Dear AP Computer Science teacher: The following are my (sometimes) annotated solutions to the AP Computer Science free-response questions from 1998-1984. You should feel free to use them in whatever way you wish but realize that they are provided as a resource for you, the teacher, and, as such, you are not authorized to publish or distribute them beyond normal class use. They also represent my own work (in the context of being a Reader, Leader, and Chief Reader for AP CS) and are not an official ETS document. One way to best utilize these programs is to write your own solutions to the various problems and then compare your solutions to what I have provided. If you have any comments/questions, please feel free to either write or call me at the address given above. Thank you for your interest in AP. I wish you much success with your AP courses in this and ensuing years. Mark SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1998) a) function CodeIsValid(code : CodeType) : Boolean; var i : integer; valid : Boolean; begin if (code.length >= MINLEN) and (code.length <= MAXLEN - 2) then begin valid := True; for i := 1 to code.length do if not (code.charArray[i] in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z']) then valid := False; CodeIsValid := valid end else CodeIsValid := False end; b) procedure AppendCheckSum(var code : CodeType); var i, sum : integer; begin if CodeIsValid(code) then with code do begin sum := 0; for i := 1 to length do if charArray[i] in ['0'..'9'] then sum := sum + DigToInt(charArray[i]); charArray[length + 1] := '-'; charArray[length + 2] := IntToDig(sum mod 10); length := length + 2 end end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2 (1998) a) function BoxIndex(L : MailList; B : integer) : integer; var i : integer; begin with L do begin BoxIndex := 0; for i := 1 to NumBoxes do if MailArray[i].POBox = B then BoxIndex := i end end; b) procedure ProcessMail(var infile : text; var L : MailList); var box, index : integer; begin while not eof(infile) do begin readln(infile, box); index := BoxIndex(L, box); if index <> 0 then L.MailArray[index].MailCount := L.MailArray[index].MailCount + 1 else begin L.NumBoxes := L.NumBoxes + 1; L.MailArray[L.NumBoxes].POBox := box; L.MailArray[L.NumBoxes].MailCount := 1 end end end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1998) a) procedure ZeroRight(var A: LargeInt; N: integer); var i: integer; begin ResetRight(A.Digits); for i := 1 to N do begin SetCurrDigit(A.Digits, 0); MoveLeft(A.Digits); end; end; b) procedure AddPowerOfTen(var A: LargeInt; N: integer); var ten, addValue: LargeInt; i: integer; begin LargeConstruct(ten); IntToLarge(10, ten); LargeConstruct(addValue); IntToLarge(1, addValue); for i := 1 to N do LargeMultiply(addValue, ten, addValue); LargeAdd(A, addValue, A); {handles both DerivedError and OverFlow} LargeDestroy(addValue); LargeDestroy(ten); end; c) procedure LargeRound(var A: LargeInt; N: integer); var i: integer; begin if A.Error <> NoError then A.Error := DerivedError else begin ResetRight(A.Digits); for i := 1 to N - 1 do MoveLeft(A.Digits); if CurrDigit(A.Digits) >= 5 then AddPowerOfTen(A, N); {sets OverFlow if necessary} ZeroRight(A, N); {leaves error flags unchanged} end; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1998) a) procedure SetRectBorder(var S : ScreenType; row, col : integer; height, width : integer); var r, c : integer; begin for r := row to (row + height - 1) do if r <= MAX then begin S[r, col] := BLACK; if (col + width - 1) <= MAX then S[r, col + width - 1] := BLACK end; for c := col To (col + width - 1) do if c <= MAX then begin S[row, c] := BLACK; if (row + height - 1) <= MAX then S[row + height - 1, c] := BLACK end end; procedure SetRectBorder(var S : ScreenType; row, col : integer; height, width : integer); var bottom, right, r, c : integer; begin if (col + width - 1) <= MAX then right := col + width - 1 else right := MAX; if (row + height - 1) <= MAX then bottom := row + height - 1 else bottom := MAX; for r := row to bottom do S[r, col] := BLACK; if (col + width - 1) <= MAX then for r := row to bottom do S[r, right] := BLACK; for c := col to right do S[row, c] := BLACK; if (row + height - 1) <= MAX then for c := col To right Do S[bottom, c] := BLACK end; b) procedure FillRect(var S : ScreenType; row, col : integer); begin if (row <= MAX) and (col <= MAX) then if S[row, col] = WHITE then begin S[row, col] := BLACK; FillRect(S, row - 1, col); FillRect(S, row + 1, col); FillRect(S, row, col - 1); FillRect(S, row, col + 1) end end; procedure FillRect(var S : ScreenType; row, col : integer); var rpos, cpos, r, c : integer; border : Boolean; begin if (row <= MAX) and (col <= MAX) then begin rpos := row; repeat rpos := rpos - 1 until S[rpos, col] = BLACK; {find the top border} rpos := rpos + 1; {bump back inside rectangle} cpos := col; repeat cpos := cpos - 1 until S[rpos, cpos] = BLACK; {find the left border} cpos := cpos + 1; {top left corner inside rectangle} r := rpos; {paint left to right, top to bottom} c := cpos; border := False; repeat repeat S[r, c] := BLACK; c := c + 1; if c <= MAX then if S[r, c] = BLACK then border := True until (c > MAX) or border; Equivalent form: r := r + 1; r := r + 1; c := cpos; c := cpos; border := False; if r <= MAX then if r <= MAX then border := S[r, c] = BLACK; if S[r, c] = BLACK then border := True until (r > MAX) or border end end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1998) a) function FirstMin(L : ListType) : ListType; var small, temp : ListType; begin small := L; if L <> nil then begin temp := L^.next; while temp <> nil do begin if temp^.data < small^.data then small := temp; temp := temp^.next; end; end; FirstMin := small; end; b) procedure RemoveNext(p : ListType); var temp : ListType; begin if p^.next <> nil then begin temp := p^.next; p^.next := p^.next^.next; dispose(temp) end end; c) procedure RemoveDupMins(L : ListType); var f, t : ListType; begin f := FirstMin(L); if f <> nil then begin t := f; while t^.next <> nil do if t^.next^.data = f^.data then RemoveNext(t) else t := t^.next end end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1998) a) procedure SetSize(t : TreeType); begin if (t^.left = nil) and (t^.right = nil) then t^.size := 1 else begin t^.size := 1; if t^.left <> nil then begin SetSize(t^.left); t^.size := t^.size + t^.left^.size end; if t^.right <> nil then begin SetSize(t^.right); t^.size := t^.size + t^.right^.size end end end; procedure SetSize(t : TreeType); var lval, rval : integer; begin if (t^.left = nil) and (t^.right = nil) then t^.size := 1 else begin lval := 0; if t^.left <> nil then begin SetSize(t^.left); lval := t^.left^.size end; rval := 0; if t^.right <> nil then begin SetSize(t^.right); rval := t^.right^.size end; t^.size := lval + rval + 1 end end; b) function FindKth(t : TreeType; k : integer) : integer; begin if t^.left = nil then if k = 1 then FindKth := t^.data else FindKth := FindKth(t^.right, k - 1) else if k = t^.left^.size + 1 then FindKth := t^.data else if k < t^.left^.size + 1 then FindKth := FindKth(t^.left, k) else FindKth := FindKth(t^.right, k - (t^.left^.size + 1)) end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1997) a) function Translate(info : BoolArrayType; index : integer) : integer; var sum : integer; begin sum := 0; if info[index] then sum := sum + 4; if info[index + 1] then sum := sum + 2; if info[index + 2] then sum := sum + 1; Translate := sum end; b) procedure TranslateAll(info : BoolArrayType; var result : ResultArrayType); var index, count : integer; begin index := 1; for count := 1 to RESULTSIZE do begin result[count] := Translate(info, index); index := index + 3 end end; procedure TranslateAll(info : BoolArrayType; var result : ResultArrayType); var count : integer; begin for count := 1 to RESULTSIZE do result[count] := Translate(info, ((count - 1) * 3) + 1); end; procedure TranslateAll(info : BoolArrayType; var result : ResultArrayType); var i, count : integer; begin i := 1; count := 1; while (i + 2) <= SIZE do begin result[count] := Translate(info, i); i := i + 3; count := count + 1 end end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2 (1997) a) procedure GradeDistribution(var gradeFile : text; var grades : GradeType); var g : char; begin with grades do begin count := 0; for g := 'A' to 'D' do freq[g] := 0; while not eof(gradefile) do begin readln(gradefile, g); freq[g] := freq[g] + 1; count := count + 1 end end end; b) procedure PrintAllGrades (grades : GradeType); var g : char; i : integer; begin for g := 'A' to 'D' do begin for i := 1 to grades.freq[g] do write(g); writeln end; writeln; writeln('Total Grades = ', grades.count) end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1997) a) ErrorType = (NoError, Overflow, BadInput, DerivedError, DivideByZero); b) only ErrorWrite needs to be changed c) procedure LargeDiv(var dividend, divisor, quotient: LargeInt); var copydivisor, tempdiv, zero, one : LargeInt; begin if (dividend.Error <> NoError) or (divisor.Error <> NoError) then quotient.Error := DerivedError else begin LargeConstruct(zero); IntToLarge(0, zero);{OK, but redundant as LargeConstruct inits to 0} if LargeEqual(zero, divisor) then quotient.Error := DivideByZero else begin LargeConstruct(copydivisor); LargeAssign(copydivisor, divisor); LargeConstruct(tempdiv); LargeAssign(tempdiv, dividend); LargeConstruct(one); IntToLarge(1, one); IntToLarge(0, quotient); {Quotient is already initialized} while LargeGreaterThan(tempdiv, copydivisor) or LargeEqual(tempdiv, copydivisor) do {alternate: while not LargeLessThan(tempdiv, copydivisor)} begin LargeSubtract(tempdiv, copydivisor, tempdiv); LargeAdd(quotient, one, quotient); end; LargeDestroy(copydivisor); LargeDestroy(tempdiv); LargeDestroy(one); end; LargeDestroy(zero); end; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1997) a) function NumSpaces(crossWord : CrossWordArray) : integer; var r, c, count : integer; begin count := 0; for r := 1 to MAXROW do for c := 1 to MAXCOL do if crossWord[r,c] = SPACE then count := count + 1; NumSpaces := count end; b) procedure PrintWordsInRow(crossWord : CrossWordArray; r : integer); var c : integer; begin c := 2; while c <= (MAXCOL - 1) do begin if (crossWord[r,c] <> SPACE) and (crossWord[r,c + 1] <> SPACE) then begin while crossWord[r,c] <> SPACE) do begin write(crossWord[r,c]); c := c + 1 end; writeln end else c := c + 1; end end; procedure PrintWordsInRow(crossWord : CrossWordArray; r : integer); var word : boolean; c : integer; begin word := false; for c := 2 to MAXCOL do begin if crossWord[r,c] <> SPACE then if crossWord[r,c + 1] <> SPACE then begin word := true; write(crossWord[r,c]) end else if word then begin writeln(crossWord[r,c]); word := false end end end; procedure PrintWordsInRow(crossWord : CrossWordArray; r : integer); var word : boolean; c : integer; begin word := false; for c := 2 to MAXCOL do begin if crossWord[r,c] <> SPACE then if crossWord[r,c + 1] <> SPACE then begin word := true; write(crossWord[r,c]) end; if (crossWord[r,c] = SPACE) and word then begin writeln(crossWord[r,c - 1]); word := false end end end; procedure PrintWordsInRow(crossWord : CrossWordArray; r : integer); var c : integer; begin for c := 2 to MAXCOL - 1 do if (crossWord[r,c] <> SPACE) and ((crossWord[r,c+1] <> SPACE) or (crossWord[r,c-1] <> SPACE)) then begin write(crossword[r,c]); if crossWord[r,c+1] = SPACE then writeln; end; end; c) procedure PrintAllWords(crossWord : CrossWordArray); var r, c : integer; begin for r := 1 to MAXROW do PrintWordsInRow(crossWord, r); for c := 1 to MAXCOL do PrintWordsInColumn(crossWord, c) end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1997) a) function CountNum(t : TreeType; key : integer) : integer; begin if t = nil then CountNum := 0 else if t^.info = key then CountNum := 1 + CountNum(t^.left, key) + CountNum(t^.right, key) else CountNum := CountNum(t^.left, key) + CountNum(t^.right, key) end; b) procedure Insert(p : TreeType; key : integer; direction : char); var t : TreeType; begin new(t); t^.info := key; if direction = 'R' then begin t^.left := nil; t^.right := p^.right; p^.right := t end else begin t^.right := nil; t^.left := p^.left; p^.left := t end end; c) procedure Separate(t : TreeType); begin if t <> nil then begin if t^.left <> nil then if t^.left^.info = t^.info then Insert(t, t^.info - 1, 'L'); if t^.right <> nil) then if t^.right^.info = t^.info then Insert(t, t^.info - 1, 'R'); Separate(t^.left); Separate(t^.right) end end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1997) a) function Hash(name : NameType) : integer; begin hash := (ord(NthChar(name,1)) + ord(NthChar(name,NameLen(name))) mod SIZE) + 1 end; b) function Lookup(table : HashTableType; name : NameType) : boolean; var index : integer; temp : ListType; found : boolean; begin index := Hash(name); temp := table[index]; found := false; while (not found) and (temp <> Nil) do if NameEq(name, temp^.name) then found := true else temp := temp^.next; Lookup := found end; function Lookup(table : HashTableType; name : NameType) : boolean; var temp : ListType; begin temp := table[Hash(name)]; if temp = nil then Lookup := false else begin while (temp^.next <> nil) and not NameEq(name, temp^.name) do temp := temp^.next; Lookup := NameEq(name, temp^.name); end; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1996) a) function LetterAverage(ints : IntArray; letters : LetterArray; grade : char) : real; var count, sum, i : integer; begin count := 0; sum := 0; for i := 1 to NumGrades do if letters[i] = grade then begin sum := sum + ints[i]; count := count + 1 end; if count <> 0 then LetterAverage := sum/count else LetterAverage := 0 end; b) procedure Averages(ints : IntArray; letters : LetterArray); var grade : char; begin for grade := 'A' to 'D' do writeln (grade, ' ' , LetterAverage(ints, letters, grade):8:2) end; procedure Averages(ints : IntArray; letters : LetterArray); {unrolls the loop - perfectly fine in this constrained problem} begin writeln ('A', ' ' , LetterAverage(ints, letters, 'A'):8:2); writeln ('B', ' ' , LetterAverage(ints, letters, 'B'):8:2); writeln ('C', ' ' , LetterAverage(ints, letters, 'C'):8:2); writeln ('D', ' ' , LetterAverage(ints, letters, 'D'):8:2); end; Grading Notes: 1) Many students forgot to protect the divide by 0 case in part a 2) Many students had missing or incorrect calls to LetterAverage in part b SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2 (1996) a) procedure DoCreate(var directory : DirType; var line : LineType); var nameToInsert, sizeWord, passwordToInsert, temp : StringType; position : integer; found : boolean; ... GetWord(line, passwordToInsert); if not EqualStr(passwordToInsert, ALLBLANKSTR) then begin GetWord(line, temp); if EqualStr(temp, ALLBLANKSTR) then begin AddNewFile(nameToInsert, NumVal(sizeWord), passwordToInsert, directory) end else begin PrintErrMsg(EXTRAJUNK) end end else begin {there was no password} AddNewFile(nameToInsert, NumVal(sizeWord), passwordToInsert, directory) end procedure DoCreate(var directory : DirType; var line : LineType); {Alternate method - only 1 check for blanks and 1 call to AddNewFile} var nameToInsert, sizeWord, passwordToInsert, temp : StringType; position : integer; found : boolean; ... GetWord(line, passwordToInsert); GetWord(line, temp); if not EqualStr(temp, ALLBLANKSTR) then begin PrintErrMsg(EXTRAJUNK) end else begin AddNewFile(nameToInsert, NumVal(sizeWord), passwordToInsert, directory) end b) ChangeDeletion is the only one that must be modified; it does line parsing SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1996) a) procedure PrintOneWeekLater(d : DateType); var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to 7 do AdvanceDate(d); PrintDate(d) end; b) function DaysApart(d1, d2 : DateType) : integer; var count : integer; begin count := 0; if DateEarlier(d1, d2) then while not DatesEqual(d1, d2) do begin count := count + 1; AdvanceDate(d1) end else while not DatesEqual(d1, d2) do begin count := count + 1; AdvanceDate(d2) end; DaysApart := count end; function DaysApart(d1, d2 : DateType) : integer; {Alternate method - checks earlier date and advances appropriately} var count : integer; begin count := 0; while not DatesEqual(d1, d2) do begin if DateEarlier(d1, d2) then AdvanceDate(d1) else AdvanceDate(d2); count := count + 1 end; DaysApart := count end; function DaysApart(d1, d2 : DateType) : integer; {Another alternate method, using DateEarlier and DateLater} var count : integer; begin count := 0; while DateEarlier(d1, d2) do begin count := count + 1; AdvanceDate(d1) end; while DateLater(d1, d2) do begin count := count + 1; AdvanceDate(d2) end; DaysApart := count end; function DaysApart(d1, d2 : DateType) : integer; {A recursive approach} begin if not DatesEqual(d1, d2) then begin if DateEarlier(d1, d2) then AdvanceDate(d1) else AdvanceDate(d2); DaysApart := 1 + DaysApart(d1, d2) end else DaysApart := 0 end; c) i) PrintDate - with Alternative I you only need to do a lookup for month, instead of a complicated translation scheme. ii) DateLater - with Alternative II you just perform a single comparison of two integers instead of looking at year, then possibly month, then possibly day. ii) AdvanceDate - with Alternative II you increment one integer, no worry about having to check and possibly increment separate month and year fields SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4/AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1996) a) function SumCross(m : MatrixType; r, c : integer) : integer; var sum, index : integer; begin sum := 0; for index := 1 to m.numcols do sum := sum + m.entries[r, index]; for index := 1 to m.numrows do sum := sum + m.entries[index, c]; SumCross := sum - m.entries[r, c] end; b) procedure RemoveCross(var m : MatrixType; r, c : integer); var