Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.07.27.remarks_to_the_urban_league originally had 3557 tokens. You can view the original text here.

sen __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ good morn __PUNCT__ it is an absolut delight to be with you thi morn for thi veri import confer __PUNCT__

i want to thank mark for the wonder job that he is do here at the urban leagu __PUNCT__ and for hi strong leadership on so mani issu __PUNCT__

i also want to recogn and thank the entir urban leagu board and the staff __PUNCT__ who have put thi togeth and have labor hard to make sure that it wa a product and import event __PUNCT__ not just for the nation urban leagu __PUNCT__ but for all of us __PUNCT__

i want to recogn st __PUNCT__ loui __PUNCT__ mayor __PUNCT__ mayor slai __PUNCT__ delight you here for thi import occas __PUNCT__

and other elect_offici who ar in the audienc __PUNCT__

now there ar two peopl who ar not here __PUNCT__ who i would be remis if i did not mention __PUNCT__

i would hear about it from on __PUNCT__ and that is our old friend vernon jordan __PUNCT__ who said __PUNCT__ you went all the wai to st __PUNCT__ loui and you didn't event mention me __PUNCT__

so vernon __PUNCT__ wherev you ar __PUNCT__ we think of you __PUNCT__

and we grate to you for your lifetim of servic __PUNCT__

anoth who i want to honor by rememb him __PUNCT__ is ron brown __PUNCT__

someon who serv our countri so well __PUNCT__ and whom we miss __PUNCT__

hi brand of leadership and good humor in the face of challeng is alwai time and we certainli could us more of it todai __PUNCT__

and georg __PUNCT__ thank you for keep the train run on time __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ i want to thank all of you for nineti __PUNCT__ seven year of servic __PUNCT__

when i think of the nation urban leagu __PUNCT__ i think of the peopl whom i known __PUNCT__ the project that i partner on __PUNCT__

but accord to a recent_studi by dr __PUNCT__ sila lee __PUNCT__ who i veri proud to sai is on of my pollster and given me great advic __PUNCT__ and dr __PUNCT__ bernard anderson __PUNCT__ who serv as assist_secretari of labor dure my husband administr __PUNCT__ accord to their studi between __NUM__ and __NUM__ the urban leagu contribut more than __MONEY___billion to america_economi __PUNCT__

and not onli that __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ more than __NUM___million_peopl were directli and indirectli serv through the public __PUNCT__ the seminar __PUNCT__ the advocaci and servic project undertaken by the urban leagu __PUNCT__

that is an extraordinari achiev __PUNCT__ and it on that not often recogn __PUNCT__

peopl don't realiz that non __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__ like the urban leagu __PUNCT__ ar driver of econom progress __PUNCT__

and i want to thank you __PUNCT__ not onli for the good_work you do __PUNCT__ but for the econom_impact that work ha __PUNCT__

i also want to realli express my gratitud for thi opportun to continu the convers that the urban leagu is lead in our citi __PUNCT__ and to fulli endors your opportun compact __PUNCT__ it is a set of prioriti which i strongli_support built on __NUM__ cornerston that everi american should be abl to agre to __PUNCT__

the opportun to thrive __PUNCT__ the opportun to earn __PUNCT__ the opportun to own __PUNCT__ and the opportun to prosper __PUNCT__ that a pretti_good definit of the american_dream in my book __PUNCT__

becaus i don't have as much time as i would love for thi convers __PUNCT__ i could be up here for hour with all of you __PUNCT__ and love to hear back from you __PUNCT__ i want to focu on on aspect of thi convers __PUNCT__ and that is an issu highlight in the opportun compact __PUNCT__ highlight in your state of black_america report __PUNCT__ and recent in the dellum commiss __PUNCT__

and that is the crisi of __NUM___million young_men of color between the ag of __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__ thei ar out of school and out of work __PUNCT__

that includ nearli on out of everi three young african_american men __PUNCT__

young_men who ar not earn legal wage or learn market skill __PUNCT__

over half grow up in home without father __PUNCT__ a third wind up in the crimin_justic_system __PUNCT__ nearli __NUM__ each year ar claim by gun or violenc befor their __NUM__ birthdai __PUNCT__

now i don't know about you __PUNCT__ but i feel like i been listen to thi convers all my life __PUNCT__

and i firmli believ it is the wrong convers __PUNCT__ i reject it __PUNCT__

i reject a convers about __NUM___million young_men as a threat __PUNCT__ as a headach __PUNCT__ or as a lost caus __PUNCT__

i reject the convers about __NUM___million disappoint __PUNCT__ failur __PUNCT__ and casualti of a broken system __PUNCT__

