Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.10.04.remarks_at_the_carnegie_institution_for_science_in_washington_dc originally had 5773 tokens. You can view the original text here.

the carnegi institut for scienc __PUNCT__ as presid meserv just briefli recount __PUNCT__ ha such a distinguish histori __PUNCT__

it ha a record of support groundbreak discoveri from edwin hubbl work in astronomi to more recent breakthrough in our understand of genet and the function of rna and as part of that work wa honor with a nobel_prize just a few year_ago __PUNCT__

i could not imagin a more appropri place to discuss our nation_commit to scientif discoveri and innov __PUNCT__

nor could i imagin a more appropri dai __PUNCT__

it is not a coincid that we ar do thi todai __PUNCT__

fifti_year_ago todai __PUNCT__ in a remot __PUNCT__ spars inhabit region of the former soviet_union the world first artifici satellit took flight __PUNCT__

thi hollow aluminum sphere name sputnik __PUNCT__ which contain littl more than a batteri __PUNCT__ radio transmitt __PUNCT__ and an intern cool system __PUNCT__ caught america off guard and chang the cours of histori __PUNCT__

sputnik transmit a signal from orbit and through it the soviet union sent a signal to the world __PUNCT__

even ham radio oper could hear it __PUNCT__ the soviet had won the first leg of the space race __PUNCT__

now mani of you have probabl known befor you came todai that thi is the anniversari of sputnik and i bet none of you bought an anniversari card __PUNCT__

but i have been fascin by sputnik ever sinc i wa a littl girl and as i have move on in life and becom involv in the public_servic and public_offic hold of our nation __PUNCT__ i have spent_time reflect on what sputnik meant and what our nation did in respons __PUNCT__

histor decis were made in the dai __PUNCT__ month __PUNCT__ and year follow sputnik and i think we had a great respons as a nation __PUNCT__

less than two week after new of sputnik swept the globe __PUNCT__ presid eisenhow call a meet of hi scienc advisori committe and ask for recommend __PUNCT__

he would come to reli on that panel for unvarnish __PUNCT__ evid __PUNCT__ base scientif advic __PUNCT__

shortli after that first meet __PUNCT__ presid eisenhow address the nation __PUNCT__

it wa a sober yet optimist assess __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ the soviet had made gain which carri implic for our secur and our economi __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we had work to do __PUNCT__

but there wa no reason to fear __PUNCT__ becaus america __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ stood at the readi to draw on our __PUNCT__ voluntari heroism __PUNCT__ sacrific __PUNCT__ and accomplish when the chip ar down __PUNCT__

then we set about prove it __PUNCT__

in __DATE__ of __NUM__ four month after sputnik launch __PUNCT__ america launch darpa __PUNCT__ the defens advanc research project agenc __PUNCT__

by __DATE__ of that year __PUNCT__ congress_pass the nation aeronaut and space act __PUNCT__ creat nasa and usher in the mission that would defin the space race __PUNCT__ mercuri and gemini __PUNCT__

in __DATE___presid eisenhow sign into law the nation_defens educ act to advanc at everi level our abil to compet and innov __PUNCT__ math and scienc educ in primari and secondari_school __PUNCT__ colleg loan __PUNCT__ graduat fellowship __PUNCT__ vocat train __PUNCT__

i rememb as though it were yesterdai when my __NUM__ grade teacher mr __PUNCT__ krau came into our classroom and told us we had to studi math and scienc becaus the presid said so __PUNCT__

i wa convinc presid eisenhow had call up mr __PUNCT__ krau and told her __PUNCT__ you tell those children and particularli that hillari __PUNCT__ who doesn't realli like math that much __PUNCT__ that her countri need her __PUNCT__

in __NUM___presid presid_kennedi creat the apollo project __PUNCT__ and declar that our nation would land a man on the moon and return him safe to the earth by the end of the decad __PUNCT__