row, col : integer; begin with m do begin for row := 1 to numrows do for col := c to numcols - 1 do entries[row,col] := entries[row,col + 1]; numcols := numcols - 1; for col := 1 to numcols do for row := r to numrows - 1 do entries[row,col] := entries[row + 1,col]; numrows := numrows - 1 end end; Grading Notes: 1) Many students forgot to subtract overlap element in sum in part a 2) Many students forgot to decrement the number of rows and columns in part b SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1996) a) function ValsLess(t : TreeType; k : integer) : boolean; begin if t = nil then ValsLess := true else ValsLess := (t^.info < k) and ValsLess(t^.left, k) and ValsLess(t^.right, k) end; b) function IsBST(t : TreeType) : boolean; begin if t = nil then IsBST := true else IsBST := ValsLess(t^.left, t^.info) and ValsGreater(t^.right, t^.info) and IsBST(t^.left) and IsBST(t^.right) end; function IsBST(t : TreeType) : boolean; {Uses an explicit if test} begin if t = nil then IsBST := true else if ValsLess(t^.left, t^.info) and ValsGreater(t^.right, t^.info) then IsBST := IsBST(t^.left) and IsBST(t^.right) else IsBST := false end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1996) a) The following indicates the changes that are needed: DoCreate - declaration DoDelete - no change IsDeleted - both body and declaration Summarize - body b) procedure Search(nameToFind : StringType; directory : DirType; var position : PositionType; var found : Boolean); begin found := false; position := directory; while (not found) and (position <> nil) do begin if EqualStr(nameToFind, position^ then begin found := true end else begin position := position^.next end end end; c) procedure AddNewFile(nameToInsert : StringType; sizeToInsert : integer; var directory : DirType); var temp : DirType; begin new(temp); temp^ := nameToInsert; temp^.entry.size := sizeToInsert; temp^.entry.isDeleted := not DELETED; {false is OK here} temp^.next := directory; directory := temp end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1995) a) function CommaPosition(Name : StringType) : integer; var i : integer; begin CommaPosition := 0; for i := 1 to Name.Length do if Name.Letters[i] = ',' then CommaPosition := i; end; function CommaPosition(Name : StringType) : integer; {alternate version} var i : integer; found : boolean; begin found := false; i := 1; while (i <= Name.Length) and not found do if Name.Letters[i] = ',' then found := true else i := i + 1; if found then CommaPosition := i else CommaPosition := 0; end; b) procedure PrintFirstLast(Name : StringType); var loc,i : integer; begin loc := CommaPosition(name); if loc <> 0 then begin for i := (loc + 1) to Name.Length do write(Name.Letters[i]); write(' '); for i := 1 to (loc - 1) do write(Name.Letters[i]); end end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1995) a) procedure ReverseArray(var A : ArrayType); {manipulates loop index to determine correct array positions to swap} var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to (N div 2) do swap(A[i], A[(N - i) + 1]) end; procedure ReverseArray(var A : ArrayType); {uses explicit variables to keep track of positions to swap} var up,down : integer; begin up := 1; down := N; while up <= (N div 2) do or while up < down do begin swap(A[up], A[down]); up := up + 1; down := down - 1 end end; procedure ReverseArray(var A : ArrayType); {stores elements in temporary array and copies back in reverse order} var i,j : integer; temp : ArrayType; begin for i := 1 to N do temp[i] := A[i]; j := 1; for i := N downto 1 do begin A[i] := temp[j]; j := j + 1 end end; b) procedure ReverseVertical (var M : array2dtype; Col : integer); var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to (N div 2) do swap(M[i,Col], M[(N - i) + 1,Col]) end; procedure ReverseVertical (var M : array2dtype; Col : integer); {in addition to the alternates given for part a, some students decided to USE part A explicitly even though for this part it really doesn't work quite cleanly!} var i : integer; temp : ArrayType; begin for i := 1 to N do temp[i] := M[i,Col]; ReverseArray(temp); for i := 1 to N do M[i,Col] := temp[i] end; c) procedure ReverseMatrix(var M : Array2DType); var i,j : integer; begin for i := 1 to N do ReverseArray(M[i]); for j := 1 to N do ReverseVertical(M, j) end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1995) a) CatType = (executable, code, data); EntryType = record name : StringType; size : integer; isDeleted : boolean; category : CatType; end; other possible options: category : StringType; category : char; category : (executable, code, data); b) ... directory.numFiles := directory.numFiles + 1; directory.fileTable[directory.numFiles] := entry; ... or ... directory.numFiles := directory.numFiles + 1; directory.fileTable[directory.numFiles].name :=; directory.fileTable[directory.numFiles].size := entry.size; directory.fileTable[directory.numFiles].isDeleted := entry.isDeleted; directory.fileTable[directory.numFiles].category := entry.category; ... Note: entry.isDeleted alternative assignments include false or not DELETED c) ... GetLine(dirFile, line, gotALine); if gotALine then begin LinetoEntry(line, entry, ok); AddNewFile(entry, directory) end; ... Note: call to AddNewFile may or may not be guarded by checking the value of ok SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4 (1995) a) function LengthOfSeq(s : SeqType) : integer; var count : integer; begin SetToFirst(s); count := 0; while not EndOfSeq(s) do begin Advance(s); count := count + 1 end; LengthOfSeq:= count end; b) function LenOfIncreasing(s : SeqType) : integer; var count,oldvalue : integer; increasing : Boolean; begin oldvalue := CurrentValue(s); count := 1; Advance(s); increasing := true; while not EndOfSeq(s) and increasing do if CurrentValue(s) > oldvalue then begin oldvalue := CurrentValue(s); count := count + 1; Advance(s) end else increasing := false; LenOfIncreasing := count