Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.02.12.remarks_following_the_maryland_virginia_and_district_of_columbia_primaries originally had 3254 tokens. You can view the original text here.

oh __PUNCT__ it is so wonder to be here __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i want to thank the congressman so much __PUNCT__

he doe an extraordinari job repres you __PUNCT__ and i know how proud you ar to have him as the chairman of on of the most import committe in the unit_state congress __PUNCT__

thank you so much __PUNCT__

he and hi wife __PUNCT__ carolina __PUNCT__ have been friend and colleagu for a long_time __PUNCT__ and so it is especi a privileg to be introduc by him tonight and to be part of thi extend_famili __PUNCT__ becaus it is famili __PUNCT__ and i am proud to be part of the el_paso __PUNCT__ texa __PUNCT__ famili start right now __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ there ar so mani peopl who have come tonight and who have help make thi extraordinari event possibl __PUNCT__

i want to thank rick and loui bolano __PUNCT__

thei ar part of texa veteran for hillari __PUNCT__

and the bolano famili is so well __PUNCT__ known becaus of their servic to our countri __PUNCT__ and i am honor to have them support me __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i want to thank my old friend __PUNCT__ alicia chacon __PUNCT__ the former counti judg __PUNCT__ the utep young democrat for host me tonight __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

norma flore fisher __PUNCT__ danni achando __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ aaron rosa __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ senat eliot shapleigh __PUNCT__

i want to thank the student and the staff of the univers __PUNCT__ and i want to thank my huge __PUNCT__ texa __PUNCT__ size steer committe __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i can't think of ani better place to start our campaign for texa than right here in el paso __PUNCT__

and i am honor to be an honorari miner __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we go to sweep across texa in the next three week __PUNCT__ bring our messag about what we need in america __PUNCT__ the kind of presid that will be requir on dai on to be command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief to turn the economi around __PUNCT__

i test __PUNCT__

i readi __PUNCT__

let make it happen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ there a great sai in texa __PUNCT__ you all heard it __PUNCT__ all hat and no cattl __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ after seven year of georg_bush __PUNCT__ we need a lot less hat and a lot more cattl __PUNCT__

texa need a presid who actual understand what it go to take to turn the economi around __PUNCT__ to get us univers_health_care __PUNCT__ to save hardwork american home from foreclosur at the abus practic of the mortgag_compani __PUNCT__

we have a lot of work to do __PUNCT__

and i know that el_paso understand that pick a presid is on of the most import job we go to do in thi countri in the next coupl of week __PUNCT__

when i think about texa __PUNCT__ i think about __PUNCT__ as the congressman said __PUNCT__ come here __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

i wa work for the democrat_nation_committe __PUNCT__

and i wa go along the border regist_voter __PUNCT__

and we had the greatest time __PUNCT__

i met some of the best friend that i ever had in my life __PUNCT__

we had a chanc to go into peopl home __PUNCT__

we at a lot of great food __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we listen to some wonder music __PUNCT__

and we regist a few voter __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ here i am back in texa __PUNCT__ and i ask the children of those voter to vote for me for their futur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ some peopl __PUNCT__ when thei run for a polit_offic __PUNCT__ thei onli think about the next elect __PUNCT__

but i like to think about the next gener __PUNCT__ becaus that what i think thi elect is about __PUNCT__

it is about what kind of countri and world we go to pass onto the young_peopl who ar student here __PUNCT__ to that beauti young_boi who came up and gave me the flower __PUNCT__ for each of our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__

ar we go to give them the same shot at the american_dream that mani of us were given __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ if we make the right decis in thi elect __PUNCT__ we sure ar __PUNCT__

we go to give our young_peopl not onli confid and optim __PUNCT__ but real result __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri solut for what we need to do to fix our problem __PUNCT__ meet our challeng __PUNCT__ and seiz our opportun __PUNCT__

as i travel around the countri __PUNCT__ i know from what peopl tell me that a lot of realli hard __PUNCT__ work folk ar concern __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thei work as hard as thei can __PUNCT__ but thei don't feel like thei get ahead __PUNCT__

thei not get the kind of health_care and educ opportun that thei want for themselv and their children __PUNCT__

i hear the mother who tell me thei don't know what thei go to do becaus thei can't afford health care __PUNCT__ and thei have sick children __PUNCT__ and the onli place thei have to turn to is the emerg_room __PUNCT__

i been in the home of famili that ar on the brink of lose the american_dream becaus thei got suck into on of these subprim_mortgag and thei can't afford to stai in their home __PUNCT__

thei look for somebodi to sai thi wa wrong and we will help you __PUNCT__

i meet the peopl who work_hard everi singl_dai but can't pai their energi_bill __PUNCT__ thei can't fill up their ga tank __PUNCT__

thei look for answer __PUNCT__

and then i meet all of the peopl who want to solv the problem __PUNCT__ the young_peopl who ar focus on a better futur and want to make it happen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ there isn't anyth america can't do if we make up our mind to do it __PUNCT__