by __NUM__ we had done it __PUNCT__

by __NUM__ we had done it __NUM___time over __PUNCT__

it wa a nation __PUNCT__ bipartisan effort __PUNCT__

it wa a public __PUNCT__ privat_partnership __PUNCT__

we bolster invest in research __PUNCT__ and encourag children to learn math and scienc __PUNCT__

we ask young_peopl to becom scientist and engin __PUNCT__ and help them pai for their degre with new nation scienc foundat fellowship __PUNCT__

we believ that we could __PUNCT__ by roll up our sleev and get to work __PUNCT__ do what we all knew we had to __PUNCT__

begin to demonstr that america still wa the leader in scienc and innov __PUNCT__

we set big goal __PUNCT__

we didn't give in to our fear __PUNCT__ we confront them __PUNCT__

we didn't deni tough fact __PUNCT__ we respond to them __PUNCT__

we didn't ignor big challeng __PUNCT__ we met them __PUNCT__

onc again __PUNCT__ we prove __PUNCT__ as presid eisenhow had predict __PUNCT__ that when the chip ar down it is alwai a mistak to bet against america __PUNCT__

fifti_year_ago __PUNCT__ sputnik mark the dawn of the space ag and the begin of a new era fill with new challeng __PUNCT__

fifti year later __PUNCT__ there is no singl __PUNCT__ galvan event to steel our resolv and to lift our ey to the heaven __PUNCT__

the challeng we face ar more complex and interconnect __PUNCT__

from the rise of global to the threat of global_warm __PUNCT__

these challeng requir big_idea and bold think __PUNCT__

but instead of foster a climat of discoveri and innov __PUNCT__ the bush_administr ha declar_war on scienc __PUNCT__

the record is breathtak __PUNCT__ ban the most promis kind of stem_cell cell_research __PUNCT__ allow polit appointe to censor studi on climat chang __PUNCT__ muzzl global_warm expert like dr __PUNCT__ jame hansen __PUNCT__ overrul doctor and the fda on emerg contracept __PUNCT__ suppress and manipul data on mercuri pollut __PUNCT__ even delai on report which found that __NUM__ percent of women between __NUM__ and __NUM___year of ag have mercuri level in their blood that could harm futur children __PUNCT__ deni the risk of toxin like asbesto in the air after the 9/11_attack __PUNCT__ overrul scientist who sought to protect anim under the endang_speci act __PUNCT__ elimin scientif committe at the depart of health and human_servic that did not parrot the polit accept ideolog __PUNCT__ or pack those committe with industri insid __PUNCT__ alter scientif test on the lead content of children lunch box __PUNCT__ and appoint a lead industri consult to a kei panel form by the center for diseas_control __PUNCT__ bar a usda research from publish or even discuss hi work on antibiot resist bacteria __PUNCT__ censor govern websit on breast_cancer research __PUNCT__ contracept __PUNCT__ climat chang __PUNCT__ and so much els __PUNCT__

to paraphras stephen colbert __PUNCT__ thi administr doesn't make_decis on fact __PUNCT__

it make fact base on decis __PUNCT__

and to further paraphras __PUNCT__ my predecessor __PUNCT__ the extraordinari late senat daniel patrick moynahan __PUNCT__ everyon is entitl to hi own opinion but no on is entitl to hi own fact __PUNCT__

for six and half_year under presid_bush __PUNCT__ it ha been open season on open inquiri __PUNCT__

thei tri to turn washington into an evid __PUNCT__ free_zone __PUNCT__

and by ignor or manipul scienc __PUNCT__ the bush_administr is put our futur at risk and let our econom competitor get an edg in the global_economi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will end thi assault on scienc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i will reaffirm our commit to basic research __PUNCT__ invest in clean_energi __PUNCT__ combat global_warm __PUNCT__ creat the million of job that i think come from do both of those __PUNCT__ reemphas math and scienc educ __PUNCT__ and ensur that america is train the futur innov of our countri __PUNCT__

