15-110: Principles of Computing
Principles of Computing (15110) is a course in fundamental computing principles for students with little to no computing background. Programming constructs: sequencing, selection, iteration, and recursion. Data organization: arrays and lists. Use of abstraction in computing: data representation, computer organization, computer networks, functional decomposition, and application programming interfaces for graphics. Use of computational principles in problem-solving: divide and conquer, randomness, and concurrency. Classification of computational problems based on complexity, non-computable functions, and using heuristics to find reasonable solutions to complex problems. Social, ethical and legal issues associated with the development of new computational artifacts will also be discussed. Prerequisites: none.
Meeting Times
Session | Instructor(s) | Time | Location |
Lecture 1 | Kelly Rivers (krivers) | MWF 4-4:50pm EDT | Zoom |
Lecture 2 | David Touretzky (dst) | MWF 5:20-6:10pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation A/I-Remote | Abhi (adevarap) and Jonan (jseeley) | R 9:20-10:10am EDT | Zoom |
Recitation B/J-Remote | Laura (lkoye) and Mahima (mshanwar) | R 10:40-11:30am EDT | Zoom |
Recitation C/K-Remote | Diaj (dtoussai) and Neha (npc) | R 12:00-12:50pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation D/L-Remote | Anagha (asrikuma) and Claudia (cosorio) | R 1:20-2:10pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation E/M-Remote | Enock (emaburi) and Nazanin (nazimi) | R 2:40-3:30pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation F/N-Remote | Ashley (awzhang) and Tara (tarap) | R 4:00-4:50pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation G/O-Remote | Evans (evansc) and Neeraj (neerajsa) | R 5:20-6:10pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation H/P-Remote | Hita (rkambham) and Tyler (tjlowe) | R 6:40-7:30pm EDT | Zoom |
International Recitation X | Amanda (lianglij) and Rae (yirandua) | R 10-10:50pm EDT | Zoom |
International Recitation Y | Frank (frankh) | R 8:10-9pm EDT | Zoom |
Recitation A/I-Cluster | Iris (ilu1) | R 9:20-10:10am EDT | GHC 4307 |
Recitation B/J-Cluster | Rachel (rachelt1) | R 10:40-11:30am EDT | GHC 6115 |
Recitation C/K-Cluster-1 | Elyana (erhurst) | R 12:00-12:50pm EDT | GHC 6115 |
Recitation C/K-Cluster-2 | Kailas (kshekar) | R 12:00-12:50pm EDT | GHC 4215 |
Recitation D/L-Cluster-1 | Meghan (mamcgraw) | R 1:20-2:10pm EDT | GHC 4215 |
Recitation D/L-Cluster-2 | Amit (amitnag) | R 1:20-2:10pm EDT | CYH B6 |
Recitation E/M-Cluster | Meghan (mamcgraw) | R 2:40-3:30pm EDT | GHC 4401 |
Recitation F/N-Cluster | Flako (daniells) and Lauren (leheller) | R 4:00-4:50pm EDT | GHC 4401 |
Recitation G/O-Cluster-1 | Sarah (sstaplet) | R 5:20-6:10pm EDT | GHC 6115 |
Recitation G/O-Cluster-2 | Kailas (kshekar) | R 5:20-6:10pm EDT | GHC 4401 |
Recitation H/P-Cluster | Lauren (leheller) | R 6:40-7:30pm EDT | GHC 4401 |
Office Hours
All students are encouraged to use office hours to learn and receive help on homework assignments! Note that most help sessions take place online, usually via Zoom.
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
TA Hours | 5-8pm | 5-8pm, 10-11pm | 5-8pm, 10-11pm | 5-8pm, 10-11pm | 5-8pm | 12-5pm, 10-11pm | 2-7pm, 10-11pm |
Collaboration Hours | | | 10-11pm | | 6:30-7:30pm | | 3-4pm |
Instructor Hours | 10-11am (krivers) | 2-3:30pm (dst) | 1-2pm (krivers) | 3:30-5pm (dst) | 2-3pm (krivers) | | |