Michele Bachmann

This speech titled 2012.01.03.remarks_in_west_des_moines_following_the_iowa_caucus originally had 1419 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 51 cue terms and an average lag of 24.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 home_state 91
0.0951 0.89 0.0147
0 0 0
2 ron_paul 3
0.00279 0.0207 0
0.084 0.889 0.00358
3 mitt_romnei 2
0.000796 0.00716 0.000199
0.0806 0.909 0.00239
4 rick_santorum 2
0.00139 0.00498 0.000199
0.078 0.913 0.00239
5 newt_gingrich 2
0.00179 0.00478 0
0.0776 0.913 0.00259
6 rick_perri 2
0.00179 0.00617 0.000796
0.0766 0.91 0.00458
7 countri_back 38
0.00179 0.0631 0.358
0.00219 0.537 0.0378
8 barack_obama 2
0.000199 0.00259 0.0935
0.00219 0.375 0.527
9 straw_poll 123
0.0498 0.0748 0.498
0.000796 0.173 0.203
10 barack_obama 15
0.000597 0.0651 0.105
0.000995 0.232 0.596
11 liber_polici 1
0 0.000398 0.0209
0.00139 0.265 0.712
12 white_hous 14
0.0157 0.0145 0.0824
0.00318 0.248 0.636
13 barack_obama 46
0.00179 0.0651 0.231
0.00179 0.243 0.458
14 __NUM___elect 138
0.254 0.23 0.197
0.00119 0.212 0.106
15 barack_obama 36
0.000796 0.0312 0.486
0.00438 0.287 0.191
16 obama_presid 0
0.00139 0 0.0127
0.0105 0.263 0.713
17 __MONEY___trillion 20
0.000597 0.0103 0.15
0.00119 0.218 0.62
18 stimulu_packag 1
0.00239 0.00199 0.0161
0.00358 0.227 0.749
19 health_care 14
0.00179 0.0732 0.136
0 0.226 0.563
20 social_medicin 5
0.000398 0.00259 0.043
0.000995 0.285 0.668
21 __NUM___peopl 4
0.0163 0.0107 0.0253
0.00398 0.284 0.66
22 american_peopl 13
0.000199 0.00697 0.217
0.00279 0.271 0.502
23 social_medicin 7
0 0.00955 0.0396
0.00119 0.275 0.674
24 barack_obama 9
0 0.0241 0.0478
0.00119 0.284 0.643
25 social_medicin 1
0 0.000199 0.0167
0.00119 0.285 0.697
26 debt_limit 18
0.000199 0.00955 0.125
0 0.251 0.614
27 __MONEY___trillion 4
0.000199 0.00219 0.0434
0 0.229 0.725
28 american_peopl 12
0.00119 0.0103 0.153
0.000199 0.2 0.634
29 presid_obama 24
0.00159 0.00876 0.196
0.000199 0.162 0.631
30 econom_recoveri 16
0.0183 0.0145 0.108
0.00199 0.152 0.705
31 american_peopl 22
0.00796 0.0376 0.167
0.00716 0.159 0.621
32 energi_independ 26
0.0472 0.0302 0.138
0.0147 0.186 0.584
33 american_peopl 3
0.00119 0.0111 0.0852
0.0249 0.213 0.664
34 ronald_reagan 35
0.03 0.139 0.15
0.0115 0.214 0.456
35 barack_obama 11
0.000199 0.0179 0.125
0.000995 0.307 0.548
36 health_care 21
0.000597 0.00955 0.114
0.000398 0.3 0.576
37 croni_capit 3
0 0.00139 0.0543
0.000398 0.234 0.71
38 defend_america 3
0.00318 0.00716 0.0215
0.000597 0.231 0.736
39 illeg_immigr 15
0.0474 0.0856 0.0509
0.00378 0.233 0.58
40 barack_obama 26
0 0.0464 0.4
0.00159 0.279 0.273
41 true_conserv 12
0.00139 0.00677 0.0671
0.00119 0.314 0.609
42 barack_obama 7
0.000796 0.00697 0.0442
0.00199 0.317 0.629
43 young_peopl 104
0.288 0.204 0.165
0.00557 0.206 0.132
44 daili_basi 39
0.0253 0.0297 0.38
0.0991 0.255 0.211
45 phone_call 2
0.00358 0.00677 0.0352
0.114 0.274 0.566
46 straw_poll 4
0.00697 0.00677 0.107
0.0697 0.234 0.576
47 __NUM___year 60
0.472 0.0758 0.142
0.0744 0.0295 0.207
48 main_street 22
0.123 0.0157 0.0677
0.503 0.0818 0.209
49 de_moin 2
0.0139 0.00119 0.0125
0.623 0.0802 0.269
50 god_bless 213
0.176 0.000199 0.714
0.0892 0 0.0203
51 unit_state 5
0.00597 0 0.036
0.256 0 0.702