america will onc again be the innov nation __PUNCT__

what america achiev after sputnik is a symbol of what american can do now as we confront a new global_economi __PUNCT__ new environment challeng __PUNCT__ and the promis of new discoveri in medicin __PUNCT__

america led in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and we saw the benefit of that __PUNCT__

as richard referenc __PUNCT__ probabl half of our gross_domest_product product_increas sinc the end of world_war_ii can be trace to invest in scienc and research in both the public and the privat_sector __PUNCT__ of cours fuel by non profit organ like the carnegi institut __PUNCT__

with a renew commit to scientif integr and innov __PUNCT__ i know we can lead in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will lift the current ban on ethic stem_cell cell_research __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ in __NUM___presid presid_bush issu an execut_order ban feder_fund for some of the most promis avenu of stem_cell cell_research __PUNCT__

and thi year __PUNCT__ yet again __PUNCT__ he veto legisl to open up new line of embryon_stem stem_cell for feder_fund __PUNCT__

everi dai __PUNCT__ we ar learn more about the opportun thi kind of research offer __PUNCT__

within these cell mai lie the cure for parkinson diseas __PUNCT__ alzheim __PUNCT__ spinal cord injuri __PUNCT__ diabet __PUNCT__ huntington and more __PUNCT__

__NUM___million_american american_live with these condit __PUNCT__ and their famili_live with them too __PUNCT__

the presid ban on stem_cell fund amount to a ban on hope __PUNCT__

it as if these famili ar invis to their presid __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ our scientist and world class research_institut ar hamstrung __PUNCT__

on report found that research have had to set up duplic system and equip to keep feder approv stem_cell cell_research effort separ from the kind that the presid ha ban by execut_order __PUNCT__

in on lab __PUNCT__ research us on kind of pen for feder_fund research __PUNCT__ and anoth for privat_fund research __PUNCT__

on stem_cell scientist at univers of california at san_francisco wa conduct research when the power went out __PUNCT__ includ the power to the freezer that held the stem_cell on which she ha spent two year work __PUNCT__

there wa no back up power and the onli freezer cold enough were feder_fund __PUNCT__

the result __PUNCT__ two year of research liter melt awai __PUNCT__

state have tri to pick up the slack __PUNCT__ as have privat_individu __PUNCT__

but becaus state and privat institut ar prohibit from do thi research in lab fund by feder_dollar __PUNCT__ even a penni of feder_monei disqualifi the lab __PUNCT__

thei been forc to build new lab and bui new equip __PUNCT__

so instead of forg ahead on the scienc __PUNCT__ we have spent monei on redund and duplic __PUNCT__

so far thei onli been abl to spend __NUM__ percent of their fund on actual research __PUNCT__

and some of our brightest mind ar forc to head oversea to do their research __PUNCT__

two renown cancer research __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ a husband and wife team __PUNCT__ decid to leav the nation cancer institut right here in our countri for the institut of molecular and cell biologi in singapor __PUNCT__

on half of the pair said thi __PUNCT__ we want to be in a place where thei ar excit by scienc and thing ar move upward __PUNCT__

that should be america __PUNCT__ and it can be again __PUNCT__

but todai __PUNCT__ countri from singapor to the unit_kingdom ar fill the biotech gap that the presid ha creat __PUNCT__

on report recent found that the percentag of research paper on embryon_stem stem_cell scienc author by research in the unit_state ha drop from more than a third of all publish to roughli on quarter in just three year __PUNCT__

and that neg trend mai continu __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ therefor __PUNCT__ on of my first act will be to lift the ban on feder_fund of embryon_stem stem_cell cell_research __PUNCT__

but we have to go much further than that if we expect to restor scientif integr __PUNCT__

secondli __PUNCT__ i will end the politic of scientif_research that ha mark the bush_administr and restor a climat of scientif integr and innov __PUNCT__

we will no longer place ideolog ahead of evid __PUNCT__

i revers presid_bush recent direct which expand the power of polit appointe in agenc and reduc the role of expert __PUNCT__

