Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.01.28.remarks_before_the_state_of_the_union_in_hartford_connecticut originally had 3902 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

it is so good to be here in hartford __PUNCT__ back in connecticut __PUNCT__

i am thrill to see all of you __PUNCT__

i want to thank nanci for her realli kind word __PUNCT__ but the part of it that touch me the most wa when she said that she want me to be the presid for her grandchildren __PUNCT__

that is someth that i so deepli treasur __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ nanci __PUNCT__

it is wonder to be back with your attornei_gener __PUNCT__

dick and i went to law_school togeth in new haven at yale __PUNCT__

i have follow hi distinguish public career here in connecticut with such admir __PUNCT__

he is gener believ to be best attornei_gener in the entir unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i appreci greatli what he ha been do and particularli hi point about how you have to be will to fight for what you believ in __PUNCT__

dick and i have join togeth against the broadwat plan in the south __PUNCT__ which we don't think is in the best interest of new york and connecticut __PUNCT__ of our environ __PUNCT__ or of our futur __PUNCT__

it is an honor to be stand side by side with him and a lot of these import fight for connecticut and new york and america __PUNCT__

i want to thank my co __PUNCT__ chair __PUNCT__ susan cocco and repres jason bartlett __PUNCT__

i want to thank the member of the steer committe for my campaign here in connecticut __PUNCT__ and the state_legislatur who ar here __PUNCT__ if thei could all rais their hand so i can express my appreci __PUNCT__

the hartford mayor __PUNCT__ eddi perez __PUNCT__ state_repres __PUNCT__ kelvin roldan __PUNCT__ bruce dougla and the faculti and the staff here __PUNCT__ the bridgeport mayor __PUNCT__ bill finch __PUNCT__ all of the elect_offici and i see my good_friend from massachusett congressman __PUNCT__ jim mcgovern __PUNCT__

i so pleas that you all ar here with me __PUNCT__

it is excit to be in thi learn corridor __PUNCT__ i am thrill with what i see here __PUNCT__

i have been to hartford mani time __PUNCT__

i been here visit friend __PUNCT__ been here do busi __PUNCT__ been here support peopl run for offic here in connecticut __PUNCT__

i first start come to hartford on sundai afternoon __PUNCT__ back when i wa in law_school __PUNCT__

bill had thi old __PUNCT__ beat up car __PUNCT__

it wa call an opel __PUNCT__

i don't even know if thei make them anymor __PUNCT__

it wa the kind of car that wa held togeth by duct tape __PUNCT__ to be real honest __PUNCT__

but sometim after a long week of studi and all that we did in law school __PUNCT__ we get in that old car and we just travel all over connecticut __PUNCT__

we went from on end of the state to the other __PUNCT__

it is such a beauti state __PUNCT__

i had so mani happi hour here travel across connecticut __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ i am thrill to be your neighbor now from new york __PUNCT__ live close by in chappaqua and be abl to work on so mani of the concern that affect our two state __PUNCT__

boi __PUNCT__ we have a lot of concern we have to deal with __PUNCT__ don't we __PUNCT__ i assum that all of you know tonight is a red letter night in american_histori __PUNCT__

it is the last time georg_bush will give a state of the union __PUNCT__

if we all do our part __PUNCT__ next year it be a democrat_presid give the state of the union __PUNCT__

let be clear __PUNCT__ on thing that presid_bush ha never understood is that the state of the union is not about a speech in washington __PUNCT__

it is about the state of the live of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

what is happen in our school __PUNCT__ in our hospit __PUNCT__ in our job __PUNCT__ it is whether or not we have peopl who feel that thei ar move toward the american_dream or whether it look like it get further and further awai no matter how hard thei work __PUNCT__

it is about whether or not peopl will be abl to stai in their home or if thei will lose their home to foreclosur __PUNCT__ therebi realli undermin the american dream __PUNCT__

it is about whether we as a nation will restor our leadership and our moral_author __PUNCT__ bring our constitut out of cold storag __PUNCT__ begin to act like american again __PUNCT__ solv our problem __PUNCT__ work toward a better futur __PUNCT__ make it possibl for us to be proud of our countri __PUNCT__

thi campaign that we ar wage is on of the most import in our nation_histori becaus we ar at a turn_point __PUNCT__

we know that we have so much work to do __PUNCT__ and it will take all of us __PUNCT__

it not just about those of us who ar run __PUNCT__

it about all of you and everyon els here in connecticut and across america who know that we can do better __PUNCT__

i believ with all my heart that america is readi for an elect that set a new agenda __PUNCT__ new prioriti __PUNCT__ that give us back that confid and optim that should be our birthright __PUNCT__

