·        Anton Batliner, Susanne Burger, Birgit Johne, Andreas Kießling. MÜSLI: A Classification Scheme For Laryngealizations. In D. House and P. Touati, editors, Working Papers, Prosody Workshop 1993, pages 176-179, Lund, Sweden, 1993.

·        Anton Batliner, Susanne Burger, Andreas Kiessling. Aussergrammatische Phänomene in der Spontansprache: Gegenstandsbereich, Beschreibung, Merkmalinventar. Verbmobil-Report 57. ISSN 1434-8845. L.M.-Universität München,  F.-A.-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. Februar 1994.

·        Anton Batliner, Andreas Kießling, Susanne Burger, and Elmar Nöth. Filled Pauses in Spontaneous Speech. In Proceedings of the 13th Intl. Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS 1995, volume 3, pages 472-475, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1995.

·        S. Atmanspacher, S. Burger, Chr. Draxler, A. Kipp, Chr. Scheer, F. Schiel, M-B Wesenick. Partiturformat für die Darstellung unterschiedlicher Repräsentationsebenen von gesprochener Sprache. Verbmobil Memo 90. Universität München, Germany. September 1995.

·        Florian Schiel, Susanne Burger. Automatic Conversion of American Dialog Data into VM Compatible Format. Verbmobil Technical Document 34. Universität München, Germany. September 1995.

·        Susanne Burger: Transliterationslexikon. Verbmobil Technical Document 36. Universität München, Germany. Oktober 1995.

·        Susanne Burger, Elke Kachelrieß: Aussprachevarianten in der Verbmobil-Transliteration - Regeln zur konsistenteren Verschriftung. Verbmobil-Memo 111. L.M-Universität München, Germany. August 1996.

·        Hartmut R. Pfitzinger, Susanne Burger, Sebastian Heid. Syllable Detection in Read and Spontaneous Speech. Proceedings of ICSLP 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1261-1264, Philadelphia, USA. October 1996.

·        Susanne Burger and Hans G. Tillmann. Comparison of Commercial Dictation Systems for Personal Computers. FIPKOM Volume 35, pp. 107-114. München, Germany. 1997

·        Susanne Burger. Transliteration spontansprachlicher Daten. Verbmobil Technical Document 56. Universität München, Germany. April 1997.

·        Susanne Burger, Florian Schiel. RVG 1 - A Database for Regional Variants of Contemporary German. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 1998 LREC 98, pp. 1083-1087. Granada, Spain. 1998.

·        Susanne Burger, Christoph Draxler. Identifying Dialects of German from Digit Strings; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 1998 LREC 98, Granada, Spain. 1998.

·        Florian Schiel, Susanne Burger, Anja Geumann, Karl Weilhammer. The Partitur Format at BAS; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 1998 LREC 98, pp. 1295-1301. Granada, Spain. 1998.

·        Karl Weilhammer, Susanne Burger. Characterising a Database of Spoken German by Techniques of Data Mining; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 1998 LREC 98, pp. 1253-1357. Granada, Spain. 1998.

·        Susanne Burger, Daniela Oppermann. The Impact of Regional Variety upon Specific Word Categories in Spontaneous German; Proceedings of the ICSLP 1998. Sydney, Australia. December 1998.

·        Christian Scheer, Susanne Burger, Barbara Wesenick, Karl Weilhammer: File Names, Formats and Structures in VERBMOBIL II. Verbmobil-Memo 131. Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation, Universität München, Germany. März 1998.

·        Susanne Burger, Daniela Oppermann. Categories of Pronunciation Deviation from Standard German. Proceedings of the ICPhS 1999. San Francisco, USA. August 1999

·        Daniela Oppermann, Susanne Burger. What makes Speech Data Spontaneous? Proceedings of the ICPhS 1999. San Francisco, USA. August 1999.

·        Akira Kurematsu, Youichi Akegami, Tanja Schultz, Susanne Burger. Development of Data Collection and Transliteration of Japanese Spontaneous Database in the Travel Arrangement Task Domain. Oriental COCOSDA WORKSHOP (International Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources and Evaluation). Taipei, Taiwan. May 1999.

·        Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo, Susanne Burger: Eliciting Natural Speech from Non-native Users: Collecting Speech Data for LVCSR. Proceedings of ACL-99, Workshop on Computer Mediated Language Assessment and Evaluation in NLP. College Park, MD, USA. June 1999.

·        Susanne Burger, Karl Weilhammer, Florian Schiel, Hans G. Tillmann. Verbmobil Data Collection and Annotation. inVerbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation” (Ed. Wahlster, Wolfgang); Springer Verlag. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany. 2000.

·        Daniela Oppermann, Susanne Burger, Karl Weilhammer. What are transcription errors and why are they made? Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2000. Athens, Greece. 2000.

·        Karl Weilhammer, Daniela Oppermann, Susane Burger. The influence of scenario constraints on the spontaneity of speech. A comparison of dialogue corpora. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2000. Athens, Greece, 2000.

·        Akira Kurematsu, Youichi Akegami, Susanne Burger, Susanne Jekat, Brigitte Lause, Victoria MacLaren, Daniela Oppermann, Tanja Schultz: VERBMOBIL Dialogues: Multi-faced Analysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech and Language Processing, Beijing, China, October. 2000.

