Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.01.13.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 10753 tokens. You can view the original text here.

russert __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ welcom back to meet the press __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

good to be with you __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ when we arriv in south_carolina yesterdai thi wa the state newspap __PUNCT__ and the headlin agre to thi __PUNCT__

and let me share it with you and our viewer __PUNCT__ clinton camp hit obama __PUNCT__ attack __PUNCT__ pain __PUNCT__ for black_voter __PUNCT__

mani in state offend by critic of obama __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ remark about __PUNCT__ martin_luther __PUNCT__ king __PUNCT__

bob herbert __PUNCT__ in the new york_time __PUNCT__ columnist __PUNCT__ weigh in thi wai __PUNCT__ i could also sens how hard the clinton camp wa work to undermin senat_obama main theme __PUNCT__ that a campaign base on hope and heal could unifi rather than further polar the countri __PUNCT__

so there wa the former presid chastis the press for the wai it wa cover the obama_campaign and sai of mr __PUNCT__ obama effort __PUNCT__ the whole thing is the biggest fairi_tale i ever seen __PUNCT__

and there wa mr __PUNCT__ clinton tell the countri we don't need __PUNCT__ fals hope __PUNCT__ and take cheap shot at __PUNCT__ of all peopl __PUNCT__ the reverend dr __PUNCT__ martin_luther_king luther_king_jr __PUNCT__ we alreadi seen clinton surrog try to implant the fals idea that mr __PUNCT__ obama might be a muslim __PUNCT__ and perhap a drug_dealer to boot __PUNCT__

what is thi all about __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ beat me __PUNCT__ becaus there not on shred of truth in what you just read __PUNCT__

and i regret that __PUNCT__ becaus obvious a lot of peopl have been __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ given inform or an impress that is absolut fals __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ with respect to dr __PUNCT__ king __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i wa __NUM___year old when i heard dr __PUNCT__ king speak in person __PUNCT__

he is on of the peopl that i admir most in the world __PUNCT__ and the point that i wa respond to from senat_obama himself in a number of speech he wa make is hi comparison of himself to presid_kennedi and dr __PUNCT__ king __PUNCT__

and there is no doubt that the inspir offer by all three of them is essenti __PUNCT__

it is critic to who we ar as a nation __PUNCT__ what we believ in __PUNCT__ the dream and aspir that we all have __PUNCT__

but i also said that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ dr __PUNCT__ king didn't just give speech __PUNCT__

he march __PUNCT__ he organ __PUNCT__ he protest __PUNCT__ he wa gass __PUNCT__ he wa beaten __PUNCT__ he wa jail __PUNCT__

he understood that he had to move the polit_process and bring in those who were in polit_power __PUNCT__ and he campaign for polit_leader __PUNCT__ includ lyndon_johnson __PUNCT__ becaus he want somebodi in the white_hous who would act on what he had devot hi life to achiev __PUNCT__

so i think it import to set the record straight __PUNCT__

clearli __PUNCT__ we know from media_report that the obama_campaign is deliber distort thi __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i think we should just take a step out here for a minut __PUNCT__

thi is the most excit elect we had in such a long_time becaus you have an african_american __PUNCT__ an extraordinari man __PUNCT__ a person of tremend talent and abil __PUNCT__ run to becom our presid __PUNCT__

you have a woman run to break the highest and hardest glass_ceil __PUNCT__

i don't think either of us want to inject race or gender in thi campaign __PUNCT__

we ar run as individu __PUNCT__ we ar make our case to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and it imper that we get the record and the fact straight becaus peopl ar entitl to have that inform __PUNCT__

but i have no intent of either __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ do someth that would move thi race in a wrong wai __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ sit stand by when i think tactic ar be emploi that ar not in the best interest of our countri __PUNCT__

and let me address the point that bill wa make __PUNCT__

becaus __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i think it been unfairli and inaccur character __PUNCT__

what he wa talk about wa veri directli about the stori of senat_obama obama_campaign __PUNCT__ be premis on a speech he gave in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and that wa to hi credit __PUNCT__

he gave a speech oppos the war in iraq __PUNCT__

he gave a veri impass speech against it and consist said that he wa against the war __PUNCT__ he would vote against the fund for the war __PUNCT__

by __NUM__ that speech wa off hi web_site __PUNCT__

by __NUM__ he wa sai that he didn't realli disagre with the wai georg_bush wa conduct the war __PUNCT__

and by __NUM__ and __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ he wa vote for __MONEY___billion in fund for the war __PUNCT__

the stori of hi campaign is realli the stori of that speech and hi opposit to iraq __PUNCT__

i think it is fair to ask question about __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what did you do after the speech wa over __PUNCT__ and when he becam a senat __PUNCT__ he didn't go to the floor of the senat to condemn the war in iraq for __NUM___month __PUNCT__

he didn't introduc_legisl against the war in iraq __PUNCT__

he vote against timelin and deadlin initi __PUNCT__

so i think it import that we get the contrast and the comparison out __PUNCT__

i think that fair_game __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i think that we don't want anyon __PUNCT__ ani of our support __PUNCT__ anyon __PUNCT__ and that why in my campaign __PUNCT__ ani time anybodi ha said anyth that i thought wa out of bound __PUNCT__ thei gone __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i have gotten rid of them __PUNCT__ i have said that is not appropri in thi campaign __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ when senat_obama chief_strategist accus me of plai a role in benazir bhutto assassin __PUNCT__ there silenc __PUNCT__

so let have on standard __PUNCT__

thi is an excit and histor campaign __PUNCT__

on of us is go to make histori __PUNCT__ which is thrill to me __PUNCT__

i work all my life on behalf of civil right and women right and human right __PUNCT__ and so i want a good __PUNCT__ vigor campaign about the differ between us and our variou qualif and experi to be the presid that america need __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ it just isn't at senat_obama who is take offens __PUNCT__

thi is exactli what presid_clinton said in dartmouth __PUNCT__

here the tape __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ hanov __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__ mondai __PUNCT__ pre __PUNCT__

bill_clinton __PUNCT__ give me a break __PUNCT__

thi whole thing is the biggest fairi_tale i ever seen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ congressman jame clyburn of south_carolina __PUNCT__ who neutral __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ thi __PUNCT__ to call that dream a fairi_tale __PUNCT__ which bill_clinton seem to be do __PUNCT__ could veri well be insult to some of us __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ let me __PUNCT__ let me just stop you right there __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ wait a minut __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i didn't stop you __PUNCT__

