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  Seminar Series organized by Roger Dannenberg  
David C Whitcomb, MD PhD, Giant Eagle Professor of Cancer Genetics, Professor of Medicine, Cell Biology & Physiology, and Human Genetics, Chief, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
University of Pittsburgh & UPMC
Personalized Medicine: Use of reverse engineering and mathematical modeling to invent a revolutionary discipline
October 14, 3305 Newell-Simon Hall, 2:30 pm


Personalized medicine is a hypothetical form of medicine that considers multiple factors in designing patient-specific treatments.  The goal is to prescribe the right person the right treatment in the right amount at the right time – with everyone experiencing the best possible outcomes!  Personalized medicine differs from the current model of allopathic medicine, which is structured to address single infectious agents that cause a specific disease, but is incapable of efficiently addressing complex disorders. Although everyone is in favor of personalized medicine, few people understand exactly what it is, how to invent it and how to use it. Dr Whitcomb will describe and illustrate the scope of the challenge, and demonstrate it can be solved using principles of reverse engineering and mathematical modeling. 