i stop polit appointe from manipul scientif conclus in govern public and prevent the suppress of public_statement by govern scientist __PUNCT__

we commit to a nation assess on climat chang that goe abov and beyond ani requir in the law __PUNCT__

and i demand that all agenc prevent polit_pressur from affect scientif_research and the free and open exchang of idea __PUNCT__

as part of thi effort __PUNCT__ i will restor the integr and independ of advisori committe and strengthen whistleblow protect for those who expos potenti polit interfer __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ scientif integr will not be the except __PUNCT__ it will be the rule __PUNCT__

that why i been fight for these issu in the senat __PUNCT__

on particular battl that i led involv emerg contracept __PUNCT__ known as plan b __PUNCT__ which can prevent unintend pregnanc __PUNCT__

two fda commission __PUNCT__ both appoint by presid_bush __PUNCT__ block plan b from be sold over __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ counter for year __PUNCT__ overrul the fda medic expert __PUNCT__ advisor __PUNCT__ and the recommend of the american_medic associ __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ team up with senat patti murrai __PUNCT__ we block two success bush appointe for a new fda commission until scienc not polit wa allow to guid decis_make __PUNCT__

i made it veri clear i wa not in ani wai dictat __PUNCT__ suggest __PUNCT__ expect ani particular outcom __PUNCT__ but i did not want the fda politic to achiev an outcom that wa not base on the best that scienc and evid had to offer __PUNCT__

it should not take an act of congress or an act of a senat to get the presid to listen to health expert on a matter of women_health __PUNCT__

i will also have an advisor for scienc in the white_hous who report directli to the presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i will work to restor the offic of technolog assess in congress __PUNCT__

back in the 1990 __PUNCT__ thi offic wa charg with just on task __PUNCT__ tell us the truth about scienc __PUNCT__

for decad __PUNCT__ thei cut through the myth and the spin on everyth from star war to aid prevent to solar technolog __PUNCT__

it time we put them back in busi __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ we will again invest in research __PUNCT__

that a kei to creat the job of the futur __PUNCT__ rebuild the middl_class __PUNCT__ and meet the challeng of the global_economi __PUNCT__

here too __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ we fall behind __PUNCT__

over the past twelv_year __PUNCT__ american invest in research and develop ha remain rel static __PUNCT__

china ha doubl the share of it nation wealth invest in r&d __PUNCT__

the educ pipelin __PUNCT__ the sourc of futur innov __PUNCT__ reveal the same trend __PUNCT__

between __NUM__ and __NUM___america america_global share of phd in scienc and engin declin from __NUM__ percent to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

the rate is expect to drop to __NUM__ percent in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ under the bush_administr __PUNCT__ spend on basic and appli research ha declin in real_term four year in a row __PUNCT__

darpa __PUNCT__ where basic research led to the precursor of the internet __PUNCT__ the comput mous __PUNCT__ stealth technolog __PUNCT__ and so much more __PUNCT__ is put less and less of it resourc into truli revolutionari __PUNCT__ ground __PUNCT__ break research __PUNCT__

i becom troubl by thi becaus __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ we have veri specif issu we have to address __PUNCT__

the search for some technolog to disabl these horrif explos devic that caus so much damag for our young_men and women in uniform and innoc iraqi and peopl in afghanistan is a veri import project but i think we can do both __PUNCT__

we can do the more appli __PUNCT__ specif research to try to solv a problem and we can continu to fund the more visionari research that we don't know where it will lead __PUNCT__ but who know __PUNCT__ the next internet mai come out of it __PUNCT__

the privat_sector devot onli __NUM__ percent of all it resourc to basic research __PUNCT__

and that is a chang from __NUM___year_ago and the year after that __PUNCT__

some of the great research breakthrough came through privat lab like bell lab and other and we have not onli cut_back on govern_fund but becaus of the pressur of the global_market place __PUNCT__ the pressur for quarterli return __PUNCT__ we have seen a cutback in research in the privat_sector as well __PUNCT__