that is not who these young_men ar __PUNCT__

i believ it is long past time for a new and differ convers __PUNCT__

it is time for america to begin a convers about __NUM___million futur worker __PUNCT__ entrepreneur __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__ payer __PUNCT__ commun_leader __PUNCT__ busi execut __PUNCT__

a convers about __NUM___million futur husband and father and role_model __PUNCT__

a convers about __NUM___million boi who have the god __PUNCT__ given potenti to grow into strong __PUNCT__ proud __PUNCT__ love __PUNCT__ decent __PUNCT__ product __PUNCT__ accomplish men with our help and support __PUNCT__

that is the convers i want to have with you and america __PUNCT__ and that is the convers i want to take with me into the white_hous in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

to put forth an agenda to finish the job __PUNCT__

it time __PUNCT__ america __PUNCT__ for a chang __PUNCT__

and i have seen the potenti __PUNCT__

as a young lawyer right out of law_school __PUNCT__ i didn't want to go to wall_street firm __PUNCT__ i didn't want to clerk for a judg __PUNCT__ all i want to do wa to work for marian wright edelman at the children defens fund __PUNCT__

that wa my goal __PUNCT__ i had met her __PUNCT__ she had gone to yale law_school about __NUM___year befor me __PUNCT__ she wa legendari with her work in mississippi on behalf of civil right and the naacp legal defens fund __PUNCT__

i heard she wa speak at yale __PUNCT__ i went to introduc myself to her dure my veri first year in law_school __PUNCT__

heard her speak __PUNCT__ wa galvan __PUNCT__ went up to her and said __PUNCT__ i want to work for you __PUNCT__

and she said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that nice __PUNCT__ but i can't pai you __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that a problem becaus i work my wai through law school __PUNCT__ so i have to get paid __PUNCT__

and she said __PUNCT__ if you can figur out how to get yourself paid __PUNCT__ you can come work for me __PUNCT__

so appli for and i receiv a law_student civil right research council internship __PUNCT__ which paid me to be abl to go and do the work that ha been the passion and call of my life through my year of public_servic __PUNCT__ and now my year in public_offic __PUNCT__

and i rememb veri well on of the first assign that marian gave me wa to go to a coupl of state and find out if we could stop them from jail children with adult __PUNCT__

and then to go door to door and ask peopl if thei had children who weren't in school __PUNCT__ becaus back in those dai children were kept out of school for all kind of reason __PUNCT__

some of them had physic ailment __PUNCT__ some of them had behavior problem __PUNCT__ some of them had to help support their famili __PUNCT__

so i have been focus on what we need to do to help children succe __PUNCT__

and i have to tell you in all my __NUM___year as an advoc for children and famili __PUNCT__ i have never met a child without potenti __PUNCT__

and these __NUM___million young_men ar no differ __PUNCT__

and when we write them off and leav them behind __PUNCT__ when we squander their potenti __PUNCT__ we squander america potenti __PUNCT__

and that is noth short of a moral crisi __PUNCT__

but let be clear __PUNCT__ thi is not just a moral crisi __PUNCT__ it is an econom_crisi __PUNCT__

and it not just an urban econom crisi __PUNCT__

it is not just an african_american american_econom econom_crisi __PUNCT__

it is an american_econom and moral crisi __PUNCT__

and when we let these young_boi and men fall through the crack __PUNCT__ we make a decis to spend___MONEY___billion a year on prison __PUNCT__

now we mai not draw the connect all the time __PUNCT__ but you and i know that the decis we make __PUNCT__

we have decid that we go to spend poorli __PUNCT__ instead of spend it smartli __PUNCT__

right now __PUNCT__ across america __PUNCT__ job ar go empti becaus compani can't find train __PUNCT__ skill employe to fill them __PUNCT__

so ultim __PUNCT__ the crisi of young_men of color is a nation crisi __PUNCT__

and when i presid __PUNCT__ i will call for a nation respons __PUNCT__ and a nation_commit __PUNCT__ to address it __PUNCT__

i will call everyon to the tabl __PUNCT__

on of the that thing i realli believ in __PUNCT__ is get everybodi out there togeth __PUNCT__ and roll up our sleev __PUNCT__ and start to act like american again __PUNCT__

we the peopl who ar suppos to be the problem solver __PUNCT__

we not suppos to stand on the sidelin __PUNCT__ wring our hand talk about how terribl_thing ar __PUNCT__

we suppos to be work togeth to solv_problem __PUNCT__

and i want state and local_govern __PUNCT__ univers __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ non __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__ church __PUNCT__ individu __PUNCT__

