Welcome to Michel's IRC page!

IRC means "International Relay Chat". It's a kind of CB on internet. Once connected you can talk to thousands of people. There are many channels, like the "#francais" channel where the french speak together, the #irchelp channel where you can get interactive help on how to use irc, #sex where they talk about...sex... try it!

A good start is to read the FAQ, then use one of the telnet irc daemons (just click on one of them), then join the #irchelp channel (by typing '/join #irchelp <return>') and then ask for help (just type 'help me <return>').

These daemons are slow, but there is certainly an irc client compiled on your site, or you can compile one yourself, see the FAQ and ask for help about getting started. You can also mail me for info at this address: <michel.buffa@cmu.edu>
