Rudy Giuliani

This speech titled 2007.11.13.excerpt_from_commencement_address_at_the_citadel_in_charleston_south_carolina originally had 1210 tokens. You can view the original text here.

your servic is base on the idea that you ar men and women that see victori in a world that gain realist peac through the strength of the best prepar __PUNCT__ the best train __PUNCT__ the most inspir and the most talent militari __PUNCT__ not just in the world but in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

you channel your emot into construct action and there ar few caus more nobl __PUNCT__ in fact none __PUNCT__ or more endur than the defens of liberti for the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ but you __PUNCT__ you can't do it alon __PUNCT__

we need to all do thi __PUNCT__

you need our support and we need your support __PUNCT__

it will take more troop and more train to meet the great_challeng of our time to win thi war of the terrorist on us __PUNCT__

as i said befor __PUNCT__ america love peac and we hate war __PUNCT__

that honor instinct ha meant that sometim in our histori we wait too long to mobil our arm_forc to face the world danger __PUNCT__

sometim we often demobil too rapidli onc we think we achiev victori and the danger is gone __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ after the first world_war __PUNCT__ the size of the armi after we had the war to end war __PUNCT__ the size of our armi wa cut by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

it meant that we weren't abl to face nazism at an earli enough stage and then we had to plai catch up in the first year of the second world war to our disadvantag __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ after we won the second world war we did it again __PUNCT__

an armi of seven million soldier were reduc to __NUM__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

but when the cold_war turn out hot with the invas of south_korea __PUNCT__ harri_truman __PUNCT__ a democrat_presid __PUNCT__ and a republican_congress __PUNCT__ work togeth for the good of our countri had to commit our countri to maintain the largest peac time militari for the first time in our histori __PUNCT__

thei had to rebuild what had been deconstruct __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and then at the end of the cold_war __PUNCT__ after we won the cold war __PUNCT__ the end of the soviet_union __PUNCT__ the breakdown of the berlin_wall __PUNCT__ freedom for eastern_europ __PUNCT__ the pattern repeat itself again __PUNCT__

washington wa full of talk about a peac dividend __PUNCT__

the peac dividend becam govern_polici __PUNCT__

i oppos the peac dividend then and i oppos it now __PUNCT__

the damag that it ha done to our militari and intellig_servic ha yet to be complet undon __PUNCT__

histori ha alreadi shown that the peac dividend wa on of our countri worst mistak __PUNCT__

we were slash our militari and intellig budget as the islam_radic terrorist were commit act of war against us __PUNCT__ but we didn't see it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the first world_trade_center bomb wa not __PUNCT__ or attack __PUNCT__ wa not on __DATE__ __PUNCT__

the first world_trade_center bomb wa in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

then there wa khobar tower in __NUM__ the bomb of our embassi in kenya and tanzania in __NUM__ and the attack on the u.s. __PUNCT__ cole in __NUM__ that kill seventeen of our sailor __PUNCT__

bin_laden even declar_war on us in __NUM__ we didn't hear it __PUNCT__

and all through thi time of act of war against america __PUNCT__ of come here and kill american __PUNCT__ of kill american oversea __PUNCT__ all through thi time we ignor the wise advic of ronald_reagan who remind us that the surest wai to achiev peac is by maintain strength __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and what did we do __PUNCT__ we cut and we cut and we cut and we cut some more __PUNCT__

an armi of eighteen divis wa slash to ten as the terrorist were declar_war on us and attack us __PUNCT__

total man power wa reduc from __NUM__ in the earli___NUM__ to __NUM__ on the ev of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

refuel tanker so crucial to long rang oper that ar vital to deal with the terrorist who make_war on us __PUNCT__ these ar now modifi __NUM__ __PUNCT__ a plane that last flew commerci in the unit_state in __NUM__ befor most of you were born or i think ani of you were born __PUNCT__

and marin_corp pilot still fly the same plane __PUNCT__ or helicopt rather __PUNCT__ that their father were fly in vietnam __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the idea of a peac dividend wa alwai intellectu flaw __PUNCT__ it wa also strateg flaw __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ the pace of our arm_forc oper have onli quicken sinc the cold_war __PUNCT__

you ar ask to do much more in mani differ place and in much more complex situat __PUNCT__

if we ar go to ask our militari to do more __PUNCT__ we need to give them the resourc and the support to get the job done __PUNCT__

that our respons __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ at on time there wa the romant thought that america could be isol __PUNCT__

isol is no longer an option in the ag of global __PUNCT__

isol is no longer an option when there ar peopl in variou part of the world plan to come to harm you __PUNCT__

condit for our fight men and women have improv in recent_year __PUNCT__

presid_bush ha increas our militari strength and further increas ar plan __PUNCT__

but we need to do more __PUNCT__ much more __PUNCT__

we need a forc that can both deter aggress and meet mani challeng that might come our wai __PUNCT__

america must increas the size of our arm_forc __PUNCT__ in particular we have to start with the armi which ha been cut the most and is under the greatest stress __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i believ america need at least ten new combat brigad abov the addit that ar alreadi propos by presid_bush and ar alreadi in the budget __PUNCT__

thi commit would offer reinforc where thei ar need most __PUNCT__ deter other from calcul that america mai be stretch too thing __PUNCT__

it would be a terribl_mistak for anyon to calcul that but let make sure thei don't by increas the size of our forc and allow the unit_state greater flexibl to win the wider war of the terrorist against us __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ in the past when america popul wa ten of million smaller than we ar now __PUNCT__ we easili maintain a larger armi and a larger arm_forc than we have right now __PUNCT__

a volunt profession armi of citizen is our greatest sourc of strength and i believ that the 9/11 gener __PUNCT__ just like you have __PUNCT__ will step_forward to meet thi challeng __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we must also look at the level of expans that necessari for our navi __PUNCT__ for our marin __PUNCT__ for our coast_guard and for our air_forc __PUNCT__

thei have to have the support and thei have to be at the level necessari to deal with the challeng that we have todai and thei need to be modern and thei need train to accept our new respons __PUNCT__