Jon Huntsman

This speech titled 2011.10.10.address_at_southern_new_hampshire_university_in_manchester originally had 3523 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 129 cue terms and an average lag of 24.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 foreign_affair 4
0.603 0.0601 0.337
0 0 0
2 world_stage 16
0.0575 0.603 0.0197
0.201 0.0677 0.0515
3 nation_histori 18
0.0649 0.0494 0.0207
0.214 0.613 0.0386
4 soviet_union 24
0.142 0.117 0.0239
0.0903 0.596 0.0302
5 econom_crisi 27
0.173 0.0537 0.0503
0.148 0.559 0.0155
6 middl_east 19
0.396 0.0207 0.000796
0.288 0.292 0.00179
7 presid_obama 29
0.227 0.0251 0.00239
0.527 0.217 0.00139
8 obama_polici 0
0.00955 0.00139 0.00358
0.746 0.232 0.00756
9 __NUM___centuri 59
0.62 0.000398 0.0507
0.327 0.000597 0.000995
10 unit_state 18
0.00358 0.000796 0.912
0.0289 0 0.0543
11 foreign_affair 24
0.592 0.0362 0.0665
0.0299 0.00119 0.274
12 american_exception 8
0.305 0.00358 0.00756
0.589 0.0129 0.0822
13 free_market 15
0.195 0.000796 0.00358
0.78 0.00259 0.0179
14 econom_freedom 58
0.0854 0.00517 0.771
0.118 0.000199 0.0205
15 make_clear 4
0.0681 0.000398 0.0289
0.196 0.00199 0.704
16 wrong_side 6
0.166 0.00139 0.0515
0.242 0.000796 0.538
17 foreign_polici 29
0.672 0.00358 0.00338
0.298 0.000199 0.0229
18 modern_world 5
0.0442 0.00159 0.0299
0.897 0.00179 0.0259
19 american_exception 72
0.531 0.0161 0.0669
0.38 0.000597 0.00557
20 foreign_polici 14
0.185 0.00279 0.00199
0.795 0.00557 0.00975
21 greatest_challeng 21
0.147 0.0675 0.106
0.66 0.00697 0.0121
22 __NUM___million 13
0.163 0.0316 0.00299
0.693 0.0599 0.0501
23 fellow_american 3
0.0291 0.00915 0.0149
0.804 0.0866 0.0559
24 nation_debt 20
0.169 0.0159 0.0137
0.692 0.0549 0.0545
25 __NUM___year 25
0.253 0.0304 0.0131
0.66 0.04 0.00378
26 middl_class 20
0.123 0.0635 0.0151
0.731 0.0613 0.00637
27 govern_spend 9
0.0531 0.0107 0.0575
0.751 0.107 0.0207
28 intern_commun 34
0.236 0.00318 0.225
0.482 0.00876 0.0444
29 peac_process 22
0.189 0.00338 0.178
0.444 0.00378 0.182
30 economist_call 111
0.327 0.126 0.288
0.202 0.00219 0.0547
31 presidenti_candid 11
0.119 0.0191 0.0434
0.451 0.104 0.264
32 foreign_polici 32
0.68 0.00418 0.00239
0.298 0.00796 0.00776
33 trade_agreement 78
0.185 0.0103 0.639
0.163 0.000597 0.00219
34 free_trade 1
0.0239 0.000995 0.0103
0.346 0.00876 0.61
35 __NUM___million_american 3
0.0728 0.000796 0.0199
0.36 0.00318 0.543
36 american_job 1
0.0472 0.00259 0.0153
0.429 0.00378 0.502
37 unit_state 34
0.00597 0.000597 0.603
0.0241 0.000199 0.366
38 trade_agreement 11
0.277 0.00657 0.0689
0.0342 0.000597 0.613
39 good_govern 19
0.0955 0.000199 0.108
0.267 0.00577 0.524
40 open_market 2
0.0215 0.000796 0.0179