everi onc of us __PUNCT__ everi singl on of us know that tomorrow can be better than todai __PUNCT__ but it doesn't happen just by wish it or hope for it __PUNCT__

it happen by work realli __PUNCT__ realli hard to make it a realiti to give everybodi a better chanc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i see an america where everyon will to work_hard ha a job with a rise incom __PUNCT__

and if you will to work_full __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__ you have wage that lift you out of poverti __PUNCT__

i want to make sure everi american who work full __PUNCT__ time ha a minimum_wage of at least __MONEY__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ i would requir that congress cannot rais it own salari unless it rais the minimum wage __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i see an america where health_care is a moral right __PUNCT__ not a privileg __PUNCT__ where everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child ha access to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health care __PUNCT__

we can do thi __PUNCT__

we can have a uniqu america solut __PUNCT__

we alreadi have a plan that we can make avail to everyon __PUNCT__

it the plan that provid health care to member of congress __PUNCT__

and it work well for member of congress and our staff and feder_employe __PUNCT__

it ha lot of choic __PUNCT__

i want to make sure you have the same choic as your member of congress doe __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we will help peopl_pai for it becaus i want everybodi __PUNCT__ everybodi __PUNCT__ to have qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health_insur __PUNCT__

and i also see an america where we end our depend on foreign_oil and we start grow and make our own energi right here in texa and america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ aren't you tire of pai those exorbit cost at the ga pump __PUNCT__ aren't you tire of send billion of our dollar to countri that turn around and us it against us __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ why don't we get smart and start creat our own energi __PUNCT__ we have the sun __PUNCT__ we have the wind __PUNCT__ we can grow the product __PUNCT__ we can turn what we have here in texa into the energi of the futur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i think that if we do thi we will creat million of new __PUNCT__ good_job __PUNCT__ job with rise incom __PUNCT__ job that will be right here in el_paso __PUNCT__ right here in texa __PUNCT__ job that will give a famili a good potenti opportun to rais their kid __PUNCT__ and send them to school __PUNCT__ and feel like thei part of the american_dream __PUNCT__

energi can be the kei that unlock our econom_futur __PUNCT__ make us more secur in the world __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ if we do it right __PUNCT__ we will begin to deal with the problem of global_warm __PUNCT__ which is a real_problem that ha to be attack __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i see an america where children ar better prepar befor thei ever go to school __PUNCT__ where we help famili prepar their own children __PUNCT__ where we have a univers_pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program __PUNCT__ so that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old can get off to a good start __PUNCT__

i see an america where the feder_govern doesn't tell the teacher __PUNCT__ and the princip __PUNCT__ and the superintend in el_paso what thei suppos to teach and what thei suppos to test __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i will the end the unfund mandat known as no child_left behind __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ we will come up with a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri educ_system for our children __PUNCT__ where we look at each individu child and try to decid what we need to do to lift that littl boi or girl to hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

that is the purpos of educ __PUNCT__ not test after test after test after test after test __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i see an america where everi young_person who is will to work_hard will be abl to go to colleg __PUNCT__

thei will not have the door slam in their face becaus of the cost of higher_educ __PUNCT__

in my america __PUNCT__ we go to make sure that the feder_govern get back into loan peopl_monei at a low_interest like thei did when i went to school instead of the student_loan compani __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we go to give young_peopl the opportun for nation_servic so that you can earn_monei to go to colleg __PUNCT__

on year of nation_servic __PUNCT__ you can earn up to __MONEY__

that would give you the resourc to be abl to go to school __PUNCT__

it is wrong in america when famili have to mortgag or sell their home to send their son or daughter to colleg __PUNCT__

it should be an invest we all make in you __PUNCT__

i see an america where we final have comprehens_immigr immigr_reform with a path to earn legal __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ we go to have secur border __PUNCT__

we go to work veri hard on that __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we go to make sure employ don't exploit undocu_worker __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and we will do more to help commun like el_paso that need resourc for health and educ and law_enforc __PUNCT__

and i want to work more with our neighbor and friend to the south to help those countri creat more job for their own peopl __PUNCT__ so that everyon would have a chanc at a better life __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but we go to bring_peopl out of the shadow __PUNCT__

we go to tell them that __PUNCT__ if thei meet certain condit __PUNCT__ like pai a fine for come here illeg __PUNCT__ like pai_back tax __PUNCT__ like learn_english __PUNCT__ we go to give peopl a path to citizenship __PUNCT__ becaus so mani of the peopl who ar here work_hard __PUNCT__ send their children to school __PUNCT__ and deserv a chanc at the american_dream __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i see an america where we __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ ar builder and architect of our futur __PUNCT__ where we invest in all of the differ kind of transport and physic build that ar requir __PUNCT__

we need more road __PUNCT__ we need more bridg __PUNCT__ we need more tunnel __PUNCT__

we should be put million of american to work build the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri_america __PUNCT__ invest in that richer and brighter futur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i see an america where we know that we have to be respect around the world again __PUNCT__ where we have to repair our reput __PUNCT__ where we have to work with other countri to solv our problem __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i have said that __PUNCT__ when i becom presid __PUNCT__ i will begin to put a plan into place to bring our troop_home start within __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mani of you ar veteran __PUNCT__