let me just go through __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but you did not give the entir quot and so __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but you __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ the entir quot wa clearli about the posit on iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but i __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ it wa not about the entir candidaci __PUNCT__

it wa not about the extraordinari __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ abil __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but congressman __PUNCT__ but congressman clyburn ha been cover thi race __PUNCT__

donna brazil __PUNCT__ herself a longtim activist in the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ thi is what she said __PUNCT__

here donna brazil __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ tuesdai __PUNCT__ ms __PUNCT__

donna brazil __PUNCT__ as an african_american __PUNCT__ i find hi word and hi tone to be veri depress __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ so these ar peopl who ar not support of obama __PUNCT__ who ar listen __PUNCT__

let me just go to the martin_luther_king thing becaus you had your opportun to talk about thi at the begin of the show and i want to lai thi out for our viewer __PUNCT__

thi is how the new york_time categor it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ in an interview with fox new on mondai __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__

tri to make a point about presidenti leadership __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ dr __PUNCT__

king dream began to be realiz when presid_johnson pass the civil right act of __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ clinton said in try to make the case that her experi should mean to voter than the uplift word of mr __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ it took a presid to get it done __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ congressman clyburn __PUNCT__ we have to be veri __PUNCT__ veri care about how we speak about that era in american_polit __PUNCT__

that bother me a great_deal __PUNCT__

a writer in the washington post todai __PUNCT__ a black woman said it as if you ar minim __PUNCT__ i have a dream __PUNCT__

that you sai it a nice sentiment __PUNCT__ but it took a white presid to get black to the mountaintop __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ that her take __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i understand the take out of context and the mischaracter __PUNCT__

i spoken with congressman clyburn __PUNCT__

i have spoken with a number of my veri strong and adam support __PUNCT__ but tim __PUNCT__ i can't let you get awai with that mischaracter and those snippet __PUNCT__

i wa respond to a speech that senat_obama gave in new hampshir where he did compar himself to presid_kennedi and to dr __PUNCT__ king __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ presid kennedi serv in the congress for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ he wa a war_hero __PUNCT__

he been engag in mani of the battl that led to hi elect in the __NUM___elect __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ king had been on the front_line __PUNCT__

he had been lead a movement __PUNCT__

but dr __PUNCT__ king understood __PUNCT__ which is why he made it veri clear __PUNCT__ that there ha to be a come to term of our countri polit in order to make the chang that would last for gener beyond the icon __PUNCT__ extraordinari speech that he gave __PUNCT__

that why he campaign for lyndon_johnson in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that why he wa there when those great piec of legisl were pass __PUNCT__

doe he deserv the lion_share of the credit for move our countri and move our polit_process __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ he doe __PUNCT__

but he also had partner who were in the polit_system __PUNCT__

and i think it is such an unfair and unwarr attempt to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ misinterpret and mischaracter what i said __PUNCT__

look at what i done my entir life __PUNCT__

i have been work on behalf of civil right __PUNCT__ women right __PUNCT__ human right for year and i know how challeng it is to chang our polit system and i have the highest regard for those who have put themselv on the line __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ congressman clyburn wa part of that movement __PUNCT__

so mani of the peopl whom i admir in my countri who have given of themselv to make these chang went into polit in order to realiz the chang __PUNCT__ work to elect peopl in order to make the chang __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thi is __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ an unfortun stori_line that the obama_campaign ha push veri successfulli __PUNCT__

thei been put out talk_point __PUNCT__ thei been make thi __PUNCT__ thei been tell peopl in a veri select wai what the fact ar __PUNCT__

and i glad to have the opportun to set the fact straight __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ in newsweek __PUNCT__ you gave an interview to jon meacham __PUNCT__ and you talk about the person narr that candid develop __PUNCT__

you seem to compar barack_obama to __PUNCT__ you sai __PUNCT__ demagogu like huei long __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ that is so untru and unfair __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ if you ar run for presid base primarili on a speech you gave in __NUM__ and speech you have given sinc __PUNCT__ most notabl at the democrat_convent __PUNCT__ then i think it is fair to sai we need to know more beyond the word __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ if you ar part of american_polit polit_histori __PUNCT__ you know that the speech ar essenti to frame an issu __PUNCT__ to inspir and lift up peopl __PUNCT__

but when the camera ar gone and when the light ar out __PUNCT__ what happen next __PUNCT__ how do you translat your word into deed __PUNCT__ and i think __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ start in new hampshir it becam clear that on of the signific contrast in thi campaign is between talk and do __PUNCT__ between rhetor and realiti __PUNCT__

and i have the greatest regard for rhetor and particularli the abil that senat_obama ha to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ lift our sight and our heart with hi oratori __PUNCT__

but i think it is fair to point out that he ha not had a record of actual produc posit chang __PUNCT__

translat those word into action is someth that is the __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the slow __PUNCT__ hard __PUNCT__ bore of hard board in polit __PUNCT__ and i think that peopl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ deserv to ask themselv question about that contrast __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you us the term in newsweek you be a work hors __PUNCT__ and suggest he a show hors __PUNCT__

isn't that a bit patron __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

there a wonder phrase in senat lexicon whether senat ar show hors or work hors __PUNCT__

and what i wa sai is that when i arriv in the senat in __NUM__ a lot of peopl_thought i be a show hors __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ somebodi who frankli wa on your show all the time __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ somebodi who wa do the press_confer all the time __PUNCT__

but i said to my colleagu the veri first dai that we went into session __PUNCT__ i intend to be a work hors __PUNCT__ becaus i think it import the result you deliv for peopl __PUNCT__

that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ is senat_obama a work hors or a show hors __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i wa talk about myself __PUNCT__

i believ i am a work hors __PUNCT__

i believ that that is what our countri need right now __PUNCT__

we need a presid who will __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ roll up our sleev collect as a nation and tackl the problem that we confront __PUNCT__

and that what i been do __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ here in south_carolina __PUNCT__ __NUM___children have healthcar becaus of the children_health health_insur insur_plan that i help to creat___NUM__ __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ in new hampshir __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ the famou scene in portsmouth where you show some emot __PUNCT__ wa that exhaust __PUNCT__ frustrat __PUNCT__ what wa it __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

it wa actual __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ a moment of real emot connect __PUNCT__