0.35 0.00577 0.604
41 reform_effort 14
0.573 0.0111 0.00756
0.345 0.00159 0.0615
42 trade_deal 11
0.126 0.00716 0.00577
0.827 0.00816 0.0255
43 south_korea 2
0.0209 0.00716 0.00637
0.919 0.0159 0.0302
44 presid_obama 7
0.0681 0.164 0.000398
0.738 0.0281 0.00239
45 __MONEY___billion 16
0.131 0.0197 0.00338
0.675 0.17 0.000796
46 american_job 7
0.0581 0.00318 0.35
0.53 0.0267 0.032
47 open_market 17
0.0488 0.00458 0.295
0.319 0.00219 0.331
48 trade_agreement 21
0.0649 0.00318 0.147
0.266 0.00597 0.513
49 free_trade_agreement 9
0.0748 0.00975 0.0671
0.291 0.00796 0.549
50 develop_nation 33
0.389 0.00338 0.104
0.251 0.00119 0.252
51 energi_independ 26
0.516 0.00318 0.00179
0.471 0.000199 0.00796
52 foreign_polici 9
0.083 0.00995 0.000398
0.904 0.00259 0.000199
53 econom_polici 4
0.0384 0.106 0.00836
0.826 0.0197 0.000796
54 __MONEY___billion 7
0.0577 0.0732 0.000597
0.743 0.124 0.00119
55 middl_east 11
0.0675 0.0551 0.000597
0.687 0.189 0.000796
56 econom_secur 30
0.305 0.00577 0.103
0.539 0.0426 0.00438
57 simpli_put 12
0.0643 0.00418 0.379
0.453 0.0107 0.0894
58 terrorist_threat 28
0.00219 0.000796 0.631
0.00736 0.000398 0.359
59 ten_year 46
0.0332 0.0432 0.318
0.00259 0.000597 0.602
60 nation_build 9
0.00697 0.00537 0.0685
0.0189 0.0344 0.866
61 social_engin 19
0.00677 0.00119 0.0997
0.0103 0.0131 0.869
62 democrat_leader 24
0.134 0.00955 0.071
0.0141 0.00657 0.765
63 civil_war 25
0.224 0.0647 0.037
0.108 0.0141 0.552
64 __NUM___live 56
0.642 0.0267 0.0981
0.162 0.0101 0.0611
65 __MONEY___trillion 5
0.08 0.0173 0.00736
0.758 0.0338 0.103
66 troop_home 10
0.0109 0.00338 0.794
0.102 0.00299 0.0864
67 special_forc 56
0.0233 0.000398 0.471
0.00498 0 0.5
68 save_america 39
0.168 0.082 0.217
0.0163 0.000597 0.517
69 silicon_vallei 34
0.154 0.0589 0.255
0.101 0.0545 0.376
70 nuclear_weapon 38
0.139 0.00617 0.315
0.118 0.0137 0.408
71 bin_laden 54
0.0557 0.0326 0.493
0.0364 0.00557 0.377
72 unit_state 12
0.00159 0 0.23
0.00597 0.000398 0.762
73 protect_american 32
0.0275 0.0119 0.24
0.00139 0 0.72
74 american_secur 0
0.00199 0.000597 0.0163
0.0257 0.00915 0.946
75 term_interest 13
0.103 0.0424 0.0874
0.0251 0.00975 0.732
76 arab_spring 64
0.288 0.109 0.287
0.0426 0.0211 0.253
77 american_forc 48
0.347 0.0141 0.233
0.158 0.0235 0.224
78 cold_war 44
0.438 0.0812 0.0464
0.311 0.0215 0.102
79 __NUM___centuri 38
0.484 0 0.0239
0.487 0.000199 0.00438
80 foreign_polici 23
0.219 0.00179 0.000995
0.777 0 0.000597
81 al_qaeda 11
0.0921 0.00139 0.0601
0.843 0.000199 0.00279
82 special_forc 51
0.00856 0.000398 0.94
0.0117 0 0.0398
83 terrorist_threat 10
0.00119 0.000398 0.0957
0.00378 0 0.899
84 arm_forc 14
0.0119 0.000199 0.117
