AIED-2001 Workshop on Tutorial Dialogue Systems
Sunday, May 20

Download the working notes of the workshop (1.4 MB)


  9:00   Opening

Session 1: Collaborative Discourse
  9:15   paper - Using a Model of Collaborative Dialogue to Teach Procedural Tasks
                        Jeff Rickel, Neal Lesh, Charles Rich, Candace L. Sidner, and Abigail Gertner
  9:40   paper - AMANDA - An Intelligent Dialog Coordination Environment
                        Marco A. Eleuterio, Jean-Paul Barthès, Flávio Bortolozzi, and  Celso A. Kaestner
10:05   discussion
10:30   break

Session 2: Making Pedagogical Decisions
10:50   paper - The Design and Formative Analysis of a Dialog-Based Tutor
                        Neil T. Heffernan and Kenneth R. Koedinger
11:15   paper - A Decision-Theoretic Architecture for Selecting Tutorial Discourse Actions
                        R. Charles Murray, Kurt VanLehn, and Jack Mostow
11:40   demo - AutoTutor: An Intelligent Tutor and Conversational Tutoring Scaffold
                        Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, Suresh Susarla, Derek Harter, Natalie Person,
                        Max Louwerse, Brent Olde, and the Tutoring Research Group
12:00   discussion

12:30 lunch

Session 3: NL Generation and Understanding
 2:00   paper - Simple Natural Language Generation and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
                       Barbara Di Eugenio, Michael Glass, Michael J. Trolio, and Susan Haller
 2:25   paper - Pedagogical Content Knowledge in a Tutorial Dialogue System to Support Self-Explanation
                       Vincent Aleven, Octav Popescu, and Kenneth R. Koedinger
 2:50   short paper - Introducing RMT: A dialog-based tutor for research methods
                       Peter Wiemer-Hastings and Kalloipe-Irini Malatesta
 3:10   discussion
 3:30   break

Session 4: Architectural Trade-Offs in Tutorial Dialogue Systems
 3:50   Panel Discussion
                              Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon University
                              Reva Freedman, Northern Illinois University
                              Art Graesser, University of Memphis
                              Neil Heffernan, Carnegie Mellon University
                              Carolyn Penstein-Rose, University of Pittsburgh
                              Claus Zinn, University of Edinburgh


1. What are better/more efficient/less labor-intensive ways of evaluating tutorial dialogue systems?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a production rule / model-tracing approach to dialogue management as compared to a planning approach or a finite state automaton approach?

3. How can we make tutorial dialogue systems easier to build?

 5:10   Closing remarks

 6:30 dinner in San Antonio with the workshop participants