those of us who ar run for offic and hold offic __PUNCT__ i know it mai be hard to believ __PUNCT__ we also human be __PUNCT__

and when i spend my time out on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ it usual about what i can do for somebodi els __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i veri other direct __PUNCT__

i don't like talk about myself __PUNCT__ i don't like __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ sort of the __PUNCT__ the whole atmospher of how peopl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ ar judg in american_polit too often as to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what you sai instead of what you do __PUNCT__

and so for me it alwai about what can i do for you __PUNCT__ how can i help you __PUNCT__ and i wa veri touch when that woman said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ how ar you do __PUNCT__ how do you get up in the morn __PUNCT__ becaus realli __PUNCT__ the question is for so mani of the peopl that i meet __PUNCT__ how doe anybodi get up in the morn __PUNCT__ i just went door __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ door in la_vega __PUNCT__

i met construct_worker who lost their job __PUNCT__ i met a man who been laid off from the casino becaus the economi is begin to go down __PUNCT__

i meet_peopl who can't get healthcar for their famili __PUNCT__ peopl who ar just distress over __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what is happen in our countri __PUNCT__

so when somebodi ask me __PUNCT__ how do you get up __PUNCT__ it realli trigger in me __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the feel that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that what i __PUNCT__ i want us all to think about each other __PUNCT__

how do we get up __PUNCT__ how do we __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ pull on our shoe __PUNCT__ go out and deal with the problem america_face __PUNCT__

that what i intend to do as presid __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the woman who ask the question said the next dai that she wound up vote for barack_obama __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ becaus after your emot moment __PUNCT__ she said that __PUNCT__ you stiffen up and took on a polit postur again __PUNCT__ and said that some __PUNCT__ some of us ar right __PUNCT__ some of us ar wrong __PUNCT__ some of us ar readi and some of us ar not __PUNCT__

do you believ that barack obama is readi to be presid __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ thi is up to the voter of our countri to determin __PUNCT__

but i want them to have accur inform about our respect record __PUNCT__ what we accomplish __PUNCT__ the work that each of us have done when given a chanc to serv __PUNCT__

and i think it is relev __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ we face huge problem at home and around the world __PUNCT__

nobodi can diminish those __PUNCT__

and the next presid is go to walk into that oval_offic on dai on have to end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ have to deal with what happen in afghanistan __PUNCT__ the middl_east and across the world __PUNCT__ deal with our tough problem from the economi go south to __NUM___million_peopl uninsur __PUNCT__

and i think we go to need a presid who ha realli prepar and thought about what to do on that veri first dai __PUNCT__

that is __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but is __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that is my case to __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but is barack_obama readi to be presid __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ that is up for voter to decid __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ you can ask that question of him __PUNCT__ voter can ask that question __PUNCT__ but that what i want __PUNCT__

i thought the campaign realli start at the debat in new hampshir __PUNCT__

for the first time we realli had a debat that compar and contrast our record __PUNCT__

when senat_obama wa ask __PUNCT__ what is your major accomplish in the senat __PUNCT__ he said it wa pass ethic reform and get legisl to be prohibit from have lunch with lobbyist __PUNCT__

and then __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ charli gibson said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ wait a minut __PUNCT__

you can have lunch if you stand up __PUNCT__ not if you sit down __PUNCT__

so if that hi main claim for legisl accomplish __PUNCT__ peopl deserv to know that __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ in new hampshir __PUNCT__ we had an atmospher where tough_question were ask and answer __PUNCT__

i answer hundr and hundr of question __PUNCT__ saw thousand and thousand of peopl __PUNCT__ and i think that the result realli speak to what peopl ar hungri for __PUNCT__

thei want to get beyond __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ just the coverag of the campaign __PUNCT__ to realli understand what motiv us __PUNCT__ what we bring to thi campaign __PUNCT__ and what we will do as presid __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ if you don't think senat_obama is readi to be presid __PUNCT__ then he wouldn't be readi for vice_presid __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i not __PUNCT__ you onc again take word i didn't sai __PUNCT__

i ask peopl to compar and contrast our record __PUNCT__

i believ that we need a presid readi on dai on __PUNCT__

i put forth my qualif __PUNCT__ my experi __PUNCT__ my __NUM___year of proven __PUNCT__ test leadership __PUNCT__ sometim __PUNCT__ as you well know __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ walk through the fire __PUNCT__ be prepar to take on whatev the republican send our wai __PUNCT__

i want peopl to make an inform decis __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ i trust voter __PUNCT__

voter decid on whatev basi thei think is import to them __PUNCT__

i just want them to have a full_rang of inform to make that decis __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we had the event in new hampshir __PUNCT__ the so __PUNCT__ call emot event __PUNCT__

when i did the debat with rick lazio __PUNCT__ with you in buffalo in __NUM__ mr __PUNCT__ lazio walk over to your podium and ask you to sign a document that ban soft_monei __PUNCT__ and peopl said that he had violat your space __PUNCT__

on of your campaign advis said he wa menac __PUNCT__

after the philadelphia debat __PUNCT__ your campaign said that the men were pile on __PUNCT__ which led some women __PUNCT__ comment __PUNCT__ writer __PUNCT__ to sai thi __PUNCT__

maureen dowd __PUNCT__ if the gender game work when rick lazio muscl into her space __PUNCT__ why shouldn't it work when obama and edward muster some mettl __PUNCT__ if she could becom a senat by plai the victim __PUNCT__

sure she can becom presid by plai the victim now __PUNCT__

ruth marcu __PUNCT__ washington post __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton doesn't need to plai the woman __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ victim card __PUNCT__ us gender thi wai is a setback __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i don't think that either of us should us gender __PUNCT__

i don't think thi campaign is about gender __PUNCT__ and i sure hope it not about race __PUNCT__

it need to be about the individu __PUNCT__

each of us is run for the highest posit __PUNCT__ the most difficult job in the world __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i am __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ veri clearli someon who gone through a tremend_amount of critic __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__

that fine __PUNCT__

i more than will to shoulder that __PUNCT__

i think voter and viewer can draw their own conclus when thei watch whatev it is that we ar do __PUNCT__

and i believ that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ thi is about who is readi on dai on __PUNCT__

and much of what i gone through in my entir life is __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ prepar for be abl to go into that oval_offic __PUNCT__

clearli __PUNCT__ i bring the experi of women __PUNCT__

as a daughter __PUNCT__ as a mother __PUNCT__ as a wife __PUNCT__ as a sister __PUNCT__