the nih budget wa doubl between __NUM__ and __NUM__ and univers and research had high_hope for continu fund __PUNCT__

in the year sinc __PUNCT__ the rug ha been pull out from under them __PUNCT__

the presid budget for __NUM__ actual cut fund for sever depart __PUNCT__

the consequ of unpredict and declin resourc ar halt construct on new laboratori __PUNCT__ fewer grant __PUNCT__ uncertainti in current project __PUNCT__ and less support for the creativ idea of younger research __PUNCT__

nobel_prize win biochemist roger kornberg recent said __PUNCT__ in the present climat especi __PUNCT__ the fund decis ar ultraconserv __PUNCT__

if the work that you propos to do isn't virtual certain of success __PUNCT__ then it won't be fund __PUNCT__

and of cours __PUNCT__ the kind of work that we would most like to see take place __PUNCT__ which is groundbreak and innov __PUNCT__ li at the other extrem __PUNCT__

i visit memori sloan ketter about a year and half ago to meet with dr __PUNCT__ harold e __PUNCT__ varmu anoth nobel prize winner who led nih with such distinct and hi top staff __PUNCT__

and at that time he veri clearli said that the wai that the grant and now be issu by the nih mean that it less and less like that young research like he wa when he did the work that eventu won him the nobel prize __PUNCT__ could be fund __PUNCT__

and sinc that time i heard thi across the countri __PUNCT__

i will increas support for basic and appli research by increas the research budget at the nation scienc foundat __PUNCT__ the depart of energi offic of scienc __PUNCT__ and the depart of defens __PUNCT__

we significantli increas fund over __NUM___year __PUNCT__ with a greater emphasi on high __PUNCT__ risk __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ return invest __PUNCT__

that combin with the increas again in the nih to kick start our innov engin __PUNCT__

we invest more in multidisciplinari research __PUNCT__ where the unit_state ha a built __PUNCT__ in advantag __PUNCT__

no on command the breadth and depth of excel across differ field that we do __PUNCT__

for instanc __PUNCT__ we should increas invest in non __PUNCT__ health applic of bio __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__

on exampl __PUNCT__ bacteria that could dramat reduc the cost of clean up superfund site __PUNCT__

i recent saw craig venter __PUNCT__ who mani of you know of or know __PUNCT__ and hi latest project is try to creat bacteria that will lead to a substitut for petroleum __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we don't know where thi research will lead __PUNCT__

that the whole point and the excit is let loos our best mind __PUNCT__

the failur to modern our health_care_system is also hold_back research __PUNCT__

i have propos creat a health inform_technolog infrastructur as part of my health_care_plan __PUNCT__ the american health choic plan __PUNCT__

i think we can lower_cost for everyon __PUNCT__ and improv qualiti for everyon __PUNCT__ and cover everyon __PUNCT__

a health inform_technolog infrastructur is estim by the rand corpor to save us seventi __PUNCT__ seven billion_dollar a year __PUNCT__

it will prevent error __PUNCT__ it will stop wast __PUNCT__ it will cut_cost __PUNCT__ and it will save_live becaus it will creat billion of new digit data point from which we can glean new observ __PUNCT__

i also call for competit prize to encourag innov __PUNCT__

back in __NUM___presid eisenhow __PUNCT__ when he met with hi scientif advisori committe again __PUNCT__ wonder if there were a wai to keep peopl as excit about scienc as thei were about sport and competit __PUNCT__

and thi wa back when realiti entertain meant plai in the neighborhood park __PUNCT__

why not encourag_peopl to innov through healthi competit __PUNCT__ we also seen a declin in american leadership in space_explor and scienc __PUNCT__

a recent survei by the nation_academi of scienc found that __PUNCT__ the nation earth observ satellit program __PUNCT__ onc the envi of the world __PUNCT__ ar in disarrai __PUNCT__

