Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.05.18.interview_with_wolf_blitzer_on_cnns_late_edition originally had 4774 tokens. You can view the original text here.

blitzer __PUNCT__ and join us now __PUNCT__ senat hillari_clinton of new york __PUNCT__ the democrat_presidenti presidenti_candid __PUNCT__

senat_clinton __PUNCT__ thank veri much for join us __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ congratul on your win yesterdai in west_virginia __PUNCT__

a big win for senat_clinton __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it wa a big win __PUNCT__

and it wa a veri gratifi on becaus i had campaign hard there __PUNCT__ and i think that the issu that i been champion on the economi and health_care realli reson with the voter in west_virginia __PUNCT__

and as i have said mani time in the last coupl of week __PUNCT__ no democrat ha won the white_hous sinc __NUM__ without win west_virginia __PUNCT__

so i took that as a good sign __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ you did well there __PUNCT__

all right __PUNCT__ let me get your reaction __PUNCT__

the current issu of __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__ magazin __PUNCT__ which you probabl seen __PUNCT__ you see a cover like thi and it sai __PUNCT__ and the winner is __PUNCT__ and a littl asterisk __PUNCT__

what do you think when you see someth like thi __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i think it a great pictur of barack __PUNCT__

you know what i think __PUNCT__ is that thi is the closest elect we ever had that anybodi can rememb __PUNCT__

each of us ha brought million of new peopl into the process __PUNCT__

i think i now been privileg to receiv the vote of __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__

and that pretti much the same as senat_obama __PUNCT__

the deleg race remain close __PUNCT__

we have contest yet to go __PUNCT__

peopl have been try to end it __PUNCT__

and the voter just won't let it happen __PUNCT__

as a recent_poll suggest __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of democrat want to see thi continu __PUNCT__

and i think for good reason __PUNCT__ becaus it on of the most substant __PUNCT__ excit __PUNCT__ energ polit event i can rememb in my lifetim __PUNCT__

and there is no winner yet __PUNCT__

you have to have __PUNCT__ now with the special_elect of a democrat from mississippi __PUNCT__ __NUM___deleg to actual stai __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ you includ florida and michigan __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ which we have to __PUNCT__

we have to includ them __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus in __PUNCT__ thei go to be meet __PUNCT__ the rule committe of the dnc __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__

__DATE__ __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ thei have to make a decis __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ what do you want them to do __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what i would want them to do is to seat the whole deleg base on the vote that were taken __PUNCT__ becaus i think the voter who came out __PUNCT__ over __NUM___million of them in both state __PUNCT__ clearli believ that their vote would count __PUNCT__

and thei mai have violat the dnc rule __PUNCT__ but other state did as well __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus right now the dnc sai that the number is __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ __NUM__ or __NUM__ __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ that just not a practic answer __PUNCT__

that would mean that onli __NUM___state would determin who the nomine of the democrat_parti is __PUNCT__

and that not the wai the elect work __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ so you stai in at least through __DATE__ and __DATE__ __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ which is the last __PUNCT__ you not go anywher __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i not go anywher __PUNCT__ wolf __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__

except to kentucki and oregon and montana and south_dakota __PUNCT__ and puerto_rico __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ in these remain state __PUNCT__

let talk about some of the issu __PUNCT__ the kei_issu __PUNCT__ the econom_issu __PUNCT__ issu no __PUNCT__

__NUM__ the economi __PUNCT__

ga_price __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__

you said in recent dai you want to get tough with the major oil_export countri __PUNCT__ opec __PUNCT__ becaus of the huge cost per barrel __PUNCT__ the result price of a gallon of ga __PUNCT__

but when you sai get tough with opec __PUNCT__ what doe it mean when you have member of opec like ahmadinejad of iran or hugo_chavez of venezuela __PUNCT__ or gaddafi of libya __PUNCT__ how do you plan on get tough with them __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i actual have a four __PUNCT__ part program that i would put into effect were i presid todai to deal with these rise ga_price __PUNCT__ which ar go to hit __MONEY__ soon __PUNCT__

and it an enorm burden on peopl who drive ani consider distanc __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but what kind of leverag do you have on opec __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ four thing __PUNCT__ and i get to opec quickli __PUNCT__

i would go after the energi trader and specul __PUNCT__

i think thei ar ad to the cost of a barrel of oil __PUNCT__

i believ there is signific evid of that __PUNCT__

so i would launch a depart of justice/feder trade commiss investig and realli try to rein them in and close what call the __PUNCT__ enron loophol __PUNCT__