end; function LenOfIncreasing(s : SeqType) : integer; {alternate method} var count,oldvalue : integer; increasing : Boolean; begin count := 1; increasing := true; while not EndOfSeq(s) and increasing do begin oldvalue := CurrentValue(s); Advance(s); if not EndOfSeq(s) then if CurrentValue(s) > oldvalue then count := count + 1 else increasing := false; end; LenOfIncreasing := count end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1995) a) filling in the table left-to-right, top-to-bottom: O(1) a single assignment to a priority list variable; e.g., p := nil O(1) item is inserted at the front of the list O(N) in the worst case, the item to be inserted will have the lowest integer priority and thus must be compared to every element in the list before being inserted as the last item O(N) because the list is unsorted, to find the maximal item, every item in the list must be examined b) Method 1 procedure Insert(var p : ListType; info : DataType; pri : integer); var elt : ListType; begin new(elt); elt^.data := info; elt^.priority := pri; elt^.next := p; p := elt end; procedure Insert(var p : ListType; info : DataType; pri : integer); {alternate version} var elt : ListType; begin elt:= p; new(p); p^.data := info; p^.priority := pri; p^.next := elt end; procedure FindMax(p : ListType; var info : DataType; var pri : integer); begin info := p^.data; pri := p^.priority; p := p^.next; while p <> nil do begin if p^.priority > pri then begin info := p^.data; pri := p^.priority end; p := p^.next end end; Method 2 procedure Insert(var p : ListType; info : DataType; pri : integer); var elt,curr,prev : ListType; begin new(elt); elt^.data := info; elt^.priority := pri; elt^.next := nil; if p = nil then {empty list} p := elt else if pri > p^.priority then {elt belongs at beginning of list} begin elt^.next := p; p := elt end else {elt belongs either in middle of list, or at end} begin curr := p; while (curr^.next <> nil) and (pri < curr^.priority) do begin prev := curr; curr := curr^.next end; {post: curr is right after insertion point or right before} if pri > curr^.priority then {elt belongs before curr} begin elt^.next := curr; prev^.next:= elt end else curr^.next:= elt end end; procedure FindMax(p : ListType; var info : DataType; var pri : integer); begin info := p^.data; pri := p^.priority end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1995) a) function IsChild(first, second : TreeType) : boolean; begin if first = nil then IsChild := false else IsChild := (first^.left = second) or (first^.right = second) end; b) function IsDescendant(first, second : TreeType) : boolean; begin if first = nil then IsDescendant := false else if IsChild(first, second) then IsDescendant := true else IsDescendant := IsDescendant(first^.left, second) or IsDescendant(first^.right, second) end; c) procedure ChangeTree(var t : TreeType); var temp : TreeType; begin if t <> nil then if HasOneChild(t) then begin temp := t; if t^.left = nil then t := t^.right else t := t^.left; dispose(temp); ChangeTree(t) {many students forgot this call, which} {must be made since t has changed!} end else begin ChangeTree(t^.left); ChangeTree(t^.right) end end; procedure ChangeTree(var t : TreeType); {alternate version, avoids the need to call ChangeTree(t)} var temp : TreeType; begin if t <> nil then begin ChangeTree(t^.left); ChangeTree(t^.right) if HasOneChild(t) then begin temp := t; if t^.left = nil then t := t^.right else t := t^.left; dispose(temp); end end end; procedure ChangeTree(var t : TreeType); {another alternate: uses a while loop (correctly) to deal with the one-child case} var temp : TreeType; begin if t <> nil then begin while HasOneChild(t) do begin temp := t; if t^.left = nil then t := t^.right else t := t^.left; dispose(temp) end; ChangeTree(t^.left); ChangeTree(t^.right) end end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1994) a) function ArraySum (A : ArrayType; n : integer) : integer; var total,k : integer; begin total := 0; for k := 1 to n do total := total + A[k]; ArraySum := total; end; b) procedure ComputePartialSums(A : ArrayType; var B : ArrayType) var total,k : integer; begin total := 0; for k := 1 to MAX do begin {invariant - total is the partial sum of A[1] .. A[k-1]} total := total + A[k]; B[k] := total; end; end; procedure ComputePartialSums(A : ArrayType; var B : ArrayType) {this version uses the previously calculated partial sum stored in B[k-1]} var k : integer; begin B[1] := A[1]; for k := 2 to MAX do B[k] := B[k-1] + A[k]; end; procedure ComputePartialSums(A : ArrayType; var B : ArrayType) {in a fit of procedural abstraction, students decided to call part a(!)} var k : integer; begin for k := 1 to MAX do B[k] := Arraysum(A,k); end; procedure ComputePartialSums(A : ArrayType; var B : ArrayType) {and then there were the students who chose to re-write part A in-line} var total,k,j : integer; begin begin for k := 1 to MAX do for k := 1 to MAX do begin B[k] := 0; total := 0; for k := 1 to MAX do for j := 1 to k do for j := 1 to k do total := total + A[j]; B[k] := B[k] + A[j]; B[k] := total; end; end; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1994) a) procedure CountStudents(var TestScores : text; var NumStudents : integer); var numScores,k : integer; studentID : integer; begin NumStudents := 0; while not eof(TestScores) do begin NumStudents := NumStudents + 1; readln(TestScores,studentID,numScores); for k := 1 to numScores do {skip test scores} readln(TestScores); end; end; procedure CountStudents(var TestScores : text; var NumStudents : integer); {this version only counts each line with a leading integer > 100} var numScores,k : integer; studentID : integer; begin NumStudents := 0; while not eof(TestScores) do begin readln(TestScores,studentID); if (studentID > 100) then NumStudents := NumStudents + 1; end; end; b) procedure GetClassAvg(var TestScores : text; var ClassAvg : real); var total,numScores,k : integer; numStudents,studentID,score : integer; totalAvg : real; begin numStudents := 0; totalAvg := 0.0; while not eof(TestScores) do begin numStudents := numStudents + 1; readln(TestScores,studentID,numScores); total := 0; for k := 1 to numScores do {average test scores} begin readln(TestScores,score); total := total + score; end; totalAvg := totalAvg + total/numScores; end; ClassAvg := totalAvg/numStudents; end; procedure GetClassAvg(var TestScores : text; var ClassAvg : real); {uses a "finite state machine" approach; the value of num determines whether the value read is an id (and thus the average for the student is calculated and accumulated, the count of students is incremented and the individual count and total are reset to 0) or a score (and thus is accumulated and the individual count is incremented). This is a natural extension of the second version to part a given above.