John McCain

This speech titled 2008.07.16.remarks_at_the_99th_annual_convention_of_the_naacp_in_cincinnati_ohio originally had 3151 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

julian bond __PUNCT__ denni courtland hay __PUNCT__ roslyn brock __PUNCT__ i appreci your kind invit __PUNCT__ and thi warm welcom to the naacp __PUNCT__

thi is your second invit to me dure my presidenti_campaign __PUNCT__ and i hope you excus me for pass on the opportun at your convent last year __PUNCT__

as you might recal __PUNCT__ i wa a bit distract at the time deal with what report uncharit describ as an implos in my campaign __PUNCT__

but i veri glad you invit me again __PUNCT__

let me begin with a few word about my oppon __PUNCT__

don't tell him i said thi __PUNCT__ but he is an impress fellow in mani wai __PUNCT__

he ha inspir a great mani american __PUNCT__ some of whom had wrongli believ that a polit_campaign could hold no purpos or mean for them __PUNCT__

hi success should make american __PUNCT__ all american __PUNCT__ proud __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ i would prefer hi success not continu quit as long as he hope __PUNCT__

but it make me proud to know the countri i love and serv all my life is still a work in progress __PUNCT__ and alwai improv __PUNCT__

senat_obama talk about make histori __PUNCT__ and he made quit a bit of it alreadi __PUNCT__

and the wai wa prepar by thi vener organ and other like it __PUNCT__

a few year befor the naacp wa found __PUNCT__ presid theodor_roosevelt invit of booker t __PUNCT__ washington to dine at the white_hous wa taken as an outrag and an insult in mani quarter __PUNCT__

america_todai is a world awai from the cruel and pride bigotri of that time __PUNCT__

there is no better evid of thi than the nomin of an african __PUNCT__ american to be the presidenti_nomine of hi parti __PUNCT__

whatev the outcom in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha achiev a great_thing __PUNCT__ for himself and for hi countri __PUNCT__ and i thank him for it __PUNCT__

as our countri ha chang these past few decad __PUNCT__ so have mani of your debat within the naacp __PUNCT__ and within other civil __PUNCT__ right organ __PUNCT__

in the dai of separ lunch_counter __PUNCT__ bullhorn __PUNCT__ and fire hose __PUNCT__ the mission wa hard and danger __PUNCT__ but it wa easili defin __PUNCT__

the advanc of african_american meant equal_protect under law __PUNCT__ in a countri where the law had simpli codifi injustic __PUNCT__

that caus requir the enorm courag and commit of gener __PUNCT__ and a determin to hold thi nation to it own creed __PUNCT__

you know better than i do how differ the challeng ar todai for those who champion the caus of equal_opportun in america __PUNCT__

equal access to public_educ ha been gain __PUNCT__

but what is the valu of access to a fail school __PUNCT__ equal employ opportun is set firmli down in law __PUNCT__

but with job becom scarcer __PUNCT__ and __NUM__ american thrown out of work just thi year __PUNCT__ that can amount to an equal share of diminish opportun __PUNCT__

for year __PUNCT__ busi ownership by african_american ha been grow rapidli __PUNCT__

thi is all to the good __PUNCT__ but that hope trend is threaten in a struggl economi __PUNCT__ with the cost of energi __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ and just about everyth els rise sharpli __PUNCT__

as in other challeng african_american have met and overcom __PUNCT__ these problem requir clariti of purpos __PUNCT__

thei requir the solidar of group like the naacp __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ at time __PUNCT__ thei also requir a willing to break from convent think __PUNCT__

nowher ar the limit of convent think ani more appar than in educ_polici __PUNCT__

educ_reform ha long been a prioriti of the naacp __PUNCT__ and for good reason __PUNCT__

for all the best effort of teacher and administr __PUNCT__ the worst problem of our public_school_system ar often found in black_commun __PUNCT__

black and latino student ar among the most like to drop out of high_school __PUNCT__

african_american ar also among the least like to go on to colleg __PUNCT__

after decad of hear the same big promis from the public_educ establish __PUNCT__ and see the same poor result __PUNCT__ it is sure time to shake off old wai and to demand new reform __PUNCT__

that isn't just my opinion __PUNCT__ it is the convict of parent in poor neighborhood across thi nation who want better live for their children __PUNCT__

in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ the opportun scholarship program serv more than __NUM__ boi and girl from famili with an averag_incom of __NUM___dollar a year __PUNCT__