i approv and vote for what the congress did yesterdai __PUNCT__ which is to quit fill up the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__ and i would even releas some monei __PUNCT__

i have advoc a ga tax holidai that is paid for __PUNCT__

that is not what senat_mccain want __PUNCT__

he want on that is not paid for __PUNCT__

and senat_obama doesn't want on at all __PUNCT__

but i would pai for it out of the record profit of the oil_compani __PUNCT__

nine countri that ar member of opec ar member of the wto __PUNCT__ the world_trade_organ __PUNCT__ where thei have agre to certain rule that i believ opec by definit violat __PUNCT__

also __PUNCT__ we have never us antitrust_law in our countri to realli go at the heart of what is a monopoli cartel __PUNCT__

there is someth fundament wrong and outdat in have the oil __PUNCT__ produc countri get togeth a coupl of time a year and sai __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ here how much we go to produc and here how much we go to charg for it __PUNCT__

and i think there is enough market_power in the world __PUNCT__ if we us the tool avail to us __PUNCT__ to rein that in __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus barack_obama sai thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__ you sai you been in the white_hous for eight year __PUNCT__ you had two term as a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__ and haven't said a word about opec __PUNCT__

and now suddenli you go to take it right to opec __PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he wrong about that __PUNCT__

i have vote __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ in the senat on sever occas to try to get the presid of the unit_state to do someth about opec __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ presid_bush wasn't inclin to do so __PUNCT__ the republican_congress befor him wa not inclin to do so __PUNCT__

so we go to have __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ a democrat_presid and a democrat_congress __PUNCT__

that is the time when we be abl to take on thi unfinish busi when it come to energi __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ look back __PUNCT__ did the clinton_administr __PUNCT__ dure eight year of your husband in the white_hous __PUNCT__ do enough toward energi_independ __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thei certainli tri between both the presid and the vice_presid __PUNCT__

and my husband often sai laughingli that tax_credit and energi program were the onli thing that he couldn't get the republican_congress to even look at __PUNCT__ becaus obvious thei had a veri differ view about what we should be do __PUNCT__

but now i think it clear to everyon __PUNCT__ even the republican_nomine __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ who ha been veri eloqu in the last few dai __PUNCT__ talk about how we have to cap greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ thi is not a republican or democrat issu __PUNCT__

we need a long __PUNCT__ term strategi __PUNCT__ like the on i outlin on my web_site __PUNCT__ __URL__

you can read all about it __PUNCT__

and we need a short __PUNCT__ term strategi to try to provid relief to citizen right now __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ you were recent ask about your propos to have a holidai on the ga tax __PUNCT__

and you would pai for it by have a windfal profit tax on exxonmobil and some of the other big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__

and then when you were press on economist who would endors your idea __PUNCT__ you said you not go to put your lot in with economist __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ which rais_question __PUNCT__ ar you not go to believ in what economist sai __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but i think there that old sai __PUNCT__

you can find an economist to sai nearli anyth __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ some of the economist were against it becaus thei misunderstood my polici __PUNCT__

thei thought it wasn't paid for __PUNCT__

and i would agre with those who said we can't afford a ga tax holidai that will add to the deficit __PUNCT__ that will take monei out of the highwai trust_fund __PUNCT__

other ar against the mechan of a windfal profit tax __PUNCT__

thei think that doesn't necessarili work well and that the cost will be pass on __PUNCT__

my attitud is i think we could design such a windfal profit tax that would work __PUNCT__ that would be enforc and that would not be pass on __PUNCT__

i have been advoc a windfal profit tax on the oil_compani to supplement a strateg energi fund that i have recommend for more than three year __PUNCT__ and it becaus i think that there is such a disconnect between what the oil compani have been rake in as profit and ani compar invest or effort that thei made to produc those profit __PUNCT__

there doe seem to me to be an opportun here both to take awai the subsidi for the oil compani __PUNCT__ which clearli don't need our tax_dollar to make these huge profit __PUNCT__ and to try to impos a windfal profit tax __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but you will consult with economist __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ you believ in economist __PUNCT__ and if you presid of the unit_state you work with economist __PUNCT__ becaus when you said __PUNCT__ i not go to put your lot in with economist __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ not total __PUNCT__

not total __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ sometim economist ar not right __PUNCT__

and i think there ar polit __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but most of the economist have critic your plan __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ some of them didn't understand it and some of them don't believ it could be done __PUNCT__

but you listen to all kind of advis __PUNCT__ but then you have to try to make up your mind __PUNCT__

franklin_roosevelt __PUNCT__ dure the new deal __PUNCT__ a lot of economist said that a terribl idea __PUNCT__ you go to be prime the pump __PUNCT__ you go to be put_peopl to work __PUNCT__