} var total,numScores,k : integer; numStudents,studentID,score : integer; totalAvg : real; begin totalAvg := 0.0; numStudents := 0; total := 0; numScores := 0; readln(TestScores, num); while not eof(TestScores) do begin readln(TestScores,num); if num > 100 then begin totalAvg := totalAvg + total/numScores; numStudents := numStudents + 1; total := 0; numScores := 0; end else begin total := total + num; numScores := numScores + 1; end; end; numStudents := numStudents + 1; totalAvg := totalAvg + total/numScores; ClassAvg := totalAvg/numStudents; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3 (1994) a) function RectInScreen(S : ScreenType; R : RectangleType) : boolean; begin if (1 <= R.Row) and (R.Row + R.Height - 1 <= S.NumRows) and (1 <= R.Col) and (R.Col + R.Width - 1 <= S.NumCols) then RectInScreen := true else RectInScreen := false; end; function RectInScreen(S : ScreenType; R : RectangleType) : boolean; {uses direct assignment instead of if/else} begin RectInScreen := (1 <= R.Row) and (R.Row + R.Height - 1 <= S.NumRows) and (1 <= R.Col) and (R.Col + R.Width - 1 <= S.NumCols) end; function RectInScreen(S : ScreenType; R : RectangleType) : boolean; {easier to think about?} begin RectInScreen := true; if (R.Row < 1) or (R.Col < 1) or (R.Row + R.Height - 1 > S.NumRows) or (R.Col + R.Width - 1 > S.NumCols) then RectInScreen := false; end; b) procedure BlackOut(var S : ScreenType; R : RectangleType); var j,k : integer; begin if RectInScreen(S,R) then for j := R.Row to R.Row + R.Height - 1 do for k := R.Col to R.Col + R.Width - 1 do S.Pixels[j][k] := false; end; Grading Notes: 1) Many students had off-by-one-bugs in the row+height/col+width calculations. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4/AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1994) a) function StringsEqual(s,t : StringType) : boolean; {while allows early exit upon non-matching pair} var k,len : integer; tentativelyEqual : boolean; begin tentativelyEqual := false; if Length(s) = Length(t) then begin tentativelyEqual := true; k := 1; len := Length(s); while (k <= len) and (tentativelyEqual) do begin if KthChar(s,k) <> KthChar(t,k) then tentativelyEqual := false; k := k + 1; end; end; StringsEqual := tentativelyEqual ; end; function StringsEqual(s,t : StringType) : boolean; {alternate method, using a for loop instead of a while} var k : integer; tentativelyEqual : boolean; begin tentativelyEqual := false; if Length(s) = Length(t) then begin tentativelyEqual := true; for k := 1 to Length(s) do if KthChar(s,k) <> KthChar(t,k) then tentativelyEqual := false; end; StringsEqual := tentativelyEqual; end; b) procedure SubString(s : StringType; First,Size : integer; var Result : StringType); var k,last : integer; begin MakeEmpty(Result); Last := First + Size - 1; if Last > Length(s) then {many students missed this check} Last := Length(s); for k := First to Last do AppendChar(Result,KthChar(s,k)); end; c) function FirstOccur(Source,Target : StringType) : integer; var len,k,location : integer; attempt : StringType; begin location := 0; len := Length(target); k := 1; while (k <= Length(source)) and (location = 0) do begin SubString(Source,k,len,attempt); if StringsEqual(Target,attempt) then location := k; k := k + 1; end; FirstOccur := location; end; function FirstOccur(Source,Target : StringType) : integer; {alternate solution uses two loops, no SubString} var len,j,k,location : integer; okSoFar : boolean; begin location := 0; len := Length(Target); j := 1; while (j <= Length(Source) - len + 1) and (location = 0) do begin okSoFar := true; for k := 1 to len do if KthChar(Source,j+k-1) <> KthChar(Target,k) then okSoFar := false; if okSoFar then location := j; j := j + 1; end; FirstOccur := location; end; SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1994) a) procedure PrintAll(T : TreeType); begin if T <> nil then begin PrintAll(t^.left); {any order of PrintAll/PrintName is ok} PrintName(t^.name); PrintAll(t^.right); end; end; b) function Location(T : TreeType; N : NameType) : TreeType; var loc : TreeType; begin if T = nil then loc = nil else if EqualName(T^.Name,N) then loc := T else begin loc := Location(T^.left,N); if loc = nil then {must remember to guard the second call} loc := Location(T^.right,N); {or you will overwrite} end; {the value returned from the left branch} Location := loc; end; c) procedure PrintSubTree(T : TreeType; N : NameType); var loc : TreeType; begin loc := Location(T,N); if loc = nil then writeln('name not in tree') else if (loc^.left = nil) and (loc^.right = nil) then writeln('none') else begin PrintAll(T^.left); PrintAll(T^.right); end; end; Grading Notes [part b]: 1) Watch the use of the function name as a local variable. Grading Notes [part c]: 1) Watch the use of "Location" as a local, i.e., "Location(T,N)^.left". SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1994) a) procedure MergeSort(var P : ListType); var aux : ListType; begin if P <> nil then if P^.next <> nil then {must guard against the 1-node case} begin {or you could recur forever on that