SPEAKER: Matt Streeter TIME: Wednesday 12-1pm, February 14, 2007 PLACE: NSH 1507 TITLE: Combining Multiple Heuristics in an Adversarial Online Setting ABSTRACT: Heuristics for solving NP-hard problems often have complementary strengths and weaknesses. For example, algorithms developed by statistical physicists are extremely fast at solving satisfiable random 3-CNF formulae, while algorithms based on chronological backtracking are faster on unsatisfiable and structured formulae. What if we could combine several heuristics into a meta-heuristic with better mean running time, on-the-fly while solving a sequence of problem instances? This talk presents some no-regret algorithms that can be used to do exactly that. Specifically, we consider the following online problem. We are given a pool of (randomized) heuristics and are fed, one at a time, a sequence of instances of some decision problem. To solve each instance, we may interleave the execution of the heuristics according to an arbitrary schedule and may periodically restart each heuristic with a fresh random seed. Our goal is to be competitive with the best fixed schedule in hindsight, even in a universe where the run length distribution of each heuristic on each instance is governed by an adversary. This talk is based on joint work with Daniel Golovin and Stephen Smith.