Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.06.04.remarks_to_the_american_israel_public_affairs_committee_policy_conference_in_washington_dc originally had 3411 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri __PUNCT__ veri much __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

it is wonder be here with all of you __PUNCT__ among so mani friend and i feel like thi is a giant famili reunion __PUNCT__

the largest aipac gather in histori and i feel like i am among famili and thank you for the warm welcom __PUNCT__

i want to thank my friend __PUNCT__ lonni kaplan __PUNCT__ for hi leadership and that introduct __PUNCT__

i also want to thank howard friedman for hi leadership as presid and to congratul david victor on hi elect __PUNCT__

i want to commend howard kohr __PUNCT__ aipac distinguish board of director __PUNCT__ and all of the aipac staff who work so hard everi dai all year round __PUNCT__

and i particularli want to acknowledg the mani student in the audienc from around the countri __PUNCT__ the futur of aipac and the u.s. __PUNCT__ israel relationship __PUNCT__

i want to pai tribut to on member of the aipac famili and my veri good_friend who is not with us thi year __PUNCT__ congressman tom lanto __PUNCT__

tom bore wit to the worst of human cruelti and devot hi life to stop it __PUNCT__

he taught us to stand up for what right __PUNCT__ even when it hard __PUNCT__ especi when it hard __PUNCT__

and we will alwai cherish hi memori and hi wonder famili will alwai be in our heart __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ i want to thank all of you for come to washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ onc again to stand strong with israel and to strengthen that special bond between our countri __PUNCT__

be here todai __PUNCT__ i am remind of a passag in isaiah __PUNCT__ upon your wall __PUNCT__ o jerusalem __PUNCT__ i have post sentinel __PUNCT__ all dai and all night __PUNCT__ thei shall never be silent __PUNCT__

just like the sentinel of old __PUNCT__ you ar never silent __PUNCT__ you never grow weari and you never stop stand up for and fight for israel __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know that there ar some who sai you shouldn't be here __PUNCT__ who sai speak up for a strong __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ isra relationship is somehow at odd with america interest __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i believ that speak up for a strong american __PUNCT__ isra relationship is essenti to our interest __PUNCT__

and i reject that our common commit to israel surviv and well __PUNCT__ be is not in the best interest of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i think you not onli have a right to stand up for what you believ in __PUNCT__ you have a respons as american to do so __PUNCT__

you ar act in the highest american_tradit __PUNCT__ exercis a right enshrin in our constitut __PUNCT__ the right to petit your govern __PUNCT__

and i applaud you for it __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ i am privileg to repres on of the largest jewish constitu in the world __PUNCT__

is there anyon from new york even here in thi audienc todai __PUNCT__ i know you will be talk to your member of congress thi week __PUNCT__ but you won't need to ask me where i stand __PUNCT__ becaus you alreadi know the answer __PUNCT__

i stand with you and for you __PUNCT__

v the unit_state and israel have an incred bond __PUNCT__ as alli __PUNCT__ friend __PUNCT__ as partner __PUNCT__

we have share interest __PUNCT__

we have share ideal __PUNCT__

these ar not just common valu __PUNCT__

thei ar our core valu __PUNCT__ freedom __PUNCT__ democraci __PUNCT__ and human right __PUNCT__ women right __PUNCT__ a robust civil_societi __PUNCT__

and we stand with israel __PUNCT__ becaus israel demonstr that democraci can flourish in the most difficult condit __PUNCT__ becaus it veri exist is a sting rebuk to hatr and the holocaust __PUNCT__ becaus in defeat_terror israel caus is our caus __PUNCT__ and becaus israel struggl is a struggl not just for the jewish_peopl but for all peopl who want to live in peac and secur under a democrat_elect elect_govern __PUNCT__

presid harri_truman certainli understood the import of israel __PUNCT__

he recogn the new nation just __NUM___minut after david ben __PUNCT__ gurion read the proclam of independ __PUNCT__

so it is with joi and some sens of relief that we celebr the __NUM___anniversari of that dai __PUNCT__

and for all of the trial and tear __PUNCT__ what a remark __NUM___year it ha been __PUNCT__

from my first trip to israel in __NUM__ to my most recent __PUNCT__ i have seen firsthand what israel ha achiev __PUNCT__ the desert is bloom again __PUNCT__

and we can be so proud of the role that america ha plai in thi success __PUNCT__

everi american_presid sinc truman recogn the special_relationship and ha made it stronger __PUNCT__