0.00378 0 0.867
85 forese_futur 6
0.0101 0.00697 0.0543
0.0125 0.000398 0.916
86 secur_forc 17
0.0133 0.000398 0.15
0.0109 0.000199 0.825
87 special_forc 3
0.00259 0 0.0362
0.0175 0.000199 0.943
88 econom_power 46
0.157 0.00279 0.29
0.00975 0 0.54
89 human_activ 14
0.0595 0.00498 0.123
0.122 0.000796 0.69
90 vital_interest 91
0.0155 0.00816 0.702
0.00239 0.000199 0.272
91 american_secur 26
0.0255 0.00577 0.227
0.00517 0.00259 0.734
92 work_close 6
0.41 0.00338 0.0287
0.0503 0.00259 0.505
93 european_union 8
0.156 0.00179 0.0651
0.415 0.00219 0.361
94 __NUM___centuri 36
0.556 0.000199 0.0229
0.386 0 0.0352
95 make_america 34
0.105 0.0153 0.576
0.261 0.000199 0.0428
96 intellectu_properti 39
0.349 0.00597 0.151
0.231 0.00219 0.261
97 fundament_question 38
0.492 0.0215 0.0221
0.389 0.00338 0.0726
98 __NUM___year 21
0.161 0.04 0.0519
0.685 0.0209 0.0418
99 unit_state 41
0.00975 0 0.92
0.0105 0 0.0599
100 clean_energi 10
0.106 0.00199 0.0679
0.0217 0 0.802
101 energi_technolog 0
0.0139 0.000199 0.00577
0.131 0.00199 0.848
102 high_sea 11
0.0456 0.0151 0.0792
0.11 0.00199 0.748
103 religi_toler 17
0.104 0.0145 0.114
0.127 0.0107 0.63
104 trade_agreement 21
0.239 0.0101 0.423
0.073 0.00736 0.248
105 indian_ocean 30
0.163 0.0649 0.196
0.172 0.0119 0.391
106 secur_council 100
0.139 0.00716 0.679
0.0285 0.00119 0.145
107 unit_state 29
0.00239 0 0.373
0.00637 0 0.619
108 western_hemispher 13
0.0279 0.000398 0.113
0.00458 0 0.855
109 latin_america 13
0.0784 0.000199 0.0669
0.0346 0 0.82
110 major_sourc 18
0.139 0.00239 0.0529
0.0993 0 0.707
111 econom_opportun 3
0.0127 0 0.042
0.201 0.000398 0.744
112 latin_america 10
0.0125 0 0.102
0.123 0 0.762
113 drug_cartel 42
0.0295 0.000796 0.154
0.0911 0 0.724
114 __NUM___peopl 4
0.00736 0.0177 0.00975
0.12 0.00139 0.844
115 america_border 7
0.00259 0.00438 0.0155
0.122 0.0185 0.837
116 drug_war 13
0.0386 0.0157 0.0838
0.118 0.0189 0.725
117 justic_system 38
0.0289 0.00139 0.14
0.122 0.00239 0.705
118 crimin_activ 23
0.00537 0.00239 0.0866
0.122 0.00119 0.783
119 statu_quo 15
0.0181 0.00836 0.0426
0.122 0.00259 0.806
120 push_back 48
0.0217 0.000398 0.188
0.111 0.000199 0.678
121 drug_cartel 6
0.00199 0.000398 0.0446
0.12 0 0.833
122 polic_forc 7
0.0137 0.000398 0.0316
0.112 0.000199 0.842
123 latin_america 10
0.0255 0.000199 0.0762
0.0979 0 0.8
124 largest_economi 24
0.0293 0.0107 0.0844
0.101 0.000199 0.775
125 latin_america 52
0.0424 0 0.208
0.087 0 0.662
126 world_todai 169
0.657 0.0221 0.277
0.00836 0 0.0354
127 ronald_reagan 18
0.225 0.0388 0.0193
0.543 0.0195 0.155
128 free_market 35
0.465 0.000796 0.00139
0.481 0.00159 0.05
129 free_enterpris 2
0.0227 0.000995 0.00776
0.914 0.00199 0.0521