that is who i am __PUNCT__

those experi ar part of me __PUNCT__

and it is part of our american journei that we have move through so much of what us to hold peopl back becaus of gender __PUNCT__ becaus of race __PUNCT__

ar we there yet __PUNCT__ is the journei over __PUNCT__ i don't think so __PUNCT__ and i don't think ani fair person would sai that __PUNCT__

so we still have to overcom barrier and obstacl __PUNCT__

and the veri fact that barack and i ar in thi campaign __PUNCT__ each of us have won on of the first two contest __PUNCT__ be prepar to take our case to the countri __PUNCT__ i think will do more to put to rest so mani of these old shibboleth __PUNCT__ and all of the __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ kind of commentari and punditri __PUNCT__

just look at us as individu __PUNCT__

take us as to who we ar __PUNCT__ analyz our record __PUNCT__ compar and contrast us __PUNCT__ and then let the american_peopl peopl_make their own decis __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me turn to iraq __PUNCT__

you brought it up __PUNCT__

presid_bush had talk to gener_petraeu the other dai __PUNCT__

gener petraeu is to report back to congress in march __PUNCT__

if gener petraeu sai the surg is work __PUNCT__ that reconcili start in a big wai yesterdai when the iraqi parliament said that former member of the saddam govern can particip in new govern __PUNCT__ don't pull __NUM___troop out now __PUNCT__ keep them there for at least the remaind of the year __PUNCT__ would you be open to that __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ and here why __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

the surg wa certainli explain and ration as give the iraqi_govern space and time to make the hard_decis that thei need to make __PUNCT__

__NUM__ wa the deadliest year for american_troop __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ from my perspect __PUNCT__ part of the reason that the iraqi ar do anyth is becaus thei see thi elect happen and thei know thei don't have much time __PUNCT__ that the blank check that georg_bush gave them is about to be torn up __PUNCT__

i have said that as soon as i becom presid __PUNCT__ i will ask the joint_chief __PUNCT__ secretari of defens __PUNCT__ my secur_advis to give me a plan to begin withdraw our troop within __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

the reason i have to do that is becaus last spring __PUNCT__ i ask for a brief on what the plan wa __PUNCT__

secretari of defens and the depart of defens basic said __PUNCT__ we not go to tell you __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ ye you ar __PUNCT__

we had such a brief __PUNCT__

it wa classifi __PUNCT__

i can't talk about it __PUNCT__ but the bottom_line is it wa cursori __PUNCT__

i don't think that the bush_white_hous want there to be much plan __PUNCT__

so start on dai on of my presid __PUNCT__ we will begin that plan __PUNCT__

we will begin to withdraw our troop within __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

i think we can take out on to two brigad a month __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ i will put increas pressur on the iraqi_govern __PUNCT__

i will engag in a full diplomat effort to work with the countri in the region and other who have an interest in the stabil of iraq __PUNCT__

but tim __PUNCT__ i think that the larg_part of the reason that we see the iraqi_govern do anyth is becaus time is run out __PUNCT__

and ye __PUNCT__ i believ presid_bush will give them the rest of thi year no matter what we try to do __PUNCT__ and we don't have the vote to revers cours __PUNCT__

but as of __DATE__ we will begin to bring our troop out of iraq __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ i certainli believ it in the interest of the iraqi_govern and the peopl of iraq that a lot of thi reconcili that i been call for go back four or five year start and actual get implement now __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ if gener_petraeu sai __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ in __DATE__ you call the surg the suspens of belief __PUNCT__

it ha work __PUNCT__ and you know it work __PUNCT__ let me finish __PUNCT__ you can see on the ground __PUNCT__

i sai to you __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ or presid __PUNCT__ elect clinton __PUNCT__ don't destroi iraq __PUNCT__

it work __PUNCT__ the surg is work __PUNCT__

keep troop there just a few more month to get thi reconcili complet __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i go to go back to what the whole point of the surg wa __PUNCT__ and the testimoni that we heard last fall __PUNCT__

the point of the surg wa to push the iraqi_govern to make these tough choic __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ if we put in __NUM__ of our finest young_men and women __PUNCT__ who ar go to go after the bad_gui and quell violenc in certain part of iraq __PUNCT__ there no doubt that can be done __PUNCT__

the partnership that have been creat by the tribal sheik in anbar provinc and elsewher gave us an extra advantag __PUNCT__

but that doesn't in ani wai undermin the basic realiti __PUNCT__

the point of the surg wa to quickli_move the iraqi_govern and iraqi_peopl __PUNCT__

that is onli now begin to happen __PUNCT__ and i believ in larg_measur becaus the iraqi_govern __PUNCT__ thei watch us __PUNCT__ thei listen to us __PUNCT__

i know veri well that thei follow everyth that i sai __PUNCT__

and my commit to begin withdraw our troop in __DATE__ of __NUM__ is a big factor __PUNCT__ as it is with senat_obama __PUNCT__ senat edward __PUNCT__ those of us on the democrat side __PUNCT__

it is a big factor in push the iraqi_govern to final do what thei should have been do all along __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me bring you back to __DATE__ of __NUM__ when the senat had to vote on the author to go to war __PUNCT__

thi wa senat_clinton on the floor of the senat __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ so it is with convict that i support thi resolut as be in the best interest of our nation __PUNCT__

and it is a vote that sai clearli to saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ thi is your last chanc __PUNCT__

disarm or be disarm __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ cast your vote for convict for the author for us of militari_forc against iraq resolut __PUNCT__

that same week senat_obama gave a speech __PUNCT__ and thi is what he said __PUNCT__ i know that saddam pose no immin and direct threat to the unit_state __PUNCT__ or to hi neighbor __PUNCT__

i know that even a success war against iraq will requir a u. __PUNCT__ occup of undetermin length __PUNCT__ at undetermin cost __PUNCT__ with undetermin consequ __PUNCT__

i know that __PUNCT__ invas of iraq without a clear rational __PUNCT__ without strong intern support will onli fan the flame of the middl_east __PUNCT__ and encourag the worst __PUNCT__ rather than the best __PUNCT__ impuls of the arab_world __PUNCT__ and strengthen the recruit arm of al __PUNCT__ qaeda __PUNCT__

i am not oppos to all war __PUNCT__

i oppos to dumb war __PUNCT__

who had the better judgment at that time __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ let put thi in context __PUNCT__