node} Split(P,aux); MergeSort(P); MergeSort(aux); Merge(P,aux); end; end; procedure MergeSort(var P : ListType); {alternate version} var aux : ListType; begin Split(P,aux); if (p <> nil) and (aux <> nil) then begin MergeSort(P); MergeSort(aux); end; Merge(P,aux); end; b) O(k-squared); justification: k + (k-1) + (k-2) + ... + 1 ==> O(k**2) c) procedure Split(var A : ListType; var B : ListType); {counts the nodes; traverses to middle (watch off-by-one-bug); relinks} var trav : ListType; begin trav := A; count := 0; {count nodes in list A} while trav <> NIL do begin count := count + 1; trav := trav^.next; end; trav := A; {find middle node} for k := 1 to count div 2 - 1 do trav := trav^.next; B := trav^.next; {set B and unlink to form two lists} trav^.next := NIL; end; procedure Split(var A : ListType; var B : ListType); {link alternate nodes to list A and list B (like dealing cards)} var trailA,trailB : ListType; begin trailA := A; trailB := A^.next; B := trailB; while (trailA <> nil) and (trailB <> nil) do begin trailA^.next := trailB^.next; trailA := trailA^.next; if trailA <> nil then begin trailB^.next := trailA^.next; trailB := trailB^.next; end; end; end; procedure Split(var A : ListType; var B : ListType); {advance once, advance twice, cha-cha} var trav,trail : ListType; begin trav := A; trail := A; while trav^.next <> nil do begin {trav moves ahead two nodes for every node that trail moves} trav := trav^.next; if trav^.next <> NIL then begin trav := trav^.next; trail := trail^.next end; end; {assertion: at end of loop, trail references middle element} B := trail^.next; {set B and unlink so two lists are formed} trail^.next := NIL; end; SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1993) a) function posofmax(a : arraytype) : integer; var maxindex, i : integer; begin maxindex := 1; for i := 2 to n do if a[i] > a[maxindex] then maxindex := i; posofmax := maxindex end; b) function posof2nd (a : arraytype) : integer; var maxindex, secindex, i : integer; begin maxindex := posofmax(a); if maxindex = 1 then secindex := 2 else secindex := 1; for i := 1 to n do if (a[i] > a[secindex]) and (i <> maxindex) then secindex := i; posof2nd := secindex end ; c) procedure zerobetween (var a : arraytype) ; var maxindex, secindex, i : integer; begin maxindex := posofmax(a); secindex := posof2nd(a); if secindex < maxindex then {this if/else is not really necessary} for i := (secindex + 1) to (maxindex - 1) do {as only 1 loop will} a[i] := 0 {ever execute anyway} else for i := (secindex - 1) downto (maxindex + 1) do a[i] := 0 end; Common Mistakes [part a]: 1) Using PosOfMax as a local variable 2) Index/value confusion (e.g., returning a[maxindex] instead of maxindex) 3) Failure to properly init a maximum value (e.g., using a particular value, like 0, instead of using the first element of the array) 4) Comparing a[i] and a[i+1] instead of a[i] against the current max Grading Notes [part b]: 1) Far and away, the most common error was failing to correctly initialize the secondmax index (it was usually just initialized to 1) Grading Notes [part c]: 1) Many different off by one errors were made. Watch those boundary cases! SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2/AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1993) a) procedure pushright(var a : arraytype; m : integer); var i : integer; begin for i := ncols downto 2 do a[i] := a[i-1]; a[1] := m end; b) procedure pushalong(var b : array2dtype; m : integer); {fairly typical 2-d array code} var row, col : integer; begin for row := nrows downto 2 do begin for col := ncols downto 2 do b[row,col] := b[row,col-1]; b[row,1] := b[row-1,ncols] end; pushright(b[1],m) end; procedure pushalong(var b : array2dtype; m : integer); {a typical use of pushright, explicitly holding the "push" values} var hold, hold2, row : integer; begin hold := b[1,ncols]; pushright(b[1],m); for row := 2 to nrows do begin hold2 := b[row,ncols]; pushright(b[row],hold); hold := hold2 end end; procedure pushalong(var b : array2dtype; m : integer); {an elegant use of pushright, in essence, cleanly extending the 1-d algorithm to the 2-d situation} var row : integer; begin for row := nrows downto 2 do pushright(b[row],b[row-1,ncols]); pushright(b[1],m) end; Grading Notes: 1) A common error was propagating the same value down the array, in both part A and B. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1993) a) procedure movefirsttolast(var s : stringtype); var first : char; begin first := head(s); removehead(s); appendchar(s,first) end; procedure movefirsttolast(var s : stringtype); {this version eliminates the local variable} begin appendchar(s,head(s)); removehead(s) end; b) procedure removeleadingvowels(var s : stringtype); {typical while-loop solution} var done : boolean; begin done := false; while not isemptystring(s) and not done do if isvowel(head(s)) then removehead(s) else done := true end; procedure removeleadingvowels(var s : stringtype); {canonical recursive solution} begin if not isemptystring(s) then if isvowel(head(s)) then begin removehead(s); removeleadingvowels(s) end end; c) procedure removeallvowels(var s : stringtype); var marker : char; begin if not isemptystring(s) then begin removeleadingvowels(s); if not isemptystring(s) then begin marker := head(s); movefirsttolast(s); while head(s) <> marker do if isvowel(head(s)) then removehead(s) { or removeleadingvowels(s) } else movefirsttolast(s) end end end; The if-else in the WHILE HEAD(S) <> MARKER loop could be replaced with the following: begin removeleadingvowels(s); movefirsttolast(s) end; Grading Notes: 1) In part b, be careful with Pascal's full evaluation of boolean expressions; i.e., in the while-loop solution, you could not write while not isemptystring(s) and isvowel(head(s)) do because if the string were empty, isvowel(head(s)) would still be called and head(s) is not allowed to be called when s is empty (check the precondition on function head). Many students made this mistake! 