israel is stronger becaus of us and becaus of you __PUNCT__

but even as we celebr these achiev __PUNCT__ we know the work is far from over __PUNCT__

israel is not yet safe __PUNCT__

the valu that israel repres ar not yet secur __PUNCT__

our heart go out in particular to the courag citizen of citi like sderot and ashkelon who live in fear that a rocket will fall on their home or their children school at ani moment __PUNCT__

i have seen these secur challeng firsthand __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ i went to the sbarro pizzeria with then presid olmert just a few week after that tragic suicid_bomb there __PUNCT__

i visit with victim of terror in the hadassah hospit __PUNCT__

i have been to gilo and seen the secur fenc protect isra famili from attack in their own home __PUNCT__

i have stood up and have spoken out for their right to have that protect fenc __PUNCT__

as a senat from new york __PUNCT__ who ha talk wai too much __PUNCT__ i have seen the tragic toll of terror on 9/11 here at home as well __PUNCT__

my support for israel doe not come recent or lightli __PUNCT__

i know it is right in my head __PUNCT__ in my heart and in my gut __PUNCT__

and that is exactli the commit we need in our next presid __PUNCT__ a democrat_presid __PUNCT__ becaus the democrat_parti strong commit to the state of israel sinc the dai of harri_truman endur todai __PUNCT__

it is on of our parti most cherish valu and it will continu under the next democrat_presid __PUNCT__

i know senat_obama understand what it is at stake here __PUNCT__

it ha been an honor to contest these primari with him __PUNCT__

it is an honor to call him my friend __PUNCT__

and let me be veri clear __PUNCT__ i know that senat obama will be a good_friend to israel __PUNCT__

i know that senat_obama share my view that the next presid must be readi to sai to the world __PUNCT__ america posit is unchang __PUNCT__ our resolv unyield __PUNCT__ our stanc nonnegoti __PUNCT__

the unit_state stand with israel __PUNCT__ now and forev __PUNCT__

let me underscor that i believ we need a democrat in the white_hous next __DATE__ becaus it is not just israel that face challeng in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ america doe __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

the next presid will inherit grave problem __PUNCT__ difficult threat __PUNCT__ a war in afghanistan and a war in iraq __PUNCT__ america reput at an all __PUNCT__ time low __PUNCT__ the continu threat of terror at home and abroad __PUNCT__

presid_bush ha move us in the wrong_direct __PUNCT__

for all the strong rhetor you heard from senat_mccain on mondai __PUNCT__ he will continu the same fail polici in iraq and weaken our secur __PUNCT__ make the middl_east a more danger place __PUNCT__

america need a new begin in our foreign_polici to make our countri stronger and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ to make our posit in the world more credibl __PUNCT__ to give us the strateg leverag back that we have lost over the last seven year __PUNCT__

we cannot stand strongli with israel if we ar not strong at home and if we ar not respect and consid strong and the leader of the world everywher els __PUNCT__

we have a rare moment of opportun to chang america cours and restor our stand in the world __PUNCT__

we must seiz thi moment by lead our friend and alli in build the world we want rather than simpli defend against a world we fear __PUNCT__

we must build a world that will be safer __PUNCT__ more prosper __PUNCT__ and more just __PUNCT__

i believ secur and opportun go hand __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ hand __PUNCT__

when children have hope __PUNCT__ a real belief that there is opportun ahead for them __PUNCT__ we help to dry up the swamp of fear and pessim that breed terror __PUNCT__

that mean support educ __PUNCT__ not just for boi but for girl too __PUNCT__

it also mean that real econom_opportun can't grow where there is no secur __PUNCT__

and that opportun alon is not enough to overcom extrem __PUNCT__

i have been veri specif about how i would make thi new foreign_polici vision that i share __PUNCT__ and i think mani of you do as well __PUNCT__ a realiti __PUNCT__

todai i want to lai out three principl that i hope will guid us in all that we do with israel and why it is import to put that relationship into the broader context of what foreign polici is in the best interest of the unit_state __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i have a bedrock commit to israel secur becaus israel secur is critic to our secur __PUNCT__

when islam extremist __PUNCT__ includ the leader of nation __PUNCT__ proclaim death to america __PUNCT__ death to israel __PUNCT__ we understand that our two nation ar fight a share threat __PUNCT__

those of us in thi room know thi bond is so much more person than ani secur agreement or risk assess __PUNCT__

we know a share threat can also mean share sorrow __PUNCT__

when eight young_men were kill in a jerusalem yeshiva in march includ a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old american name abraham david mose __PUNCT__ we reunit in our grief __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ i strongli_support israel right to self __PUNCT__ defens __PUNCT__