i believ that america can solv ani problem that we put our mind to __PUNCT__

i believ that we can onc again be a nation that set the pace __PUNCT__ that creat the innov and the futur await __PUNCT__

but i believ that we got to do that by make it veri clear what we stand for and what we won't stand for __PUNCT__

i think it imper that thi elect be about the real concern of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

as nanci said __PUNCT__ some peopl think polit is a game __PUNCT__

it excit __PUNCT__ you can have ralli like thi __PUNCT__

we have so mani peopl outsid and we ar move them into an overflow room and that realli a great wai of demonstr involv and particip __PUNCT__

but at the end __PUNCT__ it about ar peopl better off when we stop than when we start __PUNCT__

doe some child who didn't have health_care befor have it now __PUNCT__ doe some hard_work man __PUNCT__ who ha given hi all to hi job and ha seen it move offshor __PUNCT__ feel like he ha ani hope left __PUNCT__ some work woman who get up at the crack of dawn and work as hard as she can __PUNCT__ ever get equal pai for equal work __PUNCT__ these ar the kind of concern and issu that i care about __PUNCT__

i have been in and out of the home and workplac and commun_center of american across our countri __PUNCT__

and what thei want to talk to me about is the insecur thei feel __PUNCT__ the fear that thei ar confront __PUNCT__

i am sure that the presid tonight will __PUNCT__ as he ha for the previou seven year __PUNCT__ sai that the state of our union is strong __PUNCT__

but with all due respect mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you not on the road with me __PUNCT__

come and meet the peopl that i meet __PUNCT__

listen to the stori i listen to __PUNCT__

sit at tabl in diner and hear what on america mind __PUNCT__

i have veri differ belief than the current administr __PUNCT__

i believ that everybodi in america who will to work_hard for a live should bring_home an incom abov the poverti_line __PUNCT__

i think that should be part of what we hold out for peopl and make sure that thei have __PUNCT__

i believ health_care is a moral right __PUNCT__ not a privileg for the few and the wealthi __PUNCT__

i believ peopl have the right to organ and bargain collect and have better wage and work_condit __PUNCT__

i believ that our educ_system is not just about our children take test but unlock their imagin and their potenti __PUNCT__

i believ our tax_code should be fair to the middl_class __PUNCT__

it the middl class that built america __PUNCT__

it the middl class that creat most of the wealth and the job in america __PUNCT__ and it time that we have a tax_code that reflect that again __PUNCT__

i believ that an invest manag on wall_street make fifti_million million_dollar a year should not pai a lower percentag in tax than a teacher in hartford make fifti __PUNCT__ thousand_dollar a year __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i believ that anyon who want to move a job from connecticut oversea should not get on penni of tax payer help to do it __PUNCT__

there should not be ani giveawai in our tax_code to creat_job somewher els than america __PUNCT__

i believ everi child deserv a chanc to make it in life __PUNCT__

that why we need a univers_pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program __PUNCT__ that why we need more help for famili __PUNCT__ so that thei can get their own children off to a good start __PUNCT__

i believ we have to start over from scratch with no child_left behind and get back to have a partnership between our teacher and our student and the rest of us __PUNCT__

i believ that colleg should be afford for middl_class and work_famili again __PUNCT__

i believ we got to do more to help those who don't go to colleg __PUNCT__ the young_men and women who build the build we work in __PUNCT__

thei deserv more job_train and apprenticeship program for a better futur __PUNCT__

i believ that we got to restor the constitut of the unit_state __PUNCT__ we got to respect our civil right and our civil_liberti __PUNCT__ we have to respect the right to privaci and we have to sai no loudli and clearli to those like presid_bush and vice_presid chenei who don't understand american_histori or american valu __PUNCT__

i believ we can do better than what we seen the last seven year with the cronyism and the corrupt and the no __PUNCT__ bid contract and the indiffer and the incompet __PUNCT__

i believ we can actual start appoint qualifi peopl to the posit we ask them to hold in the govern again __PUNCT__

i believ we can restor american leadership and moral_author in the world __PUNCT__ begin with end the war in iraq and bring our troop_home within sixti dai of when i becom presid __PUNCT__

i believ that when a young_man or woman sign up to serv our countri in the unit_state militari __PUNCT__ we sign up to serv that young_man or woman __PUNCT__

we ow them the health_care __PUNCT__ the compens __PUNCT__ and the support and servic that thei have earn __PUNCT__

i believ that we ar strongest when we lead with our valu __PUNCT__

we have the greatest militari in the world __PUNCT__ there no doubt about that __PUNCT__ but militari_forc should be us onli as a last resort __PUNCT__ not a first resort __PUNCT__

that is someth we have to make_clear to the rest of the world again i believ we can work with other countri to find common_ground __PUNCT__

