Pig Sty: Characters and General Info

Main Characters

The show was a thirty minute sit-com about five male roommates living in an apartment in New York City, and their beautiful female super. The characters are

Randy Fitzgerald
An aspiring writer who works as a bartender at Mory’s Bar. He always hits on Tess, and constantly breaks things in the apartment so that she has to come to fix them. The apartment used to belong to Randy’s grandmother. In “Mr. Nice Guy” it is mentioned that he is 26.
Philip “P.J.” Morris
Twenty-six year-old P.J. receives $2,200 a month from his family, who made their money in tobacco. He stands to inherit $23 million (although in “The Maltese Falcone” they say $50 million). He has an athletic older brother Chip who owned two companies by the time he was P.J.’s age. His father thinks that he is worthless because he wants to be a musician/song-writer. He has never worked a day in his life, but becomes upset when his father appears to write him a check. He has a dog, whose name is as of yet unknown, and watches a lot of TV. He hides in the subway when he is depressed.
Johnny Bartzano
A proud Italian who is an Assistant District Attorney. He seems to have a problem committing to relationships. He has gone to his mother’s house for a family dinner every Friday night for the past six years. He gets migraine headaches from lack of sex (as seen in “Party!”).
Cal Evans
An obnoxious immoral little slime. He’s an Account Executive at an advertising firm. His secretary is Nancy, and the Creative Director is Steve. He graduated 400th in his class with a 1.0 GPA. He roomed with Iowa in the “…And This Little Piggy Moved Out” until they moved him into the walk-in-closet.
Joe Dantly
Randy’s brother’s girlfriend’s cousin from Sioux City, Iowa. He has come to New York to do his internship in the emergency room of St. Victor’s Hospital. He’s 25 and has been dating the same girl, Julie, since high school. He saves $100 a month for a wedding ring. Very naive and idealistic. Whenever P.J. complains about how his father keeps giving him money, Iowa gets mildly upset and jealous.
Tess Galaway
The building superintendent, who is studying with Bill Hickey at the H.B. school to become an actress. She is 24 and has a twelve year old sister. She constantly rebuffs Randy’s come-ons. Her acting roles include

General Information

The guys live in apartment 15C of building 20 on 89th and Amsterdam (the streets are mentioned in “Erin Go Barf” when Iowa takes a cab home). Iowa and Johnny share one room, Randy and P.J. another, and Cal lives in the walk-in-closet. They have a shrine to Bob Elison, who lived there for a year until he got married. Apparently they have a spare bedroom to use in case one of them gets lucky. (This is from “Beauty & the Beasts,” but doesn’t make any sense since otherwise they probably would have put the fifth person in this room, instead of moving Cal into the closet. In “The Maltese Falcone” the spare bedroom is mentioned again.) In “Tess Makes the Man” it is implied that the guys have more than one bathroom. Randy, Johnny, and P.J. seem to know each other from college, and Iowa is Randy’s brother’s girlfriend’s cousin. It’s not clear how the know Cal, or why they even lived with him to begin with, since he is a complete pig. In “Beauty & the Beasts,” Randy says that he has been dating the same girl since High School. Since he is 25, this doesn’t jive with “Five Cards, No Stud,” where he has only been dating her for five years.

The apartment next door, which shares their balcony, is apartment 15B. It seems to have a new occupant each episode.

Other Characters

Here are some other characters who have appeared at least twice:

Johnny’s ex-girlfriend. During “…And This Little Piggy Moved Out,” Johnny moves in with her. However she keeps making unreasonable demands, such as “Where do you want to eat tonight?” Johnny freaks out and moves back in with the guys after two days. Later, in “Erin Go Barf” he feels regret about breaking up with her, and tries to get back together with her. When she resumes making “unreasonable demands” he bails.
Officer Zajac
A city police officer who is studying to be an actor. He first appears in “Beauty & the Beasts” to investigate when Tess’ apartment is robbed. He also appears in “Iowa vs. New York” to take notes when the TV is stolen, in “Five Cards, No Stud” to look for Johnny, and in “May I Borrow a Cup of Death” when the guys think their neighbor has been murdered.
A dishonest stereotypical New York hustler. He first appears in “Iowa vs. New York” as the owner of an electronics store, where he pulls a bait and switch on Iowa. In “Erin Go Barf” he is a taxi driver who takes Iowa back to the apartment by way of Washington, DC.
The resident of apartment 15D, across the hall from the guys. He is a crochety 60ish man, who had his underwear stolen by Cal in “Iowa vs. New York.” Then in “May I Borrow a Cup of Death” Cal keeps stealing his newspaper.
Mr. Bolek
Co-owner with his mother of the building. He is definately a mommy’s boy. He and is mother used to dance as “The Swinging Boleks” before they went into real estate. (He only appears in “Nightmare in 15C,” but I figured he is important enough to be mentioned.)

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