you didn't show my entir speech __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ you don't have time to do that __PUNCT__ becaus i made it veri clear that my vote wa not a vote for preemptiv_war __PUNCT__

i said that on the floor __PUNCT__ i said it consist after that __PUNCT__

it wa a vote to put inspector back in to determin what threat saddam_hussein did in fact pose __PUNCT__

and in senat_obama recent_book __PUNCT__ he clearli sai he thought that saddam_hussein had chemic and biolog_weapon __PUNCT__ and that he still covet nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

hi judgment wa that __PUNCT__ at the time in __NUM__ we didn't need to make ani effort __PUNCT__

my belief wa we did need to pin saddam down __PUNCT__ put inspector in __PUNCT__

but i said i wa against preemptiv_war __PUNCT__ i spoke out against it __PUNCT__

but let look at the __PUNCT__ let look at the __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ wait a minut __PUNCT__ let me finish __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ it import __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ let look at the entir context __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let just __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ becaus by __NUM__ tim __PUNCT__ by the summer of __NUM___senat senat_obama said he wasn't sure how he would have vote __PUNCT__

and when you ask him about that __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he didn't want to sai someth that could have hurt our nomine __PUNCT__ senat_kerri and senat edward __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ the fact is he alwai said he doesn't take posit for polit reason __PUNCT__

that is a polit explan __PUNCT__

if he wa against the war in __NUM__ he should strongli spoke out in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

he should follow what he said in hi speech __PUNCT__ which wa that he would not vote for fund in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ and __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that is inconsist with what he is now run hi campaign on __PUNCT__

the stori of hi campaign is premis on that speech __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ viewer can read the transcript from __DATE__ when i did talk to senat_obama about thi __PUNCT__

he also ad that from hi vantag_point __PUNCT__ the administr had not made the case __PUNCT__ but let peopl read it and make up their own mind __PUNCT__

i want to stai with your vote becaus that same_dai __PUNCT__ senat levin offer an amend __PUNCT__ the levin amend __PUNCT__ and thi is how the new york_time_report it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ levin __PUNCT__ amend call __PUNCT__ for the u.n __PUNCT__ to pass a new resolut explicitli approv the us of forc against iraq __PUNCT__

it also requir the presid to return to congress if hi u.n __PUNCT__ effort fail __PUNCT__

senat levin said __PUNCT__ allow congress to vote onli after exhaust all option with the unit_state __PUNCT__

you did not particip in that vote __PUNCT__

you vote against carl levin __PUNCT__ who wa sai give diplomaci a chanc and yet you said no __PUNCT__

you vote to author war __PUNCT__

the resolut you vote for __PUNCT__ robert byrd said wa a blank check for georg_bush __PUNCT__

ted_kennedi sai it wa a vote for war __PUNCT__

jame carvil and paul begala said anyon who sai that vote wasn't a vote for war is bunk __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ if i had a lot of paper in front of me __PUNCT__ i could quot peopl who sai someth veri differ __PUNCT__ so i know you veri good at thi and i respect it __PUNCT__ but let look at the context here __PUNCT__

number on __PUNCT__ the levin amend __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ gave the secur_council of the unit_nation a veto over american presidenti_power __PUNCT__

i don't believ that is an appropri polici for the unit_state __PUNCT__ no matter who is our presid __PUNCT__

number two __PUNCT__ i have the greatest respect for senat levin __PUNCT__

he is my chairman on the senat arm_servic_committe __PUNCT__

and i __PUNCT__ immedi after we did have the vote on the author __PUNCT__ went to work with him to try to make sure that everi piec of intellig we had wa given to the u.n __PUNCT__ inspector __PUNCT__

and senat levin and i sent a letter to secretari powel __PUNCT__ we push that posit veri hard becaus we both had the same view that we were go to put inspector back in and we need to let the inspector do the job that thei were ask to do __PUNCT__

number three __PUNCT__ i actual join with senat byrd on an amend that would limit the presid author to on year __PUNCT__

i wa veri strongli in favor of limit what presid_bush could do __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ that amend did not pass __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ it is absolut unfair to sai that the vote as chuck hagel __PUNCT__ who wa on of the architect of the resolut __PUNCT__ ha said __PUNCT__ wa a vote for war __PUNCT__

it wa a vote to us the threat of forc against saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ who never did anyth without be made to do so __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the titl of the act wa the author for us of militari_forc against iraq resolut __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ that wa exactli what would happen if we weren't success with the diplomaci and if we weren't success in persuad hussein to do someth __PUNCT__

and let me just add here that when we were move toward the preemptiv_war that georg_bush decid to wage __PUNCT__ the inspector were in iraq __PUNCT__ we were get inform __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ that would give us a basi for know __PUNCT__

i believ if the inspector had been allow to do their work __PUNCT__ we would learn that what saddam_hussein had construct wa a charad __PUNCT__

it could veri well brought him down by hi own peopl __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we can sit here and argu about __NUM__ or we can sai what ha happen sinc and what need to happen go forward in the futur __PUNCT__

and i think that you have two differ stori_line here __PUNCT__

you have senat_obama stori_line __PUNCT__ the speech he gave in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to hi credit __PUNCT__ which then wa not follow up on __PUNCT__

by __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it wa off hi web_site __PUNCT__

by __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ he wa sai he didn't know he would vote and that he basic agre with georg_bush on the conduct of the war __PUNCT__

there were other __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ who vote against it __PUNCT__ spoke out against it and never waver over that period of time __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you vote for all the fund for the war __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i did __PUNCT__

i never __PUNCT__ i not premis my campaign on someth differ __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and then until __PUNCT__ __NUM__ wa against the timet __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ but i did what i __PUNCT__ my principl concern ha alwai been do what i thought wa best for our countri and what i thought wa best for our troop __PUNCT__

i not here sai anyth differ than that __PUNCT__

i not give you a stori_line that doe not hold up __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but did he have better __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ __URL__ the fact and the time we were in __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ did he have better judgment in __DATE__ of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ judgment is not a singl snapshot __PUNCT__

judgment is what you do across the cours of your life and your career __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ a vote for war is a veri import vote __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ we can have thi jesuit argument about what exactli wa meant __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ when chuck hagel __PUNCT__ who help to draft the resolut __PUNCT__ said it wa not a vote for war __PUNCT__ when i wa told directli by the white_hous in respons to my question __PUNCT__ if you ar given thi author __PUNCT__ will you put the inspector in and permit them to finish their job __PUNCT__ i wa told that exactli what we intend to do __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i think it import to take a look at the entir context here __PUNCT__