israel ha both the right and the oblig to defend it citizen and i believ america should aid in that defens __PUNCT__

i am proud to support the __MONEY___billion in secur assist for israel and the foreign_aid bill and i am commit in make sure that israel maintain a militari edg to meet increas threat __PUNCT__

part of our commit israel secur is a commit to the isra __PUNCT__ palestinian peac_process __PUNCT__

i am deepli move by the legaci of so mani leader who have sacrif so much in the quest for peac __PUNCT__ like my friend yitzhak rabin __PUNCT__ and the warrior __PUNCT__ ariel_sharon __PUNCT__ who is in our thought and prayer __PUNCT__

we must support israel and in make the tough choic for peac __PUNCT__

i believ that u. __PUNCT__ diplomaci is critic to make_progress and consist u. __PUNCT__ involv can lower the level of violenc and restor our credibl in the region __PUNCT__

we need to talk to all side but all parti must know we will alwai stand with israel in it struggl for peac and secur __PUNCT__

israel should know that the unit_state will never pressur her to make unilater concess or to impos a made __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ america solut __PUNCT__

palestinian will need to do their part by renounc violenc and teach their children the wai of peac and toler __PUNCT__

we must show palestinian and moder arab that the path of reconcili is better than the terrorist road to self __PUNCT__ destruct __PUNCT__

i am deepli concern about the grow threat in gaza __PUNCT__

hama ha built a militari_forc equip with sophist weapon from iran __PUNCT__

hama __PUNCT__ campaign of terror ha claim the live of hundr of innoc isra __PUNCT__

it charter call for the destruct of israel __PUNCT__

it ha shown no commit to peac or to renounc violenc __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ we must be clear about how we feel about our next presid negoti directli with hama __PUNCT__

here is how i feel __PUNCT__ until hama renounc terror and recogn israel __PUNCT__ negoti with hama is unaccept for the unit_state __PUNCT__

we must continu to demand a return of the isra_soldier captur by hama and by hezbollah __PUNCT__ ehud goldwass __PUNCT__ eldad regev __PUNCT__ gilad shalit __PUNCT__

i have been privileg to know karnit goldwass __PUNCT__ ehud wife and i wa proud to sponsor the resolut that pass the senat call for their immedi releas __PUNCT__

i will not stop fight and press for these soldier to come home until thei final ar safe home with the famili that ar wait for them __PUNCT__

the second principl is a simpl on __PUNCT__ no nuclear_weapon for iran __PUNCT__

iran is a countri whose leader __PUNCT__ whose presid deni the holocaust __PUNCT__

he defi the intern_commun __PUNCT__

hi govern train __PUNCT__ fund __PUNCT__ and arm hama and hezbollah terrorist in attack isra civilian __PUNCT__

he threaten to destroi israel __PUNCT__

just thi week __PUNCT__ he said that israel is about to die and will soon be eras __PUNCT__

we can never let iran obtain nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

the next presid will have to deal with the iranian challeng from dai on __PUNCT__

thi is not just in israel interest __PUNCT__

it is in america interest and the world interest __PUNCT__ and thi is a threat that i take veri serious __PUNCT__

i a co __PUNCT__ sponsor the iran nonprolifer act __PUNCT__

i support call the iranian revolutionari_guard what it is __PUNCT__ a terrorist_organ __PUNCT__

i have also said that should iran ever __PUNCT__ ever contempl us nuclear_weapon against israel __PUNCT__ thei must understand what the consequ will be to them __PUNCT__

but we must do everyth in our power to prevent such an unthink dai from ever happen and the best wai to do that is to stop iran from get nuclear weapon in the first place __PUNCT__

we should start by develop an intern consensu against iran_nuclear nuclear_program with a set of tougher sanction if iran continu to defi the intern_commun __PUNCT__

we should also work with israel and moder arab neighbor to roll_back iran influenc in that region __PUNCT__

if the iranian_govern want to becom a respons member of the intern_commun __PUNCT__ we would wholeheartedli welcom that chang but iran simpli cannot be allow to continu it current behavior and i wish to underscor i believ that we ar further behind in constrain iran todai becaus of the fail polici of presid_bush than we would have been had we taken a much more aggress engag cours earlier __PUNCT__

that is why it is imper that we get both tough and smart about deal with iran befor it is too late __PUNCT__