and i go ask on simpl question __PUNCT__ what will you do __PUNCT__ not what you talk about __PUNCT__ but what will you do __PUNCT__ not anoth report __PUNCT__ but what will you do in order to deal with thi crisi __PUNCT__ i am not go to accept half __PUNCT__ step or piecem measur as an answer __PUNCT__

we need a smart __PUNCT__ bold __PUNCT__ dare __PUNCT__ comprehens approach __PUNCT__

on base on the fundament premis that these young_men ar all our children __PUNCT__

all of our respons __PUNCT__

becaus after all these year __PUNCT__ i still believ it take a villag to rais a child __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ that is why todai __PUNCT__ i am announc my youth opportun agenda __PUNCT__ which goe hand in hand with the opportun compact __PUNCT__

thi is my plan __PUNCT__ as your presid __PUNCT__ to build that villag __PUNCT__

an america where everi child is valu for hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__ and where all of us __PUNCT__ from our famili to our commun to our countri __PUNCT__ resolv to do whatev we can to help each child realiz that potenti __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i believ the initi ha to start from dai on __PUNCT__ the veri dai a child is born __PUNCT__ with earli intervent to help that child get on the right path __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i go to focu like a laser on those earli_year __PUNCT__

and it not just focus on the children __PUNCT__ let focu on the parent and the grand __PUNCT__ parent __PUNCT__ and the aunt and the uncl __PUNCT__ and the brother and the sister __PUNCT__

we know what work __PUNCT__ i been do thi for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

i start off at the yale child studi center __PUNCT__ i done it through arkansa __PUNCT__ and when i wa privileg to work in the white_hous for my husband __PUNCT__ and now in the senat __PUNCT__

we know what work __PUNCT__

let take these proven program like nurs_home visit program __PUNCT__ where we send in qualifi nurs and social_worker and other to go in and help these young mother and father understand what thei need to do for their children __PUNCT__

let emphas a program i help to start dure the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ the earli head_start program __PUNCT__

let expand and build on head start __PUNCT__ a proven success __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ i have made a commit to univers_pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten for everi four year old __PUNCT__ access to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford earli learn when it realli can make a differ in the live of these children __PUNCT__

an astonish fact __PUNCT__ not from me becaus i believ thi base on all the work i done __PUNCT__

but jame heckman __PUNCT__ nobl prize __PUNCT__ win economist from the univers of chicago __PUNCT__ hardli thought to be a hotb of fuzzi think and liber thought __PUNCT__ he did a studi __PUNCT__ and he conclud that if we had univers pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten __PUNCT__ we would close by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ the achiev_gap between white and black_children __PUNCT__

just with that earli invest __PUNCT__ children will stai in school longer __PUNCT__ thei do better __PUNCT__

let make that on of our prioriti __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ onc our children start school __PUNCT__ we have to provid earli mentor and support to keep them on the path to success __PUNCT__

it is not enough to give young_men of color a chanc to succe __PUNCT__ if then after thei start down thi long and difficult path we step off of it __PUNCT__

we need to be hold hand move_forward togeth __PUNCT__

we know that mani young_men drop out of school __PUNCT__

did you know that a child in america drop out of school everi __NUM__ second __PUNCT__ mani don't make it through high_school __PUNCT__ some don't make it through junior_high high_school __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will expand program like gear up that interven in middl_school to provid mentor and tutor __PUNCT__

i want colleg visit to help young_peopl peopl_understand thi can be part of their futur __PUNCT__

program like the hillsid work scholarship connect __PUNCT__ creat with the help of the rochest urban leagu in rochest __PUNCT__ new york __PUNCT__ that develop individu colleg and career success plan for middl_school school_student and give these student a job __PUNCT__

give them a job after school __PUNCT__ dure vacat becaus thei have to be expos to the cultur of work and learn all those habit and that disciplin __PUNCT__

and it ha proven to be a great_success __PUNCT__

i also want to see school like eagl academi in new york __PUNCT__ in the bronx __PUNCT__

i wa honor to help start thi charter_school with the on hundr black_men in new york __PUNCT__

i think david bank __PUNCT__ who wa the princip __PUNCT__ is here __PUNCT__

we need a thousand of eagl academi for young_men of color __PUNCT__ where thei feel accept __PUNCT__ support __PUNCT__ mentor and help __PUNCT__

i want to us a mentorship model that will reach an addit on million student __PUNCT__

my administr will provid __MONEY___million over five year to establish internship opportun that will match student with busi __PUNCT__ with union __PUNCT__ with non __PUNCT__ profit like the urban leagu to provid the train thei need to thrive in profession environ __PUNCT__