if senat_obama go to get credit for hi speech and hi posit against the war __PUNCT__ then he deserv to be ask what happen in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ and __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i vote for the author __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ i ask him those veri question __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and hi answer wa veri polit __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ hi whole point is that he doesn't make polit_decis __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me __PUNCT__ let me ask you thi wai __PUNCT__

dori kearn goodwin __PUNCT__ presidenti historian __PUNCT__ i talk to her and she been on meet the press __PUNCT__ talk about the qualiti in a presid __PUNCT__

and she said on of the most import is that you learn from mistak __PUNCT__

look back on your vote in __DATE__ of __NUM__ what can you learn from that mistak __PUNCT__ the wai you make_decis in the futur __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i have said that obvious __PUNCT__ i would never do again what georg_bush did with that vote __PUNCT__

he misus and abus the author that wa given to him __PUNCT__ in my opinion __PUNCT__

and we can't turn the clock back __PUNCT__

i taken respons for it __PUNCT__

it wa a sincer vote at the time __PUNCT__ base on my assess of __PUNCT__ number on __PUNCT__ what the potenti __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ risk might be if left uncheck __PUNCT__ given the problem that we were face in the world with global terror __PUNCT__ and the hope that we would get inspector back in to figur out what had been go on sinc __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

we hadn't had inspector sinc __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i __PUNCT__ i would not have given presid_bush the author if i knew he would deliber misus and abus it __PUNCT__

and as i said __PUNCT__ i wa told by the white_hous person that the point of the author wa to send a veri clear messag to saddam_hussein that he wa go to have to be held_account final __PUNCT__ that we would know onc and for all what he had there that could be us as he had us it in the past __PUNCT__

but you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i think that it onli fair to look at the entir context __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i wa against a preemptiv_war __PUNCT__

i said at the time that would be a mistak __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ presid_bush doesn't listen to me or a lot of other peopl __PUNCT__ and unfortun __PUNCT__ we in the situat we ar now __PUNCT__ and we go to have to have veri care and steadi leadership to get us out with the least amount of damag __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ learn from mistak __PUNCT__ do you wish you had read the nation_intellig estim __PUNCT__ which had a lot of caveat from the state_depart and the energi depart as to whether or not saddam_hussein realli had a biolog and chemic and activ nuclear_program __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i wa fulli brief by the peopl who wrote that __PUNCT__

i wa brief by the peopl from __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the state_depart __PUNCT__ the cia __PUNCT__ the depart of defens __PUNCT__ all of the variou player in that __PUNCT__

and mani peopl who read it __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ not veri mani peopl read the whole thing becaus we were get constant brief __PUNCT__

and peopl __PUNCT__ some peopl read it and vote for the resolut __PUNCT__ some peopl read it and vote against the resolut __PUNCT__

i felt veri well brief __PUNCT__

and it wasn't just what the bush_administr wa tell us in the nie __PUNCT__ i went wai outsid of ani kind of bush administr sourc __PUNCT__ independ peopl __PUNCT__ peopl from the clinton_administr __PUNCT__ peopl in the british_govern __PUNCT__

i look as broadli as i could at how to assess thi __PUNCT__

and if __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ you see the vote as i saw it as oppos as how it been character __PUNCT__ i thought it wa a vote to put inspector back in __PUNCT__ to make it veri clear that saddam_hussein wouldn't be abl to go off uncheck __PUNCT__

if those inspector had been permit to do the job that thei were set up to do __PUNCT__ we would have avoid war __PUNCT__

it becam clear in retrospect __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ onc peopl_start start_write book and inform came out of the administr __PUNCT__ the presid had no intent of let the inspector do their job __PUNCT__

that not what i wa told by the bush_white_hous __PUNCT__

that not what we were told in constant brief from high __PUNCT__ level bush_administr administr_offici __PUNCT__

that not what the presid_told the countri in hi speech in cincinnati shortli befor the vote __PUNCT__

if you rememb __PUNCT__ he said thi vote wa the best chanc to avoid some kind of confront __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we go to take a quick break __PUNCT__

we be back in south_carolina with more of our convers with senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ democrat_candid for presid __PUNCT__ right after thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ and we back talk to senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__

in a few moment __PUNCT__ the presidenti_primari __PUNCT__ iowa and new hampshir ar down __PUNCT__

next up __PUNCT__ nevada __PUNCT__ south_carolina __PUNCT__

we be right back __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ and we ar back in south carolina __PUNCT__

the democrat_primari here a week from saturdai __PUNCT__

our guest is senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ the democrat from new york __PUNCT__ candid for presid __PUNCT__

experi is a big_issu in thi campaign __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ mm __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ your campaign ha talk about extens __PUNCT__

i want to go back to a debat back in __DATE__ of __NUM__ when a young governor from arkansa wa talk about experi __PUNCT__

let listen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ pre __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ i believ experi count __PUNCT__ but it not everyth __PUNCT__

we need a new approach __PUNCT__

the same old experi is not relev __PUNCT__

and you can have the right kind of experi and the wrong kind of experi __PUNCT__

mine is root in the real live of real_peopl __PUNCT__ and it will bring real result if we have the courag to chang __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ that could been written by barack_obama __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ by the time bill ran in __NUM__ he wa the senior most serv governor in our countri __PUNCT__

he had done a lot of work on the econom and trade issu that affect the state of arkansa __PUNCT__

and i do think that there not a contradict between experi and chang __PUNCT__

i think that thei have been somehow put in these oppos categori __PUNCT__ and i don't think that the wai that we make_decis in our life __PUNCT__

what the question is is who ha the experi we need to make the chang we want __PUNCT__

and i believ that my experi over the cours of __NUM___year of my life equip me veri well to do exactli what bill said in that clip __PUNCT__

i am root in the real live of real_peopl __PUNCT__

that is what i care about __PUNCT__ that what motiv me __PUNCT__

that what i want to do as presid __PUNCT__

and so when i go out __PUNCT__ it is to talk with peopl about what i can do to help them __PUNCT__ and it is a reflect then of everyth that i have done over the cours of my life __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ as a public_servant __PUNCT__ as a public_offic holder __PUNCT__