and more than __NUM__ more famili have appli for that program __PUNCT__

what thei all have in common is the desir to get their kid into a better school __PUNCT__

democrat in congress __PUNCT__ includ my oppon __PUNCT__ oppos the d.c __PUNCT__ opportun scholarship program __PUNCT__

in remark to the american_feder of teacher last weekend __PUNCT__ senat_obama dismiss public_support for privat_school voucher for low __PUNCT__ incom_american as __PUNCT__ tire rhetor about voucher and school_choic __PUNCT__

all of that went over well with the teacher_union __PUNCT__ but where doe it leav famili and their children who ar stuck in fail school __PUNCT__ over the year __PUNCT__ american have heard a lot of __PUNCT__ tire rhetor __PUNCT__ about educ __PUNCT__

we heard it in the endless excus of peopl who seem more concern about their own posit than about our children __PUNCT__

we heard it from politician who accept the statu_quo rather than stand up for real chang in our public_school __PUNCT__

parent ask onli for school that ar safe __PUNCT__ teacher who ar compet __PUNCT__ and diploma that open_door of opportun __PUNCT__

when a public system fail __PUNCT__ repeatedli __PUNCT__ to meet these minim object __PUNCT__ parent ask onli for a choic in the educ of their children __PUNCT__

some parent mai choos a better public_school __PUNCT__

some mai choos a privat_school __PUNCT__

mani will choos a charter_school __PUNCT__

no entrench bureaucraci or union should deni parent that choic and children that opportun __PUNCT__

we should also offer more choic to those who wish to becom teacher __PUNCT__

mani thousand of highli qualifi men and women have great knowledg __PUNCT__ wisdom __PUNCT__ and experi to offer public_school school_student __PUNCT__

but a monopoli on teacher certif prevent them from get that chanc __PUNCT__

you can be a nobel_laureat and not qualifi to teach in most public_school todai __PUNCT__

thei don't have all the proper credit in educ __PUNCT__ theori __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ methodolog __PUNCT__ all thei have is learn and the desir and abil to share it __PUNCT__

if we put the interest of student first __PUNCT__ then those qualif should be enough __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ school_choic for all who want it __PUNCT__ an expans of opportun scholarship __PUNCT__ and altern certif for teacher will all be part of a seriou agenda of educ_reform __PUNCT__

i will target fund to recruit teacher who graduat in the top___NUM___percent of their class __PUNCT__ or who particip in an altern teacher recruit program such as teach for america __PUNCT__ the american board for teacher excel __PUNCT__ and the new teacher project __PUNCT__

we will pai bonus to teacher who take on the challeng of work in our most troubl school __PUNCT__ becaus we need their fine mind and good heart to help turn those school around __PUNCT__

we will award bonus as well to our highest __PUNCT__ achiev teacher __PUNCT__

and no longer will we measur teacher achiev by conform to process __PUNCT__

we will measur it by the success of their student __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ the fund for these bonus will not be control by farawai offici __PUNCT__ in washington __PUNCT__ in a state_capit __PUNCT__ or even in a district offic __PUNCT__

under my reform __PUNCT__ we will entrust both the fund and the respons where thei belong in the offic of the school princip __PUNCT__

on reason that charter_school ar so success __PUNCT__ and so sought __PUNCT__ after by parent __PUNCT__ is that princip have spend discret __PUNCT__

and i intend to give that same discret to public_school princip __PUNCT__

no longer will monei be spent in servic to rigid and often meaningless formula __PUNCT__

reli on the good judgment and first __PUNCT__ hand knowledg of school princip __PUNCT__ educ monei will be spent in servic to public school_student __PUNCT__

we can also help more children and young_adult to studi outsid of school by expand support for virtual learn __PUNCT__

so i propos to direct __NUM___million million_dollar in current feder_fund to build new virtual school __PUNCT__ and to support the develop of onlin cours for student __PUNCT__

through competit grant __PUNCT__ we will alloc anoth __NUM___million million_dollar to support state program expand onlin_educ opportun __PUNCT__ includ the creation of new public virtual charter_school __PUNCT__

state can us these fund to build virtual math and scienc academi to help expand the avail of advanc placement math __PUNCT__ scienc __PUNCT__ and comput scienc cours __PUNCT__ onlin tutor __PUNCT__ and foreign languag cours __PUNCT__

