Using Gateways to Build a Route Map -------------------------------------- Doug Baker Weh7220 23rdNov94 We present a simple, compact representation that allows a mobile robot to navigate through the environment. At the heart of the representation are gateways, which are transition points between spaces in the environment. We present an algorithm for detecting orthogonal gateways using sonar sensors. This algorithm was implemented as a state machine on a mobile robot operating in the hallways of our laboratory. In tests of our implementation we guided the robot along several paths in our experimantal environment. Then, when told a start space and a goal space, the robot could retraverse a route by passing through the gateways that connect the start space with the goal space; the route productions told the robot which way to turn at each gateway. In addition, this paper describes how the decision to choose gateways as the basis for our route map representation impacts the organization of additional levels of representation that will allow the robot to store sensory information about spaces and to store global information about the environment.