i just think it imper that we quit thi fals distinct __PUNCT__

it is who ha the experi we need to make the chang we want __PUNCT__

and we need and want to have it happen in america __PUNCT__ and i believ that i am test and readi and prepar to do it __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we just spent the most __PUNCT__ the first part of the program talk about a speech and vote from __NUM__ __PUNCT__

what peopl ar talk to me about is the economi __PUNCT__

thei lose their job __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ econom_activ is slow down __PUNCT__

we need to focu veri clearli on what we go to do to make thi economi as __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ readi to be abl to navig through the potenti of a recess __PUNCT__

we slip toward recess __PUNCT__

some peopl think we in recess right now __PUNCT__

and i propos a veri vigor packag of econom action that i think would __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ forestal and mayb __PUNCT__ hopefulli mitig against what is go on in the economi __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you don't pai for it __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i am probabl the strongest on fiscal_respons in thi campaign __PUNCT__

senat edward __PUNCT__ i respect __PUNCT__ he said that not a prioriti for him __PUNCT__

senat_obama put out a lot of hi polici without pai for them __PUNCT__ about __NUM___billion __PUNCT__ as we have calcul __PUNCT__

i have paid for everyth __PUNCT__

i tell you how i will pai for my healthcar_plan __PUNCT__ how i will pai for the american retir_account __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but not for thi stimulu __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ but thi __PUNCT__ stimulu shouldn't be paid for __PUNCT__

the whole point of stimulu __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ as we end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ we go to be bring that monei home __PUNCT__

but the stimulu __PUNCT__ by the veri natur of the econom_problem we face __PUNCT__ is go to requir an inject of feder_fund __PUNCT__

and i would start with the mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i been do event in nevada and california __PUNCT__ which have veri high_rate of mortgag foreclosur __PUNCT__

i want to have a moratorium on foreclosur for __NUM___dai so we can try to work them out __PUNCT__

i want to freez interest_rate for five year __PUNCT__ and i want to have a __MONEY___billion packag that will go in and try to stabil the hous_market and stabil commun that ar go to be affect by that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ mani peopl opt for those cheaper mortgag __PUNCT__

thei could had a fix mortgag at a higher_rate __PUNCT__ but thei opt for a cheaper on __PUNCT__

should thei not bear some respons __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ i think all of us should __PUNCT__

but i sai three thing about that __PUNCT__

the banker __PUNCT__ the mortgag lender __PUNCT__ the broker __PUNCT__ all bear a lot of the respons __PUNCT__ becaus mani of the practic that were follow were just downright predatori and fraudul __PUNCT__

there is no doubt about that __PUNCT__

i start_talk about thi last march __PUNCT__

a lot of peopl got into subprim_loan who frankli could been in a convent fix __PUNCT__ rate_loan __PUNCT__

thei were basic told that thi wa a better opportun for them __PUNCT__

should thei take respons __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ but look at what will happen if we continu thi cascad of foreclosur __PUNCT__

hous valu ar down __PUNCT__

thei down __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

that over __MONEY___trillion in hous valu in the last year __PUNCT__

so everybodi bear some respons __PUNCT__

i went to wall_street last month to tell wall street thei had to be part of the solut becaus thei sure had been part of the problem __PUNCT__

what i have propos would begin to stabil the situat as it is todai __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ even alan_greenspan said give monei to homeown so that thei can be abl to withstand the pressur of thi mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__

i would do it a littl differ __PUNCT__ but i think the __PUNCT__ we see the same_problem __PUNCT__

if we allow these foreclosur to continu __PUNCT__ we ar go to be face even a deeper and longer set of econom_problem __PUNCT__

so i think we got to take action now __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you sai you been deepli involv in the eight year of the clinton_administr __PUNCT__

on of the power given to a presid is the power of pardon __PUNCT__

at the end of the presid second term __PUNCT__ he grant __NUM__ pardon __PUNCT__ includ on to marc rich __PUNCT__ someon who had been convict of tax evas __PUNCT__ fraud and make illeg oil deal with iran __PUNCT__

were you involv in that pardon __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i didn't know anyth about that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ no on talk to you whatsoev __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__

unh __PUNCT__ unh __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ hi ex __PUNCT__ wife gave __MONEY__ to your campaign __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ no on talk to me about it __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ nobodi __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ nobodi __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ your two brother propos peopl for pardon and you were paid monei __PUNCT__

on brother __PUNCT__ you ask to give the monei_back __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__

that right __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ were you awar your brother were involv __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i wa not __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ if you presid __PUNCT__ will you make a pledg that your famili will not recommend peopl __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

absolut __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ and you file __PUNCT__ follow justic_depart guidelin __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ number on __PUNCT__ i want to have a much more transpar govern __PUNCT__ and i think we now have the tool to make that happen __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i said the other night at an event in new hampshir __PUNCT__ i want to have as much inform about the wai our govern_oper on the internet so the peopl who pai for it __PUNCT__ the taxpay of america __PUNCT__ can see that __PUNCT__

i want to be sure that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we actual have like agenc blog __PUNCT__

i want peopl in all the govern_agenc to be commun with peopl __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ becaus for me __PUNCT__ we now in an era __PUNCT__ which didn't exist befor __PUNCT__ where you can have instant access to inform __PUNCT__ and i want to see my govern be more transpar __PUNCT__

i want to make sure that we limit __PUNCT__ if we can't elimin all the no __PUNCT__ bid contract __PUNCT__ the cronyism __PUNCT__ i want to cut __NUM__ govern contractor __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but follow justic_depart guidelin on pardon __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

absolut __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ back in __NUM__ a veri pain period for you __PUNCT__ begin of the lewinski scandal __PUNCT__ you said __PUNCT__ thi mai be the result of a vast right __PUNCT__ wing conspiraci __PUNCT__

do you believ that the vast right __PUNCT__ wing conspiraci still exist __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i don't know __PUNCT__

i haven't paid much attent to it for about __NUM___year __PUNCT__

i realli don't have ani idea __PUNCT__

i know that i been involv in __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ champion caus i care_deepli about for a veri long_time __PUNCT__

and that doe sometim draw a littl bit of controversi and critic __PUNCT__

some of it organ __PUNCT__ but you know __PUNCT__ i just too busi to worri about that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the voter who vote for you in new hampshir were ask also who would be the most like to unit the countri __PUNCT__

