Representative Publications

1."A Support System for Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval in Object-Oriented Databases", Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Press, vol 21, nro 6, 1997, pp 339-351. (With C. Traina Jr. C.;R. Ribeiro; E. Y. Senzako).

2. "3D Reconstruction of Tomographic Images Applied to Largely Spaced Slices", Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Press, vol 21, nro 6, 1997, pp 353-367. (With A.H.A. Prado; J.M.Bueno).

3. "Support to Content-Based Image Query in Object-Oriented Databases", Proceedings of 1998 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'98) - ACM Press, Atlanta, USA, 28/02 to 1/03/1998, pp.241-248 (With C. Traina Jr. C.;R. Ribeiro; E. Y. Senzako).

4. "3D Reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Largely Spaced Slices", Proceedings of 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System, Maribor- Slovenia June 1997, pp. 114-119 (With A.H.A. Prado; J.M.Bueno).

5. "Content-based Medical Images Retrieval in Object Oriented Database", Proceedings of 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System - Part II, Maribor- Slovenia June 1997, 67-72 (With C. Traina Jr. C.;R. Ribeiro; E. Y. Senzako).

6. "Interpolation of Tomographic Images using Delaunay Triangulation" (in portuguese), In Proceedings of the IX Brazilian Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, October 1996. (With A.H.A. Prado)

7. "Object identifiers Generation and management" (in portuguese), In Proceedings of 25 JAIIO -25º Argentine Workshop of Informatics and Operational Research (25º JAIIO), September 1996. (With C. Traina Jr.)

8. "Interpolation of Tomographic Images using Matching" (in portuguese), In Proceedings of 25 JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigacions Operativa, September 1996. (With A.H.A. Prado)

9. "Matching System to Recover Images in Database" (in portuguese), in Proceedings of XV Brazilian Conference on Biomedicine, October 1996. (With E. Y Senzako)

10."Medical Image Database suporting content-based query" (in portuguese), in Proceedings of XV Brazilian Conference on Biomedicine, October 1996. (With R.R. Santos; M.R.Oliveira; C. Traina Jr.)

11. "Reconstructing Tomographic Images using 2D Sections produced by Fast Fourier Transform" (in portuguese) in Proceedings of XVI Iberian Latin American Conference on Computacional Methods for Engineering, November 1995 (With J. M. Bueno, P.E.Cruvinel)

12. - "Compression of Images: A Modular System with Multiformat Management", (in portuguese), In Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, October 1994. (With C. F. Paniago)

13. "The Instaciation Abstraction Role in a Abstraction-based Meta-model for Object Oriented Database Systems", (in portuguese) in Proceedings os do 9º Brazilian Database Simposium, September 1994. (With C. Traina, Jr.; M. Biajiz)

14. "Support to the Construction of Medical Diagnosis Software Aid in an Computer Architecture Dedicated to Tomographic Image Visualization" (in portuguese), in Proceedings of II Congresso y Exposicion Internacional de Informática - Informática'94, Argentina, June 1994. (With C. Traina Jr, J. F. W Slaets)

15. - "Prototype System to Angiographic Images" (in portuguese), (in portuguese) in Proceedings of the V Brazilian Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, November 1992 (With R. Gosdal)

16."KGE - A Kernel Graphical Environment: Window System and a Toolkit for Visualization and Manipulation Images", (in portuguese) in Proceedings of the V Brazilian Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, November 1992. (With J.F.W. Slaets; L.O.B. Almeida)

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Last Updated April 23, 1998 by Agma Juci Machado Traina