·        Susanne Burger, Laurent Besacier, Paolo Coletti, Florian Metze, Céline Morel. The NESPOLE! VoIP Dialogue Database. Proceedings of EUROSPEECH 2001, Aalborg , Denmark, 2001

·        Lavie, F. Metze, F. Pianesi, J. McDonough, H. Soltau, A. Waibel, S. Burger, C. Langley, L. Levin, T. Schultz, R. Cattoni, G. Lazzari, N. Mana, E. Pianta, E. Costantini, L. Besacier, H. Blanchon, D. Vaufreydaz, L. Taddei. Enhancing the Usability and Performance of NESPOLE!: a Real-World Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference HLT2002. San Diego, USA. March 24-27, 2002.

·        Erica Costantini, Susanne Burger, Fabio Pianesi. NESPOLE!'s Multilingual and Multimodal Corpus. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2002, Las Palmas, Spain. May 29-31, 2002.

·        Lavie, F. Metze, R. Cattoni, E. Costantini, S. Burger, D. Gates, C. Langley, K. Laskowski, L. Levin, K. Peterson, T. Schultz, A. Waibel, D. Wallace, J. McDonough, H. Soltau, G. Lazzari, N. Mana, F. Pianesi, E. Pianta, L. Besacier, H. Blanchon, D. Vaufreydaz, L. Taddei. A Multi-Perspective Evaluation of the NESPOLE! Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Proceedings of ACL 2002 Workshop on Speech-to-speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems. Philadelphia, USA, July 7, 2002.

·        F. Pianesi, R. Cattoni, G. Lazzari, N. Mana, E. Pianta, S. Burger, D. Gates, A. Lavie, C. Langley, K. Peterson, T. Schutz, A. Waibel, D. Wallace, F. Metze, J. McDonough, H. Saltau, L. Besacier, H. Blanchon, D. Vaufreydaz, E. Costantini, L. Taddei. Not only Translation Quality: Evaluating the NESPOLE Speech-to-Speech Translation System from other Viewpoints. Proceedings of the ACL 2002 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems. Philadelphia, USA. July 11, 2002.

·        Erica Costantini, Fabio Pianesi, Susanne Burger. The Added Value of Multimodality in NESPOLE! Speech-to-Speech Translation System: an Experimental Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces ICMI 02. Pittsburgh, USA. October 14-16, 2002.

·        Erica Costantini E., Walter Gerbino, Fabio Pianesi, Susanne Burger. Il Valore Aggiunto della Multimodalità nella Comunicazione Multilingue. Proceedings of AIP-Sper. Rimini-Bellaria, Italy. September 2002.

·        Susanne Burger, Victoria MacLaren, Hua Yu. The ISL Meeting Corpus: The Impact of Meeting Type on Speech Style. Proceedings of the ICSLP 2002, Denver. September 2002.

·        Susanne Burger, Erica Costantini, Fabio Pianesi. The NESPOLE! Multimodal Speech-to-Speech Translation System: User Based System Improvements. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility & Hybrid Automation HAAMAHA 2003. Rome, Italy. 27-30 May 2003.

·        Erica Costantini, Susanne Burger, Fabio Pianesi. Communicative Effectiveness in Multimodal and Multilingual Dialogues. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue Diabruck 2003, Saarbrücken, Germany. Sept 4th-6th, 2003

·        Nadia Mana, Susanne Burger, Roldano Cattoni, L. Besacier, V. Maclaren, J. McDonough, F. Metze. The NEspole! VoIP Corpora in Tourism and Medical Domains. Proceedings of EUROSPEECH 2003, Geneva, Switzerland. September 2003

·        Susanne Burger, Erica Costantini, Fabio Pianesi. Communicative Strategies and Patterns of Multimodal Integration in a Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit IX, MT Summit 2003. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. September 23-27, 2003.

·        Susanne Burger, Erica Costantini, Fabio Pianesi. Communicative Strategies in a Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 1, p.52-56, Bari, Italy 2004

·        Susanne Burger, Zachary Sloane. The ISL Meeting Corpus: Categorical Features of Communicative Group Interactions. Rich Transcription 2004, Spring Meeting Recognition Workshop, Montreal Canada, 2004.

·        Nadia Mana, Roldano Cattoni, Emanuele Pianta, Franca Rossi, Fabio Pianesi and Susanne Burger. The Italian NESPOLE! Corpus: a Multilingual Database with Interlingua Annotation in Tourism and Medical Domains. Proceedings of LREC 2004, Lisbon, Portugal. May 2004.

·        Kornel Laskowski and Susanne Burger. Development of an Annotation Scheme for Emotionally Relevant Behavior in Multiparty Meeting Speech. Submitted to Interspeech 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005.

·        Kornel Laskowski and Susanne Burger. Annotation Scheme for Emotionally Relevant Behavior in Multiparty Conversation. Poster presentation at MLMI 2005, Edinburgh, UK.

·        Susanne Burger and Kornel Laskowski. Moves, Games and Emotional Behavior in Multiparty Conversation. Poster presentation at MLMI 2005, Edinburgh, UK.

·        Matthias Wölfel and Susanne Burger. The ISL Baseline Lecture Transcription System for the TED Corpus. Technical Report, Karlsruhe University, Germany, 2005.

·        Kornel Laskowski and Susanne Burger. Annotation and Analysis of Emotionally Relevant Behavior in the ISL Meeting Corpus. Proceedings of LREC2006, Genoa, Italy, May 2006.

·        Susanne Burger, Zachary A. Sloane and Jie Yang. Competitive Evaluation of Commercially Available Speech Recognizers in Multiple Languages. Proceedings of LREC2006, Genoa, Italy, May 2006.

·        Sebastian Stüker, Christian Fügen, Susanne Burger, Matthias WölfelCross-System Adaptation and Combination for Continuous Speech Recognition: The Influence of Phoneme Set and Acoustic Front-EndInterspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 2006.