that a terribl idea __PUNCT__ that a betray of the american capitalist_system __PUNCT__

but he said __PUNCT__ you know we got to put_peopl to work __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i think we got to reign in the oil_compani __PUNCT__

and there ar certainli econom appropri wai of do that __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ when it come to the war in iraq __PUNCT__ anoth issu on the mind of american right now __PUNCT__ you critic senat_mccain for suggest u. __PUNCT__ troop could stai there perhap for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

but you yourself back in __NUM__ suggest __PUNCT__ you know what __PUNCT__ if there a peac environ like along the line of korea or germani or okinawa __PUNCT__ mayb it wouldn't be that bad for a long __PUNCT__ term u. __PUNCT__ militari_presenc in that kind of environ __PUNCT__

is the critic of senat_mccain __PUNCT__ who made similar comment __PUNCT__ is it warrant __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think it is for thi reason __PUNCT__ that there isn't ani signific mileston that the iraqi_govern ha met __PUNCT__

it a veri differ situat than germani or korea __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but if thei were to meet those mileston and if there were a new peac environ __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ but wolf __PUNCT__ i don't think though __PUNCT__ i think you confus kind of caus and effect __PUNCT__

i don't believ that thei will seriou attempt to meet those mileston until thei ar absolut convinc we ar go to withdraw __PUNCT__

i believ that is the best wai to focu their attent __PUNCT__

everyth we tri __PUNCT__ includ the most recent effort with the surg __PUNCT__ ha not result in the gain that were either hope for or forecast __PUNCT__

i believ we got to bring our troop_home __PUNCT__

there ar continu mission __PUNCT__ guard our embassi __PUNCT__ special_forc perhap deal with al_qaeda __PUNCT__ but that a veri differ scenario than what we have todai __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ i would begin to bring our troop_home __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ just ahead __PUNCT__ more of my interview with hillari_clinton __PUNCT__

she get emot __PUNCT__ you go to want to see why in part two of thi interview __PUNCT__

that come up next __PUNCT__

also __PUNCT__ thi note __PUNCT__

on tuesdai __PUNCT__ i be with the best polit team on televis __PUNCT__

we be bring you the result from the kentucki and oregon primari __PUNCT__

our live coverag begin __NUM__ p.m __PUNCT__ eastern from the cnn elect center __PUNCT__

you watch __PUNCT__ late edit __PUNCT__ the last word in sundai talk __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ commerci break __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ welcom back to __PUNCT__ late edit __PUNCT__ i wolf blitzer in washington __PUNCT__

come up in our next hour __PUNCT__ john_edward strongli defend barack_obama foreign_polici credenti and tell us why he decid to back hi former democrat rival __PUNCT__

but right now __PUNCT__ here part two of my interview with senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin videotap __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ the isra ar celebr their __NUM___anniversari right now as an independ_state __PUNCT__

here is what mccain said about barack_obama __PUNCT__

and i want to get your reaction __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ thi is mccain __PUNCT__ i think it veri clear who hama want to be the next presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

i think that peopl should understand that i will be hama __PUNCT__ worst nightmar __PUNCT__

if senat_obama is favor by hama __PUNCT__ i think peopl can make judgment accordingli __PUNCT__

mccain wa refer to a statement by the north_american spokesman for hama endors __PUNCT__ in effect __PUNCT__ barack_obama __PUNCT__

is mccain right __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think that that realli __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ just an overstat __PUNCT__ an exagger of ani kind of __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ polit mean __PUNCT__

and i don't think that anybodi should take that serious __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but you have confid in barack obama as presid would be a strong_support of israel __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i would __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__

i would believ that that would be the polici of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and it been our polici for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus the critic he get from mccain and hi support __PUNCT__ mccain support __PUNCT__ is that he would be will to meet uncondition with the leader of iran __PUNCT__ mahmoud_ahmadinejad __PUNCT__ and given the statement that ahmadinejad ha made about destroi israel __PUNCT__ that doesn't __PUNCT__ that doesn't reassur __PUNCT__ let sai __PUNCT__ israel __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think that a differ issu __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i object when that statement wa made back in an earli debat __PUNCT__ becaus i don't believ that a unit_state presid should commit to meet uncondition with leader of rogu nation __PUNCT__

that doesn't mean you don't eventu meet with them under appropri circumst __PUNCT__ but not without condit __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ let talk about an issu that come up in thi campaign __PUNCT__