and it wa quit interest __PUNCT__

thi is what thei said __PUNCT__ obama __NUM__ clinton __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that a state that you carri __PUNCT__ yet thei sai that barack_obama would unit the countri __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i believ that my record of unit new york __PUNCT__ of go to the senat __PUNCT__ when peopl said i wouldn't work with republican and republican wouldn't work with me __PUNCT__ is evid __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i am will to find common_ground wherev i can __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ but i also know you have to stand your ground __PUNCT__

i don't believ that the polit_system in washington will immedi just lie down and give up __PUNCT__

you know it better than anybodi __PUNCT__

the interest ar deepli_entrench __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thei gone after me consist for __NUM___year and i bear some scar from that becaus i have stood up against them on univers_healthcar __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__

i proud of those scar becaus ye __PUNCT__ i will find common_ground and creat solut to our problem __PUNCT__ but i am against a lot of what those on the other side want to do to our countri __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ a lot of democrat have __PUNCT__ ar concern about that __PUNCT__ as to whether you can win a gener_elect __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ thi is new hampshir __PUNCT__

who most like to win the gener elect __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ thei sai obama by a margin of __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the wall_street_journal and nbc new had a poll where we match clinton __PUNCT__ huckabe to obama __PUNCT__ huckabe __PUNCT__

let me take you through that __PUNCT__

clinton is __NUM__ __PUNCT__ huckabe __NUM__ __PUNCT__

obama is __NUM__ __PUNCT__ huckabe __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and when you look at the independ_voter __PUNCT__ it clinton __NUM__ huckabe __NUM__ __PUNCT__ obama win independ __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

obama get __NUM__ percent of the republican_vote __PUNCT__

why is that __PUNCT__ why is there __PUNCT__ independ and republican resist to you __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ on think i think everybodi should learn after new hampshir is let not pai so much attent to poll __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__

we need to let voter actual make up their mind __PUNCT__ and voter who will see and judg each of us in the democrat_primari and then in the gener_elect __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ there ar other poll we could put up done by other network and other kind of outlet that have differ result __PUNCT__

i don't pai much attent to ani of that __PUNCT__

i think that the fact is that we take our case to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

we take it on a dai __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ dai __PUNCT__ week __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ week basi __PUNCT__

and i veri __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i veri gratifi by the posit respons __PUNCT__

but i didn't pai_attent to poll befor new hampshir and i not go to start pai attent to it after new hampshir __PUNCT__

whoever is nomin __PUNCT__ and it like to be senat_obama or myself __PUNCT__ will get a fresh look by the peopl of america __PUNCT__ will get an increas amount of __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ question about who we ar and where we from __PUNCT__

becaus all of a sudden it becom real __PUNCT__

you cover thi for a long_time __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ when my husband ran in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ he final clinch the nomin in __DATE__ in california __PUNCT__

he wa run third behind presid_bush and behind ross_perot __PUNCT__

other of our candid on both side of the aisl start out behind and wage a win campaign __PUNCT__

so i think what peopl who ar concern about elect should be look at is number on __PUNCT__ who can be the best presid __PUNCT__ the best presid from dai on __PUNCT__ who is prepar __PUNCT__ who ha taken tough posit __PUNCT__ becaus you go to have to take them __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ senat_obama vote present __NUM___time in the state_senat __PUNCT__

when you presid __PUNCT__ you can't vote present __PUNCT__

you have to make a decis __PUNCT__

sometim it a split second decis __PUNCT__

you don't have time to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ think about it __PUNCT__

you got to actual decid __PUNCT__

so i go to take the case to the countri as the nomine that i been test __PUNCT__ i been proven __PUNCT__

i have the experi we need to make the chang we want and i think that a win case __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ whomev the republican_nomin __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ in iowa __PUNCT__ you express concern that the time of the caucu prevent a lot of shift worker from vote __PUNCT__ thei were disenfranchis __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you mai confront the same_thing in nevada __PUNCT__

thei have now schedul __PUNCT__ the state_parti there __PUNCT__ to have caucus at the place of work so that shift worker can show up __PUNCT__

mani peopl __PUNCT__ minor particularli __PUNCT__ support of your __PUNCT__ have file a suit to try to stop have those caucu locat at the workplac __PUNCT__

do you support that suit __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i don't think it support of mine __PUNCT__

there seem to be some misunderstand about that __PUNCT__

i wa ask yesterdai in reno __PUNCT__

the teacher_union who brought the suit ha not endors me __PUNCT__ and so i think their concern is to have as mani peopl particip as possibl __PUNCT__ which is certainli what it should be __PUNCT__

thi is now in the court __PUNCT__

the court and the state_parti will have to work it out __PUNCT__

but i don't want to disenfranchis anybodi __PUNCT__

i want __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so why not drop the lawsuit and let peopl vote __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that up to the peopl who brought it __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what your view __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ but tim __PUNCT__ as i understand it __PUNCT__ there ar a lot of peopl_work at mani place who won't be abl to work __PUNCT__

the place for do the caucu ar not at their workplac across the state __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ the caucu idea is for neighbor to get togeth to argu and talk about their choic __PUNCT__

the problem is that if you have a limit period of time __PUNCT__ as i point out long befor anyth happen in nevada __PUNCT__ you go to essenti leav peopl out who can't be there dure those on to two hour period of time __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i haven't read the lawsuit __PUNCT__

the coverag of it seem to suggest that some peopl ar sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ wait a minut __PUNCT__ what about us __PUNCT__ those ar not our workplac __PUNCT__

we have to be at work __PUNCT__

how ar we go to particip __PUNCT__ it up to the court to work that out __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ dori kearn goodwin said __PUNCT__ what the biggest public advers a person ha ever face __PUNCT__ what your __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think we all know that __PUNCT__ we live through it __PUNCT__ didn't we __PUNCT__ and it someth that wa veri pain and veri hurt __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ what did you learn from it __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ it is who i am as a person __PUNCT__

i believ that you have to withstand whatev problem come your wai __PUNCT__

you have to make the decis that ar best for you __PUNCT__

you go to get a lot of advic come from mani differ quarter to do thing that don't feel right to you __PUNCT__ that don't reflect who you ar and what your valu ar __PUNCT__

so you have to be ground in who you ar and what you believ __PUNCT__

and you not alwai go to make the right decis __PUNCT__ but you have to be guid by what you think is import __PUNCT__ and that what i done __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ we thank you veri much for join us here in south_carolina and share your view __PUNCT__ and we see you tuesdai night in nevada __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

good to see you __PUNCT__