under my reform __PUNCT__ moreov __PUNCT__ parent will exercis freedom of choic in obtain extra help for children who ar fall behind __PUNCT__

as it is __PUNCT__ feder_aid to parent for tutor for their children ha to go through anoth bureaucraci __PUNCT__

thei can't purchas the tutor directli __PUNCT__ without have to deal with the same educ establish that fail their children in the first place __PUNCT__

these needless restrict will be remov __PUNCT__ under my reform __PUNCT__

if a student need extra help __PUNCT__ parent will be abl to sign them up to get it __PUNCT__ with direct public_support __PUNCT__

over the year __PUNCT__ the naacp ha brought enorm good into the life of our countri __PUNCT__ in part by broaden the reach of econom_opportun __PUNCT__

there wa a time when economist took littl if ani notic at all of the poverti of black_commun __PUNCT__

even in time of gener econom_growth __PUNCT__ mani live in a perpetu recess __PUNCT__ and the job avail didn't promis much upward_mobil __PUNCT__

our countri still ha a lot of progress to make on thi score __PUNCT__

but with __NUM___million busi todai own and oper by african_american __PUNCT__ more and more ar no longer just spectat on the prosper of our countri __PUNCT__

thei ar stakehold __PUNCT__

as much as anyon els __PUNCT__ thei count on their govern to help creat the condit of econom_growth __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i intend to do __PUNCT__

senat_obama and i have fundament differ on econom_polici __PUNCT__

but when he describ my plan __PUNCT__ i not sure hi heart is alwai in it __PUNCT__ so let me have a go at it myself __PUNCT__

i believ that in a troubl economi __PUNCT__ when folk ar struggl to afford the necess of life __PUNCT__ higher_tax ar the last thing we need __PUNCT__

the economi isn't hurt becaus worker and busi ar under __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__

rais_tax elimin job __PUNCT__ hurt small_busi __PUNCT__ and delai econom_recoveri __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ we will preserv the current low_rate as thei ar __PUNCT__ so busi larg and small can hire more peopl __PUNCT__

we will doubl the person exempt from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ for everi depend __PUNCT__ in everi famili in america __PUNCT__

we will offer everi individu and famili a larg tax_credit to bui their health_care __PUNCT__ so that their health_insur is their to keep even when thei move or chang job __PUNCT__

and we will lower the busi tax_rate __PUNCT__ so american_compani open new plant and creat more job in thi countri __PUNCT__ instead of go oversea to flee the second __PUNCT__ highest tax_rate in the world __PUNCT__

my oppon and i have honest differ as well about the growth of govern __PUNCT__

and it mai be that mani of you share hi view __PUNCT__

but even allow for disagr __PUNCT__ sure there is common_ground in the principl that govern cannot go on forev spend recklessli and incur debt __PUNCT__

govern ha grown by __NUM__ percent in the last eight year __PUNCT__ becaus the congress and thi administr have fail to meet their respons __PUNCT__

and next year __PUNCT__ total feder expenditur ar predict to reach over three trillion_dollar __PUNCT__

that is an aw_lot for us to be spend when thi nation is alreadi more than nine trillion_dollar in debt __PUNCT__ or more than thirti_thousand thousand_dollar in debt for everi citizen __PUNCT__

that a debt our govern_plan to leav for your children and mine to bear __PUNCT__

and that is a failur not onli of financi foresight __PUNCT__ but of moral_oblig __PUNCT__

there will come a dai when the road reach a dead __PUNCT__ end __PUNCT__

and it won't be todai politician who suffer the consequ __PUNCT__

it will be american_worker and their children who ar left with worthless promis and trillion __PUNCT__ dollar debt __PUNCT__

we cannot let that happen __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i work with everi member of congress __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ and independ __PUNCT__ who share my commit to reform govern and control_spend __PUNCT__

i order a top __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ bottom review of everi feder_program __PUNCT__ depart __PUNCT__ and agenc __PUNCT__

we go to demand_account __PUNCT__

we go to make sure fail program ar not reward __PUNCT__ and that discretionari_spend is go where it belong __PUNCT__ to essenti prioriti like job_train __PUNCT__ the secur of our citizen __PUNCT__ and the care of our veteran __PUNCT__

to get our economi run at full strength again __PUNCT__ we must also get a handl on the cost of energi __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ we will produc more of america own energi __PUNCT__

