Advanced Computing for Science Education (ACSE)

ACSE Sea Urchin Picture:

This image is a 3-dimensional volume rendering of the PMC cells in a Sea Urchin embryo. These cells are studied in the ACSE lesson entitled Sea Urchin Gastrulation. These still images are from the QuickTime movies in that lesson, where the cells are rotated to enhance the 3d effect. A sample QuickTime movie is available (580 KB).

A larger version of this picture can be viewed by clicking on the image below. That image is a 100 KB, 512x512 greyscale JPEG image.

The image.

Below is a 3d stereo version of this image. To view a stereo 3d image, wear a pair of 3d glasses with a red lens over your left eye, and a green or blue lens over your right eye. A larger version of this image can be viewed by clicking on the image below. That image is a 140 KB, 512x512 color JPEG image.

The stereo image.

The microscope data was acquired in Chuck Ettensohn's laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, and rendered with software written by John Pane.

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