now my third principl is stand up against hatr and anti __PUNCT__ semit wherev it is found and it is not onli isra and jew who need to be speak out against anti __PUNCT__ semit __PUNCT__ it is everi fair __PUNCT__ think person who understand that it directli affect you as well __PUNCT__

i have spoken out for year against anti __PUNCT__ semit in palestinian school __PUNCT__

i am appal __PUNCT__ still todai __PUNCT__ the palestinian textbook reject israel right to exist and describ israel found as a catastroph that unpreced in histori __PUNCT__

that is not educ __PUNCT__ it is indoctrin __PUNCT__

we also know that the saudi have textbook describ jew as wick and we were all revolt when iran presid held a confer to deni the holocaust __PUNCT__ but our vigil against anti __PUNCT__ semit must go beyond the middl_east __PUNCT__

it must receiv no quarter anywher in the world __PUNCT__

the next presid will face a test of resolv on thi issu __PUNCT__ at the __NUM__ durban confer __PUNCT__ also call the durban ii __PUNCT__

i will never forget how the world first confer against racism becam a mockeri of itself when it descend into anti __PUNCT__ semit and hatr __PUNCT__

the debacl at durban must never be repeat __PUNCT__

we should take veri strong action to ensur anti __PUNCT__ semit is kept off the agenda at durban ii and if those effort fail __PUNCT__ i believ that the unit_state should boycott that confer __PUNCT__

the challeng of fight anti __PUNCT__ semit is inde great __PUNCT__ but we know it is possibl to chang heart and mind __PUNCT__

we saw it recent when magen david adom wa final includ in the intern red_cross after year of be singl out for be isra __PUNCT__

on on of my trip to israel __PUNCT__ i met an mda member name natan __PUNCT__ an ethiopian jew who had save mani innoc_live when he tackl a terrorist carri explos __PUNCT__

it wa a miracl that natan had surviv __PUNCT__

hi valor wa extraordinari and it wa just what you would expect from a member of the mda __PUNCT__

that why i wa so proud to take up the mda caus __PUNCT__ sponsor legisl and speak out __PUNCT__

and i wa veri pleas as all of us were when the intern red_cross right thi histor wrong __PUNCT__

on a person_level __PUNCT__ i wa honor when natan accept my invit to come to new york and walk with me in our salut to israel parad __PUNCT__

in a wai we ar still walk togeth and the imag of thi veri dignifi ethiopian jew __PUNCT__ now an isra __PUNCT__ walk in that parad down fifth avenu __PUNCT__ bear the scar of hi heroic rescu effort to prevent the terrorist from destroi more live __PUNCT__ wa on i will carri with me my entir life becaus that wa realli israel __PUNCT__

it wasn't just everyon on the side of the street wave __PUNCT__

it wa thi proud young_man who had kept jewish_tradit aliv and as a long string of those for centuri who had done so and who had final come home to israel and had given so much to protect the countri that had given him a new life __PUNCT__

so while it can be easi to be discourag when we look at the challeng ahead __PUNCT__ we can never lose our resolv and never give up hope __PUNCT__

what give me not just hope but the underli realiti that can be deliv by those who work togeth __PUNCT__ is that the power of the valu we share with israel ar such an unshak and unbreak bond __PUNCT__ and the differ that america can make is so critic __PUNCT__

let me leav you with just in glimps of why america matter and why aipac matter __PUNCT__

in her memoir __PUNCT__ on of my person heroin __PUNCT__ golda meir __PUNCT__ wrote about the wonder moment __PUNCT__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ when israel join the famili of nation and america stood at her side __PUNCT__

here is what she wrote __PUNCT__ a few minut after midnight __PUNCT__ my phone rang __PUNCT__

it had been ring all even and as i ran to answer it __PUNCT__ i wonder what bad new i would hear now __PUNCT__

doesn't that sound_familiar __PUNCT__ but the voic at the other end of the phone sound jubil __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ golda __PUNCT__ ar you listen __PUNCT__ truman ha recogn us __PUNCT__

i can rememb what i said or did but i rememb how i felt __PUNCT__

it wa like a miracl and i wa fill with joi and relief __PUNCT__

that wa the decis that on american_presid presid_made __PUNCT__ to be there for israel at a time of need __PUNCT__

that is the decis that the next presid must be readi to make as well __PUNCT__

to the member of aipac __PUNCT__ just know your caus is just __PUNCT__ your voic is strong __PUNCT__

washington and the world is listen __PUNCT__

so go forth and speak up for what you know is right __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__

god bless israel and god_bless_america __PUNCT__

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__