thi isn't just a chanc to enrich our children __PUNCT__

it not a corpor chariti program __PUNCT__

we have to give both side of the equat __PUNCT__ the young_men and the employ __PUNCT__ a chanc to discov and develop each other __PUNCT__ and to have then __PUNCT__ an opportun wait for that young_person __PUNCT__

the third part of my agenda involv build comprehens __PUNCT__ commun __PUNCT__ base program to reach out to young_peopl who ar fail to thrive __PUNCT__

program that don't just keep them from fall through the crack __PUNCT__ but actual start fill in the crack __PUNCT__

i go to ask our mayor and other local leader to gather with repres from across the commun to develop such program __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ that might mean creat on __PUNCT__ stop youth center like those in baltimor and lo_angel where case manag work to connect young_peopl with tutor __PUNCT__ job_train __PUNCT__ and other support_servic __PUNCT__

it might mean strengthen altern educ and career academi __PUNCT__ apprenticeship and skill train __PUNCT__

i had a visit from the new york auto dealer a year or two ago __PUNCT__

thei said __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we have __NUM___job that we can't get fill for auto __PUNCT__ mechan __PUNCT__

these ar job in new york start at __MONEY__

where do we go to find such peopl __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ to their credit __PUNCT__ thei start a school __PUNCT__

but we need to have more partnership like that __PUNCT__

i talk about program that give young_peopl the skill and confid thei need to compet for the high __PUNCT__ tech 21ast centuri job __PUNCT__ becaus on of the reason those auto mechan job ar harder to fill is becaus you have to know about comput __PUNCT__

it no longer a low skill job __PUNCT__ it a high skill job with a veri good salari __PUNCT__

program like focu hope in detroit that train young peopl to fill the __NUM__ machinist job open up each year in that citi __PUNCT__

program like year up that give young peopl the skill to land good financi_servic servic_job in downtown provid __PUNCT__ rhode_island __PUNCT__

program that train student for new __PUNCT__ renew_energi __PUNCT__ green collar __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__

youthbuild __PUNCT__ which have been put our young_peopl to work __PUNCT__ thei begin to train young peopl to do thi and i have a program that will creat___NUM__ __NUM___job of peopl that can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

if we go to start get seriou about altern_energi and do thing like solar __PUNCT__ somebodi got to climb up there and put that solar_panel on the roof __PUNCT__

we go to creat million of job if we do thi right and a lot of them will be in the inner citi __PUNCT__

we also need to make sure our young_peopl can get these job in the first place __PUNCT__

ye there ar problem becaus of low educ and low skill __PUNCT__ lack of mentor and network __PUNCT__

but let be frank here __PUNCT__

some of those problem that stand in the wai of young peopl and job is becaus of discrimin __PUNCT__ plain and simpl __PUNCT__

which bring me to my fourth point __PUNCT__

a recent_studi studi_show that when employ were present __PUNCT__ i almost done __PUNCT__ mark __PUNCT__

but you know i just fire up about thi you can't stop me now __PUNCT__

a recent_studi studi_show that when employ were present with similarli qualifi white and black applic __PUNCT__ thei were twice as like to hire the white applic __PUNCT__

thei even hire white applic with crimin_record at the same or higher_rate than black applic __PUNCT__

so we go to get back to a justic_depart and a civil right divis that actual enforc the law __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ we have got to tackl two remain problem __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ how do we help these young_men be respons father __PUNCT__ we got to revers presid_bush dramat cut in child_support enforc __PUNCT__

we got to make sure that everi dollar goe to the children who need it __PUNCT__

we got to make sure that the young_men have the monei to pai the child_support which mean rais the minimum_wage again __PUNCT__

and we have to confront the devast impact of the crimin_justic_system __PUNCT__

the brutal revolv_door ha alreadi claim so mani young live __PUNCT__

and i want to have a second chang program that realli focus on how we go to keep our young_peopl out of the crimin_justic_system __PUNCT__ and how we go to rehabilit then and give them a new chanc when thei come out __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ i know thi is not go to be easi __PUNCT__ but i am up for it if you ar __PUNCT__

i am confid and optimist we can make thi happen togeth __PUNCT__

now there will be all the naysay who sai __PUNCT__ oh my good we can't do it __PUNCT__

polit is so hard __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we can't listen to them jame baldwin onc said __PUNCT__ those who sai it can't be done ar usual interrupt by those who ar do it __PUNCT__

and so we got to get about the busi of do it __PUNCT__

let me tell you that if we work togeth __PUNCT__ if we elect a presid who care passion about our young_peopl __PUNCT__ understand what it will take to make the opportun compact real in their live __PUNCT__ we go to see chang in america __PUNCT__

i want to be your partner __PUNCT__

i look forward to work with you __PUNCT__

let go out and make it happen __PUNCT__

thank you all __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__