask for on __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ becaus you have made thi a centerpiec of your campaign __PUNCT__ fight against earmark __PUNCT__ pork barrel spend __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ your bottom of the ticket __PUNCT__ sarah_palin __PUNCT__ the governor of alaska __PUNCT__ also ask for million upon million of dollar in earmark __PUNCT__ includ in budget __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ how do you squar that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ she ha cut and veto mani __PUNCT__ mani bill __PUNCT__

a half a billion_dollar worth __PUNCT__

she ha cut_spend __PUNCT__ she ha return monei to the tax payer __PUNCT__

i proud of her record as oppos __PUNCT__ includ the bridg to nowher in alaska __PUNCT__ and she understand veri well the necess of elimin these earmark and she done a great job of veto these bill that have come across her desk as governor __PUNCT__

she do that in washington __PUNCT__

we chang thing and we shake them up __PUNCT__

chetri __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__ thank for join us todai __PUNCT__

great talk to you __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank for have me on __PUNCT__