you know that plan to withdraw our troop ha to be done carefulli and respons __PUNCT__ but we must start __PUNCT__

our young_men and women who serv our countri have done everyth thei were ask to do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thei have perform brave and heroic __PUNCT__ but there is no militari solut __PUNCT__

it is up to the iraqi themselv to make the tough decis about their countri futur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so as we bring our son and daughter home __PUNCT__ let take care of our veteran __PUNCT__

let give our veteran the servic __PUNCT__ the health_care __PUNCT__ the other program that thei so richli have earn __PUNCT__ becaus when someon sign up to serv america __PUNCT__ america sign up to serv that veteran __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i want to be sure that all of our veteran __PUNCT__ from our youngest to our oldest __PUNCT__ get taken care of __PUNCT__

i like to see our youngest veteran get a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ centuri gi_bill of right __PUNCT__ with monei for colleg __PUNCT__ and monei to bui a home __PUNCT__ and monei to start a busi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and as a presid __PUNCT__ presid_bush ha not done what need to be done for our veteran __PUNCT__

we haven't fund the va __PUNCT__

we have so mani come home who ar injur and not be taken care of __PUNCT__

i think it is the highest oblig of the presid __PUNCT__ who is also our command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ to take care of those who have serv our nation __PUNCT__ and i pledg to you i will take care of our veteran __PUNCT__

i will make sure our youngest veteran get what thei need __PUNCT__

we will honor our oldest veteran from world_war_ii __PUNCT__

and i want to pai special attent to the veteran of my gener who serv and fought in vietnam __PUNCT__ to give them what thei deserv to have __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ everi problem we face can be solv becaus we american __PUNCT__

we ar problem __PUNCT__ solver __PUNCT__

we ar the peopl who ar constantli creat the futur __PUNCT__

we believ that tomorrow not onli can be __PUNCT__ but will be better than todai __PUNCT__

and we have to keep faith with these young_men and women to make sure that thei have the opportun to pursu their own dream __PUNCT__

so thi elect could not be more import __PUNCT__

and there ar some real differ that have to be sort out by the voter of texa __PUNCT__

on of the biggest differ between me and my oppon is that i believ with all my heart that we must have univers_health_care __PUNCT__ that we must do everyth possibl __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ to realiz the dream of democrat_presid go back to franklin_roosevelt and harri_truman __PUNCT__

now is the time when we will achiev thi goal __PUNCT__

we cannot give up on it __PUNCT__ we cannot back down from it __PUNCT__

senat_obama won't come forward with a univers_health_care health_care_plan __PUNCT__ but i have __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__ and with your help we will achiev univers_health_care in america __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ anoth differ is that i want to stop the foreclosur of peopl __PUNCT__ home __PUNCT__

i want to give peopl a chanc to work out a wai to stai in their home __PUNCT__

the home is the most import refug that ani of us have __PUNCT__ isn't it __PUNCT__ and too mani peopl ar be forc out of their home across texa becaus of abus mortgag practic __PUNCT__ predatori_lend __PUNCT__

and it not just affect the peopl who lose their home __PUNCT__ it affect the peopl who live next door or down the street __PUNCT__ becaus a vacant home lower properti valu for everyon __PUNCT__

so i have been sai let have a moratorium __PUNCT__

let freez interest_rate __PUNCT__

thi is a veri big_deal __PUNCT__ becaus we can't fix the economi if our home market doesn't start_work again __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and so i wa somewhat amus todai when presid_bush and hi secretari of the treasuri said thei were actual go to do some of what i been urg them to do for sever month __PUNCT__

let try to save peopl home __PUNCT__

i am a problem __PUNCT__ solver __PUNCT__

i believ that we need a presid __PUNCT__ start on dai on __PUNCT__ who go to roll up hi or her sleev and get to work __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ becaus i want you to imagin for a minut what is wait for our next presid in the oval_offic in the white_hous __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ on __DATE__ our next presid will be sworn in __PUNCT__

and wait on that desk in the oval_offic ar two war __PUNCT__ two war __PUNCT__ an economi in troubl __PUNCT__ a health_care_system that is not take care of peopl __PUNCT__ an energi relianc on unstabl regim __PUNCT__ and all of the problem that come from that __PUNCT__

so mani of these challeng ar go to be just sit there __PUNCT__ wait for the next presid __PUNCT__

and some peopl sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ there go to be a lot of work to do __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ there is go to be a lot of work to do __PUNCT__ but ar we up to do that work and take our countri_back __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i am so excit to be make thi campaign __PUNCT__ but i can't do it without all of you __PUNCT__

i need you here in el_paso and across texa to stand up for me __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

becaus if we stand up togeth __PUNCT__ if we work togeth __PUNCT__ if we fight togeth __PUNCT__ we will take back_america __PUNCT__ and we will make histori togeth __PUNCT__

thank you all __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__