the nation ocean and atmospher administr ha been forc to delai the launch of import climat and weather __PUNCT__ monitor satellit __PUNCT__

these technolog ar critic tool to studi climat chang __PUNCT__ measur the rate of melt ic __PUNCT__ temperatur and humid chang __PUNCT__ sea_level variat __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ nasa budget for earth scienc ha been cut by __NUM__ percent and nasa climat_scientist have been muzzl __PUNCT__

last year __PUNCT__ the bush_administr went so far as to remov the follow phrase __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ to understand and protect the home planet __PUNCT__ end quot __PUNCT__ from nasa mission_statement __PUNCT__

it no wonder __PUNCT__ the bush_administr ha shown littl interest in the earth scienc mission of nasa __PUNCT__ and a hostil approach toward the studi of climat chang __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ part of my mission will be to reclaim our role as the innov leader __PUNCT__

i will pursu an ambiti agenda in space_explor and earth scienc __PUNCT__

i fulli fund nasa earth scienc program __PUNCT__ launch a new __PUNCT__ comprehens space __PUNCT__ base studi of climat chang __PUNCT__ and revers the deep fund cut that nasa and faa aeronaut research and develop budget have endur in the last few year __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thi is person for me becaus when i wa in junior_high high_school __PUNCT__ i wa just captiv by the space_program __PUNCT__

it caught my imagin __PUNCT__

there wa such a great burst of interest __PUNCT__

i did my __NUM__ grade scienc project on space medicin __PUNCT__

some of you know that i even wrote to nasa ask how i could appli to be an astronaut and got back an answer sai that thei weren't take women __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i have live long enough to see that chang __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ but that great burst of activ led to so mani peopl who ar the phd __PUNCT__ who ar the scientif leader __PUNCT__ who have made such a differ to our public_life and our privat_sector __PUNCT__

a lot of them ar reach retir_ag __PUNCT__

thei came into school in the __NUM__ and the __NUM__ motiv by thi desir to innov and in our govern we not find the replac for a lot of peopl __PUNCT__

i know that at the nuclear regulatori commiss the workforc issu go forward is a veri big on __PUNCT__

so thi is not just about let have more scientist __PUNCT__

thi is how we run our economi and how our govern retain or should i sai regain compet to do what it need to do for all of us __PUNCT__

i think that we got to make scienc research __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__ mathemat a career in those field __PUNCT__ excit again __PUNCT__

i think it possibl to do that and i think the presid __PUNCT__ even a presid who doesn't know veri much herself can ignit that interest with other peopl who ar plai the lead_role in demonstr what it mean for us to be the leader again __PUNCT__

we realli need a televis seri about scientist __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the studi of forens scienc skyrocket after all these csi program __PUNCT__ so i like all of the scientist in thi auditorium to start think __PUNCT__

make up a charact that can light the same excit in young_peopl becaus lightbulb moment requir electr and we got to look at thi challeng comprehens __PUNCT__

we still have a problem in women and minor to enter scienc and engin __PUNCT__

and let do a better job of replic educ excel in math and scienc from school to school __PUNCT__

congress recent pass into law the america compet act which contain two of my propos __PUNCT__

on would studi promis practic in math and scienc educ __PUNCT__

we have to quit reinvent the wheel __PUNCT__ if someth work in a school __PUNCT__ especi where children come from disadvantag background __PUNCT__ to light their face up __PUNCT__ get them involv __PUNCT__ let replic it __PUNCT__

let work to do what we can to make sure that someth happen in new york or lo_angel is follow in houston or miami __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i think that on wai we can help thi is to creat new fellowship at the nation scienc foundat to allow math and scienc profession to becom teacher in high __PUNCT__ need school __PUNCT__