the issu of race in the campaign __PUNCT__

you were wide quot in that __PUNCT__ usa_todai __PUNCT__ interview __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin audio clip __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ there wa just an __PUNCT__ a.p __PUNCT__ articl post that found how senat_obama obama_support among work __PUNCT__ hard_work work_american __PUNCT__ white_american __PUNCT__ is weaken again __PUNCT__ and how the __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ white in both state who had not complet colleg were support me __PUNCT__

i have a much broader base to build a win coalit on __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end audio clip __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ your great friend and support __PUNCT__ congressman charli rangel __PUNCT__ said __PUNCT__ and i quot now __PUNCT__ it the dumbest thing you could have said __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he probabl right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ he is __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ explain __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i wa __PUNCT__ i wa referenc an ap articl __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ obvious i have work veri hard to get the vote of everyon __PUNCT__

and i have campaign hard __PUNCT__ i understand that we got to put togeth a broad coalit in order to win in the fall __PUNCT__

we got to get to that __NUM__ elector_vote margin __PUNCT__

and i know senat_obama ha work_hard to reach out to everi commun and constitu __PUNCT__

so i go to continu to do that __PUNCT__

that what i think is in the best interest of our parti and that how we will win in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ as someon who ha champion civil right all of these year __PUNCT__ and you see all these stori come up __PUNCT__ and he get __NUM__ percent of the african __PUNCT__ american_vote __PUNCT__ you do well with these white_work work_class class_voter __PUNCT__ as you did in west_virginia __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__ in ohio __PUNCT__ how doe that make you feel when you see thi issu all of a sudden explod out there __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i obvious regret peopl explod an issu like that __PUNCT__ becaus i think it not onli unfound __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ it offens __PUNCT__

i think peopl vote for me becaus thei think i be the better presid __PUNCT__

i think peopl vote for him becaus thei think he be the better presid __PUNCT__

i think peopl vote for me becaus thei believ i fight for them __PUNCT__

i think thei vote for each of us for whatev combin of reason that appeal to the individu voter __PUNCT__

that the wai it suppos to be in america __PUNCT__

and i work veri hard to make it clear to peopl in thi campaign that we need a champion back in the white_hous __PUNCT__

i am not on who believ that we go to be abl to come to washington in __NUM__ hold hand with everybodi __PUNCT__ and take on the drug_compani and the oil_compani and the health_insur insur_compani and everyth we have to do __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__ just __PUNCT__ somehow that will all happen __PUNCT__

i think polit is the hard bore of hard board __PUNCT__ as max faber said __PUNCT__

and from my perspect __PUNCT__ peopl who know how hard it will be to creat the chang we need ar attract to my candidaci __PUNCT__ peopl who feel that __PUNCT__ mayb __PUNCT__ life hasn't been fair __PUNCT__ the odd ar stack against them __PUNCT__

thei want somebodi who go to go to bat for them __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ at __URL__ we invit_peopl to submit a question through our i __PUNCT__ report __PUNCT__

a coupl came in that i want to plai for you __PUNCT__ to get your brief respons __PUNCT__

thi on wa from someon name billi sutton __PUNCT__

he a clinton_support turn obama_support __PUNCT__

but watch thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ i have a question for you __PUNCT__

i wa wonder __PUNCT__ why do you believ that so mani of your strongest democrat support sai that thei would vote for senat_mccain over senat_obama in the fall __PUNCT__ if you were not to win the nomin __PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i heard that from both my support and senat obama_support __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus the exit_poll poll_show that __PUNCT__ a bug chunk of them __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ that both hi support and my support might stai_home or not vote for the other __PUNCT__

and i just have to sai __PUNCT__ as strongli as i can __PUNCT__ billi __PUNCT__ that that would be a terribl_mistak __PUNCT__

anybodi who ha ever vote for me or vote for barack ha much more in common __PUNCT__ in term of what we want to see happen in our countri and in the world __PUNCT__ with the other than thei do with john_mccain __PUNCT__

so i go to work my heart out for whoever our nomine is __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ i still hope to be that nomine __PUNCT__

but i go to do everyth i can to make sure that anyon who support me __PUNCT__ the __NUM___million_peopl who have vote for me __PUNCT__ understand what a grave error it would be not to vote for senat_mccain __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ and against senat_mccain __PUNCT__

and i know that senat_obama ha said that he will do the same to campaign for me __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in the heat of a primari_campaign __PUNCT__ peopl get __PUNCT__ their passion ar high __PUNCT__