i believ that the rest of the world is hold it breath __PUNCT__ wait for a new dai __PUNCT__

i believ that we can have a new energi_polici that is focus on clean renew_energi __PUNCT__ that put million of peopl in connecticut and across america to work in make and deliv that new energi __PUNCT__

i believ we can take on global_warm and we can do it in a smart wai and the unit_state can be a leader again in come up with a framework that includ china and india and other countri in help to save our planet and at the same_time see the result in new job and new technolog and new export __PUNCT__

i believ we can have trade_agreement that honor labor and environment standard and that ar enforc against countri that violat them __PUNCT__

i believ we can get back to fiscal_respons where __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ the unit_state is strong __PUNCT__

we not go into debt for the war in iraq and tax_cut for the wealthiest of american but instead we ar take care of the need of our peopl at home __PUNCT__

if we move_back toward fiscal_respons we will regain our fiscal sovereignti __PUNCT__

right now we borrow_monei from chines to bui oil from saudi __PUNCT__

that is not a good_deal for america __PUNCT__ i believ we can do better than that __PUNCT__

i believ that the next elect is not just about who get elect __PUNCT__

i believ the next elect is about the next gener __PUNCT__

it about all of these young_peopl who ar here todai __PUNCT__

it about your futur __PUNCT__ your potenti __PUNCT__ the countri and world you will inherit __PUNCT__

so how do we translat our belief into action __PUNCT__ how do we go from a campaign where we make speech __PUNCT__ where peopl_stand up and cheer and clap loudli __PUNCT__ into make what we believ real __PUNCT__ i think it start by have an elect about what matter __PUNCT__ about what we can do togeth __PUNCT__

i have spent a year talk veri specif about my plan __PUNCT__ what i will do to creat more job and return to fiscal_respons and growth __PUNCT__ and lift peopl out of poverti and give them a chanc to fulfil their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

about how we will have health_care by open up the congression plan that is there for member of congress and their staff and feder_employe to everi singl america who want it and give tax_credit for those who can't afford it on their own __PUNCT__

i know that we have to chang our educ_program from the feder_level and i know that we got to creat a better partnership between washington and connecticut and hartford and all of the other commun here __PUNCT__

we can do thi __PUNCT__

there is so much yearn in our countri to be part of someth bigger than ourselv again __PUNCT__

we can provid a realli posit view of our futur togeth and we can ask everybodi to be a part of it __PUNCT__

it not just about elect a presid and pass_legisl through the congress __PUNCT__

it about what each and everi on of us will do __PUNCT__

if we have a new energi and global_warm strategi in america then we all go to have to conserv more __PUNCT__ we go to have to be more energi_effici and look for wai in our school and our busi __PUNCT__ and our commun to realli take on thi challeng __PUNCT__

i think we up to it __PUNCT__

there never been a challeng america hasn't met onc we made up our mind to do it __PUNCT__

i go to work veri hard to get us to univers_health_care __PUNCT__

it is long_overdu in america and we ar go to make it possibl for peopl to get health_care coverag for mental_health __PUNCT__ which should no longer be left out and stigmat __PUNCT__ for prevent that will keep us healthi and well __PUNCT__

but then i go to ask all of us to do more to stai healthi and to help each other and young_peopl will lead the wai to give us that encourag __PUNCT__ so that we can be as strong as possibl __PUNCT__

when it come to educ __PUNCT__ i want famili to invest more in their own children __PUNCT__

i done thi work __PUNCT__ as dick wa sai __PUNCT__ for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

a famili is a child first school __PUNCT__

parent ar child first teacher __PUNCT__

most parent realli want to know what to do __PUNCT__ but there not a lot of help out there __PUNCT__ is there __PUNCT__ we need to give more support to famili so that thei can be the best possibl teacher and parent __PUNCT__

we need to have work to be friendlier again __PUNCT__

i am so proud of chri_dodd and what he did to make sure the famili and medic leav act wa pass after try for seven year with two presidenti veto __PUNCT__

we need to work to expand it so that more peopl don't have to make these realli tough choic between be a good employe and be a good famili_member __PUNCT__

we got to reliev a lot of the pressur that so mani famili feel todai becaus we have care __PUNCT__ giver take care of chronic ill spous or parent or children __PUNCT__

thei do it for love __PUNCT__

thei do it becaus it the right thing to do __PUNCT__

if thei stop take care of each other tomorrow __PUNCT__ we have to find __MONEY___billion a year to replac the care that is given out of love __PUNCT__

let start help famili be the best thei can be to take care on anoth __PUNCT__

if we ar seriou about famili valu __PUNCT__ let start valu famili and give everybodi the tool thei should have to make the most out of their famili_live __PUNCT__