a lot of peopl who as thei ar retir or ar mid __PUNCT__ career ar look for some wai to keep give and thei face the arrai of difficulti and obstacl to becom teacher and i think we have to break through that barrier and give more peopl a chanc to share their enthusiasm __PUNCT__ their life_work with our young_peopl __PUNCT__

i also propos tripl the number of nation scienc foundat fellowship and increas the size of each award __PUNCT__

nsf fellowship were creat in respons to the space race __PUNCT__

in the decad sinc __PUNCT__ the number of grant ha remain_larg unchang despit a three __PUNCT__ fold increas from that time until now in the number of colleg_student graduat with scienc and engin degre __PUNCT__

we also __PUNCT__ as we move toward comprehens_immigr immigr_reform have to onc again open our colleg and univers to student from abroad who wish to studi here and then hopefulli stai here as part of the american innov agenda __PUNCT__

what is happen now is we not accept them and if we do accept them __PUNCT__ we not allow them to stai and work __PUNCT__

so we need to get the best mind from the world onc again come to america __PUNCT__

fifth __PUNCT__ we need an apollo __PUNCT__ like effort in clean __PUNCT__ renew_energi __PUNCT__

last week __PUNCT__ the presid gave a speech in which he decid to address global_warm __PUNCT__ seven year into hi presid __PUNCT__

and what he found __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ is that the rest of the world ha pass him by __PUNCT__

he spoke of aspir goal to reduc green hous ga_emiss while peopl around the world includ right here in america actual aspir to tackl the problem __PUNCT__

for nearli seven year __PUNCT__ the administr ha dodg __PUNCT__ deni __PUNCT__ and dissembl on climat chang __PUNCT__

scientist muzzl __PUNCT__

report censor __PUNCT__

accord to a survei of the union of concern scientist from last year __PUNCT__ nearli three quarter of climat_scientist felt inappropri interfer with their research wa go on __PUNCT__

on particularli egregi exampl is that of philip a __PUNCT__ coonei __PUNCT__ the former chief of staff at the white_hous council on environment qualiti __PUNCT__

a lawyer previous emploi by the american petroleum institut __PUNCT__ he had no scientif background __PUNCT__

nonetheless __PUNCT__ he insist on edit scientif document on climat chang to cast_doubt and greater uncertainti than the expert felt warrant __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ the evid ha mount __PUNCT__

i travel to the alaskan arctic as well as to the european arctic with senat_mccain on two occas over the last sever year __PUNCT__

we found ourselv in the northernmost inhabit place on earth __PUNCT__ the island of svalbard __PUNCT__ in norwai __PUNCT__

we met with scientist who been studi the arctic and we listen to what thei had to sai __PUNCT__

thei ar see first hand the impact of chang climat __PUNCT__ from invas speci to shift weather pattern to melt polar ic __PUNCT__

and then at point barrow in our most northern part of america in alaska __PUNCT__ we heard from the scientist who have been studi climat chang there for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

as the evid mount __PUNCT__ other countri ar mount a lead in the race to develop the next gener of energi_technolog __PUNCT__

nation in europ and elsewher ar work to meet the standard set by kyoto and to creat_job in the process __PUNCT__

germani __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ ha made major commit to renew_energi __PUNCT__ recent up their target to produc more than on quarter of their energi from renew_sourc by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

their approach ha alreadi paid dividend __PUNCT__

in the last two year __PUNCT__ employ in the german renew sector rose by __NUM__ percent to __NUM___job __PUNCT__

thei expect to creat more than __NUM__ job in renew by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

as a german offici recent_told told_congress __PUNCT__ solar_power instal and wind_turbin made in germani ar an export hit all over the world __PUNCT__

i believ america can retak the lead __PUNCT__

energi depend and climat chang repres the greatest innov challeng and opportun that american have face in a gener __PUNCT__ we can creat million of green collar_job __PUNCT__

i have propos a __MONEY___billion strateg energi fund __PUNCT__ paid for in part by close the tax subsidi and loophol for the oil_compani __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ it is almost imposs to imagin but you and i and all the taxpay in america ar still subsid compani that have made the largest profit in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that no longer make_sens __PUNCT__ and we got to move now to take our resourc and put them where we creat a new market __PUNCT__