we will build at least __NUM__ nuclear_plant that will creat over __NUM__ good_job to construct and oper them __PUNCT__

we will develop clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ which alon will creat ten of thousand of job in some of america most hard __PUNCT__ press area __PUNCT__

we will acceler the develop of wind and solar_power and other renew technolog __PUNCT__ and we will help automak design and sell car that don't depend on gasolin __PUNCT__

product of hybrid __PUNCT__ flex __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ and electr_car will bring america closer to energi_independ __PUNCT__

and it will bring job to auto plant __PUNCT__ part manufactur __PUNCT__ and the commun that support them __PUNCT__

our countri is pass through a veri tough_time __PUNCT__

but american have been through wors __PUNCT__ and beaten longer odd __PUNCT__

the men and women of the naacp know more than most about face long odd __PUNCT__ and overcom advers __PUNCT__

mani of you ar veteran of the great civil right struggl of a gener and more ago __PUNCT__

like my friend john lewi __PUNCT__ some of you have seen enough year to have known martin_luther_king __PUNCT__ jr __PUNCT__ and even march at hi side or not far behind in birmingham __PUNCT__ montgomeri __PUNCT__ or elsewher __PUNCT__

for all of thi __PUNCT__ like dr __PUNCT__ king __PUNCT__ you were call agit __PUNCT__ troubl __PUNCT__ maker __PUNCT__ malcont __PUNCT__ and disturb of the peac __PUNCT__

these ar often the term appli to men and women of conscienc who will not endur cruelti __PUNCT__ nor abid injustic __PUNCT__

perhap with more chariti than wa alwai deserv __PUNCT__ it wa dr __PUNCT__ king who often remind us that there wa moral bad __PUNCT__ and there wa moral blind __PUNCT__ and thei were not the same __PUNCT__

it wa thi spirit that turn hatr into forgiv __PUNCT__ anger into convict __PUNCT__ and a bitter life into a great on __PUNCT__

he love and honor hi countri even when the feel wa unreturn __PUNCT__ and counsel other to do the same __PUNCT__

he gave hi countrymen the benefit of the doubt __PUNCT__ believ __PUNCT__ as he wrote __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ return hate for hate multipli hate __PUNCT__ ad deeper dark to a night alreadi devoid of star __PUNCT__

dark cannot drive out dark __PUNCT__ onli light can do that __PUNCT__

i rememb first learn what had happen in memphi on the fourth of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ feel just as everyon els did back_home __PUNCT__ onli perhap even more uncertain and alarm for my countri in the dark that wa then enclos around me and my fellow captiv __PUNCT__

in our circumst at the time __PUNCT__ good new from america wa hard to come by __PUNCT__

but the bad new wa a differ matter __PUNCT__ and each new report of violenc __PUNCT__ riot __PUNCT__ and other tribul in america wa deliv without delai __PUNCT__

the enemi had correctli calcul that the new of dr __PUNCT__ king death would deepli wound moral __PUNCT__ and leav us worri and afraid for our countri __PUNCT__

doubtless it boost our captor __PUNCT__ moral __PUNCT__ confirm their belief that america wa a lost caus __PUNCT__ and that the futur belong to them __PUNCT__

yet how differ it all turn out __PUNCT__

and if thei had been the more reflect kind __PUNCT__ our enemi would have understood that the caus of dr __PUNCT__ king wa bigger than ani on man __PUNCT__ and could not be stop by forc of violenc __PUNCT__

struggl is reward in god own time __PUNCT__

wrong ar set right and evil is overcom __PUNCT__

we know thi to be true becaus it is the stori of your caus __PUNCT__ and the stori of our countri __PUNCT__

as much as ani other group in america __PUNCT__ the naacp ha been at the center of that great and honor caus __PUNCT__

i here todai as an admir and a fellow_american __PUNCT__ an associ that mean more to me than ani other __PUNCT__

i am a candid for presid who seek your vote and hope to earn it __PUNCT__

but whether or not i win your support __PUNCT__ i need your goodwil and counsel __PUNCT__

and should i succe __PUNCT__ i need it all the more __PUNCT__

i have alwai believ in thi countri __PUNCT__ in a good america __PUNCT__ a great america __PUNCT__

but i have alwai known we can build a better america __PUNCT__ where no place or person is left without hope or opportun by the sin of injustic or indiffer __PUNCT__

it would be among the great privileg of my life to work with you in that caus __PUNCT__

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__