thei feel intens __PUNCT__

that all understand __PUNCT__

but onc we have a nomine __PUNCT__ we go to have a unifi democrat_parti __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ becaus mario cuomo __PUNCT__ the former governor of new york __PUNCT__ among other __PUNCT__ sai the best wai to heal thi democrat parti __PUNCT__ irrespect of who get the nomin __PUNCT__ is for the two of you to be on the ticket __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i know __PUNCT__

i think he made a speech or wrote someth to that effect __PUNCT__

and it prematur for either of us to talk about that __PUNCT__

i think both of us ar commit to do everyth we can to win in the fall __PUNCT__

i certainli am __PUNCT__

and i will do __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ i will do whatev it take __PUNCT__

becaus i know what four more year of basic the same bush_polici would mean to america __PUNCT__ even though thei would be carri out by someon els __PUNCT__

thei ar more of the same __PUNCT__

and we cannot afford that __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ we also got a variant of thi question from a lot of our viewer __PUNCT__

thi is from a mccain support __PUNCT__

he ask thi question __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ why do you continu to stai in thi race for the democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ barack_obama is well ahead of you in the deleg __PUNCT__ and now ahead of you in the superdeleg __PUNCT__

mani of them have switch to him after he won by a larg margin over you in the north_carolina primari last week __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i realli touch that a mccain support would be so concern about our primari __PUNCT__

but let me sai that __PUNCT__ after my big win last night in west_virginia __PUNCT__ the deleg differ is extrem narrow __PUNCT__

it is __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ peopl have gone to convent and fought out nomin with far fewer deleg __PUNCT__

we have a close __PUNCT__ close race here __PUNCT__

and it is a matter of inch __PUNCT__

and we go to keep go until someon get __NUM___deleg __PUNCT__

that the wai our system_work __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ john_edward sai he give you a lot of credit for be will to stick in there and fight it out __PUNCT__

he __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ drop out __PUNCT__

and i guess the question is __PUNCT__ how do you do it everi singl_dai __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ wolf __PUNCT__ someth happen everi singl dai that just lift my spirit and energ me __PUNCT__

a lot of the peopl who have work their heart out for me in thi primari_season __PUNCT__ thei not quitter in their own live __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ the singl_mom in indianapoli who never given monei to anybodi __PUNCT__ and give me __MONEY__ a month out of her paycheck __PUNCT__ and goe to my headquart everi lunch hour to work for me __PUNCT__ or the littl boi who sell hi bicycl __PUNCT__ from kentucki __PUNCT__ or the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old woman dy in a hospic in south_dakota who just demand that her daughter bring her an absente_ballot __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ these ar peopl who i feel like i repres __PUNCT__ and that i have a veri person connect to __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i don't believ in quit __PUNCT__

you mai not win in life __PUNCT__ but you do the best you can __PUNCT__

you go the distanc __PUNCT__

you don't walk off the court befor the buzzer sound __PUNCT__

you never know __PUNCT__

you might get a three __PUNCT__ point shot at the end __PUNCT__

and so we go to finish thi process __PUNCT__

it been a privileg and an honor to have met so mani american __PUNCT__ been to so mani of the beauti place in thi countri __PUNCT__

and i feel like i do it for the right reason __PUNCT__

and i still believ i be the better presid and the stronger candid against senat_mccain __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ we have on final question __PUNCT__ becaus we out of time __PUNCT__

and it involv your daughter chelsea __PUNCT__

i been watch her sinc she wa a littl girl __PUNCT__

she came to washington back in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in the __PUNCT__ __NUM___campaign __PUNCT__ and now she a grown woman __PUNCT__

and she out there campaign for you everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

i think she in puerto_rico right now __PUNCT__

and i know you talk to her everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

right __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what goe through your mind when you __PUNCT__ when you have your own daughter out there __PUNCT__ work as hard for you as she is __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it on of the most incred gratifi experi of my life __PUNCT__ as a person __PUNCT__ and as a mother __PUNCT__

it go to make me get veri emot __PUNCT__

she is an except person __PUNCT__

and she work so hard __PUNCT__ and she done such a good_job that i just fill with pride everi time i look at her __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ we ar veri close __PUNCT__

we ar in commun all the time __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ she is do thi becaus she believ i be a good presid but also becaus she care so much about our countri futur __PUNCT__

she did grow up in the white_hous __PUNCT__

she know what a differ a presid make __PUNCT__

if anybodi ever doubt what differ a presid make __PUNCT__ after seven year of georg_bush __PUNCT__ i think the doubt should be put to rest __PUNCT__

so she do it becaus she my daughter __PUNCT__ but she do it becaus __PUNCT__ as she sai __PUNCT__ she a young_american who care about our futur __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ and she do it becaus she love you __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ thank veri much __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__