it might have made_sens when oil wa ten dollar a barrel becaus it expens to explor __PUNCT__ it expens to extract __PUNCT__ but that no longer is need __PUNCT__

if we have smart legisl polici __PUNCT__ we would have trigger on a lot of thi __PUNCT__

if the price of oil ever did fall again dramat __PUNCT__ and we did have to provid incent __PUNCT__ we could do so __PUNCT__

but now what we ar miss by fail to provid incent for solar and wind and geotherm and hydrogen and bio __PUNCT__ fuel and the whole arrai of renew_resourc mean that we ar fall further and further behind __PUNCT__

the fund i have propos would invest in technolog avail right now to promot conserv __PUNCT__ combat global_warm __PUNCT__ and end our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

it also fund an energi initi model on darpa __PUNCT__ the energi advanc research project agenc to bring togeth the best mind in the public and the privat_sector to think outsid the box __PUNCT__ and the tank __PUNCT__ to imagin new solut __PUNCT__

win the __NUM___centuri energi race is as import and potenti profit as win the __NUM__ centuri space race __PUNCT__

we can do thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ the strateg energi fund is onli the begin __PUNCT__

in the come week __PUNCT__ i will outlin in more detail my plan as presid to move toward energi_independ __PUNCT__

instead of lead the world in oil import __PUNCT__ we can lead in green_technolog export __PUNCT__

the countri that split the atom can end our depend on foreign_oil and launch an energi revolut __PUNCT__

we can call it energi __NUM__ becaus we got everyth it take except we have not organ ourselv to make it happen __PUNCT__

when scienc is politic __PUNCT__ when the truth is subjug by ideolog __PUNCT__ it wors than wrong __PUNCT__ it danger __PUNCT__

end the war on scienc and onc again valu the ever __PUNCT__ skeptic but alwai hope scientif enterpris is about more than our economi __PUNCT__

it about more than our secur __PUNCT__

it is about our democraci __PUNCT__

vannevar bush __PUNCT__ no relat __PUNCT__ among hi mani accomplish as an advisor to presid begin with franklin_delano roosevelt __PUNCT__ as a pioneer scientist __PUNCT__ as a leader who help shape decad of scienc polici for our nation __PUNCT__ also serv as presid of thi institut __PUNCT__

he author a report at the close of world_war_ii __PUNCT__ request by presid_roosevelt but deliv to presid truman __PUNCT__

in that report __PUNCT__ dr __PUNCT__ bush laid out hi vision for the futur of scientif progress in america propos __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ the nation scienc foundat __PUNCT__

he describ scienc as the __PUNCT__ endless frontier __PUNCT__

what could be more american that __PUNCT__ i wa hearten to learn that after sputnik went up sale of telescop and binocular shot up as well __PUNCT__

actual in my hous __PUNCT__ my father went out and bought some binocular __PUNCT__ so we could be on the lookout for sputnik __PUNCT__

and my memori of that __PUNCT__ of peer into the sky in our backyard in a suburb of chicago __PUNCT__ i don't think we ever saw it although my friend claim that thei had seen it __PUNCT__ wa so excit that somehow we were connect to what that meant __PUNCT__

and it wa not onli a thrill for a young_girl __PUNCT__ but it realli did start me think __PUNCT__

fear is no match for the human desir to reach for the star __PUNCT__

and with the right leadership fear give wai to fortitud __PUNCT__ to resolv __PUNCT__ and to evid __PUNCT__ base action __PUNCT__

the free and open exchang of idea in america __PUNCT__ along with our entrepreneuri spirit __PUNCT__ our work_ethic __PUNCT__ and our valu __PUNCT__ ha alwai been the wind against our back __PUNCT__

it wa true in the space race for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and it will be true again in the global innov race of the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__