then i go to ask all of us to do more to stai healthi __PUNCT__

i will do everyth i can to make colleg afford with new tax_credit for famili __PUNCT__ with more pell_grant __PUNCT__ with higher_level so that more peopl can take advantag of them __PUNCT__

i want to give two more year of nation_servic to those who need to earn_monei to go to colleg __PUNCT__ up to __MONEY__ a year so that you can pai your wai if you graduat with debt __PUNCT__

if you ar will to do a public_servic servic_job like teach or nurs or firefight or law_enforc __PUNCT__ we will forgiv your debt becaus of what you ar give back to our societi __PUNCT__

but the door of colleg ar not just open by sai __PUNCT__ just open __PUNCT__

thei ar open becaus peopl_work work_hard for it __PUNCT__

we ar in a competit in america __PUNCT__

we ar not onli compet between state __PUNCT__ we ar compet with other countri __PUNCT__

each of our young_peopl have to be pois and readi to plai a part in thi global_competit __PUNCT__

nobodi can out compet american onc we __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ make up our mind that we ar go to be in thi __PUNCT__ to make it clear that we ar lead __PUNCT__ we ar the innov __PUNCT__ we ar the entrepreneur __PUNCT__

around the world __PUNCT__ we need to have a bipartisan foreign_polici again __PUNCT__ a lot of the problem we face ar not republican or democrat problem __PUNCT__

we have to repair all the relationship that have been damag by presid_bush __PUNCT__ on veri contin across the globe __PUNCT__

that why it is so import to start withdraw our troop from iraq __PUNCT__

i have said __PUNCT__ as soon as i could __PUNCT__ upon take offic if i am so fortun to do that __PUNCT__ i would ask the secretari of defens and the joint_chief of staff and the secur_advisor to give me a plan to begin __PUNCT__

i think we can bring out on to two brigad a month __PUNCT__

i believ we will tell veri clearli by our action __PUNCT__ not just our word __PUNCT__ the iraqi_govern that thei now have to take respons for themselv __PUNCT__ someth thei have been avoid and deni for five year __PUNCT__

then when we bring our son and daughter home __PUNCT__ we will take care of them __PUNCT__

it ha been heartbreak to see the neglect and the wareh that ha gone on __PUNCT__

we have thirti_thousand young_american who have been injur or wound in some wai __PUNCT__ visibl and invis alik __PUNCT__

it time that we __PUNCT__ as a countri led by our presid __PUNCT__ sai we will do whatev it take __PUNCT__

we will fulli fund the va __PUNCT__ we will provid outpati servic __PUNCT__ we will clear up the backlog of disabl claim __PUNCT__ we will help our veteran get job __PUNCT__ we will have a new __NUM___centuri g.i __PUNCT__

bill so that these young_men and women will get monei to go to colleg and start up a busi and bui a home __PUNCT__

i excit by what we can do __PUNCT__

we will bring the countri togeth not just by hope and wish and talk about it but by make it happen becaus we set goal we will achiev togeth __PUNCT__

there will be a role for everybodi to plai __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ the state of the union speech will be deliv tonight __PUNCT__ but when that is final over it will be time for all of us to turn our attent to pick the next presid __PUNCT__

on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ the next presid will be sworn in on the step of the capitol __PUNCT__

i am so honor and humbl to be in thi race becaus i believ with all my heart that our countri can do better __PUNCT__

it will have to start on dai on face all of the challeng that will be wait in the oval_offic __PUNCT__ but it will also be abl seiz opportun to chart a new cours __PUNCT__

if you will stand with me __PUNCT__ if you here in connecticut will support me on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i promis you that i will get up everi singl_dai and wage a win campaign against whomev the republican_nomin __PUNCT__

i been up against republican for a veri long_time now __PUNCT__

i wa think the other dai __PUNCT__ wouldn't it be nice if thei just announc that thei were embarrass about what happen to the countri and thei weren't go to run for the white_hous again __PUNCT__ somehow i don't think that is go to happen __PUNCT__

i think we will have to wage a vigor and win campaign __PUNCT__

sinc i have been on the receiv end of their incom fire for all of these year and much to their dismai __PUNCT__ i am still stand here __PUNCT__ i think i know how to take us to victori in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

let me ask you __PUNCT__ ar you readi for chang in america __PUNCT__ ar you readi for an economi that work for everybodi __PUNCT__ ar you readi for univers_health_care __PUNCT__ ar you readi for an educ_system that keep faith with our student and our teacher __PUNCT__ ar you readi to reform our govern so it work for all american again __PUNCT__ ar you readi to end the war in iraq and bring our troop_home __PUNCT__ if you ar readi for chang i am readi to lead and with your help that is exactli what we will do __PUNCT__

thank you and god_bless you __PUNCT__