A list of open-source tools and software I have been involved in

Unimorph_Inflect A python library that provides pre-trained models for morphological inflection for more than 40 languages, based on Unimorph data. [project page] [related paper]

lang2vec A python package that provides typological features for more than 6000 languages, as well as pre-computed distance vectors between them.
[project webpage] [source code]

langrank A program to choose transfer languages for cross-lingual learning.
[project webpage] [related paper]

Multi-source and Multi-task Neural Models Sequence-to-sequence neural multi-task and multi-source models implemented in DyNet. Extensions of the seq2seq model that improve speech transcription and translation quality in low-resource settings. [multi-source code] [related paper]
[multi-task code] [related paper]

AQET An open-source package for performing online Quality Estimation for Machine Translation, based on Online Support Vector Regression and Online Gaussian Processes. Developed at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. [source code] [related paper]