2) Do NOT violate the abstraction by assuming a particular implementation for strings (e.g., using a particular sentinel value in part c). In general, you should strive to teach your students to use packages of routines ONLY through the interfaces which are provided. It is only in this manner that they will be successful on "abstraction" questions. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4 (1993) a) function overlap(a, b : intervaltype) : boolean; {typical solution isolating the cases} begin if ( (a.low <= b.low) and (a.high >= b.high) or (b.low <= a.low) and (b.high >= a.high) ) then overlap := true else overlap := false end; function overlap(a, b : intervaltype) : boolean; {this version eliminates the redundant if-else} begin overlap := ( (a.low <= b.low) and (a.high >= b.high) or (b.low <= a.low) and (b.high >= a.high) ) end; function overlap(a, b : intervaltype) : boolean; {my favorite - if one's high is < the other's low, they can't overlap, so negate that and you've got it} begin overlap := not ( (a.high < b.low) or (b.high < a.low) ) end; b) procedure dounion(a, b : intervaltype; var newint : intervaltype); begin if a.low < b.low then newint.low := a.low else newint.low := b.low; if a.high > b.high then newint.high := a.high else newint.high := b.high end; c) procedure addinterval(addint : intervaltype; coll : colltype; var newcoll : colltype) ; {this version grows the union interval in the first position of the new collection, starting with the new interval, addint and adds the non-overlapping intervals all in one pass} var index : integer; begin newcoll.count := 1; newcoll.intvls[1] := addint; for index := 1 to coll.count do if overlap(newcoll.intvls[1], coll.intvls[index]) then dounion(newcoll.intvls[1], coll.intvls[index], newcoll.intvls[1]) else begin newcoll.count := newcoll.count + 1; newcoll.intvls[newcoll.count] := coll.intvls[index] end end; procedure addinterval(addint : intervaltype; coll : colltype; var newcoll : colltype); {this version first grows the union interval and then makes another pass to add non-overlapping intervals to the new collection} var index : integer; begin newcoll.count := 1; newcoll.intvls[1] := addint; for index := 1 to coll.count do if overlap(newcoll.intvls[1], coll.intvls[index]) then dounion(newcoll.intvls[1], coll.intvls[index], newcoll.intvls[1]); for index := 1 to coll.count do if not overlap(newcoll.intvls[1], coll.intvls[index]) then begin newcoll.count := newcoll.count + 1; newcoll.intvls[newcoll.count] := coll.intvls[index] end end; Grading Notes [part a]: 1) Make sure a value is assigned to the function. 2) Watch the = case (make sure it's captured). Grading Notes [part c]: 1) There must be some attempt to "grow" a union interval and this interval must be placed somewhere in the new collection. SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1993) a) function listsum(l : listtype) : listtype; {this version creates the return node and sums in that node} var sumptr : listtype; begin new(sumptr); sumptr^.info := 0; sumptr^.next := nil; while l <> nil do begin sumptr^.info := sumptr^.info + l^.info; l := l^.next end; listsum := sumptr end; function listsum(l : listtype) : listtype; {this version sums into a local first (canonical list sum code), then creates the node and assigns the computed sum and returns the node} var sumptr : listtype; sum : integer; begin sum := 0; while l <> nil do begin sum := sum + l^.info; l := l^.next end; new(sumptr); sumptr^.info := sum; sumptr^.next := nil; listsum := sumptr end; b) function listoflistsums(m : listoflisttype) : listtype; {a straightforward iterative solution} var temp : listtype; begin if m = nil then listoflistsums := nil else begin temp := listsum(m^.ptr); listoflistsums := temp; m := m^ .next; while m <> nil do begin temp^.next := listsum(m^.ptr); temp := temp^.next; m := m^.next end end end; function listoflistsums(m : listoflisttype) : listtype; {an alternative iterative solution} var temp : listoflisttype; newsum,prev : listtype; begin temp := m; listoflistsums := nil; while temp <> nil do begin newsum := listsum(temp^.ptr); if temp = m then listoflistsums := newsum else prev^.next := newsum; prev := newsum; temp := temp^.next end end; function listoflistsums(m : listoflisttype) : listtype; {a terse recursive solution - we didn't see many of these!} var temp : listtype; begin if m = nil then listoflistsums := nil else begin temp := listsum(m^.ptr); temp^.next := listoflistsums(m^.next); listoflistsums := temp end end; Common Mistakes [part a]: 1) Failure to allocate memory for the return node (via new). 2) Failure to sum all nodes (e.g., going to list^.next = nil). 3) Using ListSum as a local variable (watch this - it's a real common error, especially since there's no compiler on the exam!) SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1993) a) function ptrtomax(t : treetype) : treetype; {an iterative solution} begin while t^.right <> nil do t := t^.right; ptrtomax := t end; function ptrtomax(t : treetype) : treetype; {a straightforward recursive solution} begin if t^.right = nil then ptrtomax := t else ptrtomax := ptrtomax(t^.right) end; b) procedure deletemax(var t : treetype); {this version makes each test explicit} var max : treetype; begin max := ptrtomax(t); if max = t then begin t := t^.left; if t <> nil then t^.parent := nil; dispose(max) end else begin max^.parent^.right := max^.left; if max^.left <> nil then max^.left^.parent := max^.parent; dispose(max) end end; procedure deletemax(var t : treetype); {The above solution can be reduced to the following} var max : treetype; begin max := ptrtomax(t); if max^.parent = nil then t := max^.left else max^.parent^.right := max^.left; if max^.left <> nil then max^.left^.parent := max^.parent; dispose(max) end; c) procedure deleteleaves(var t : treetype); {a straightforward recursive solution} begin if t <> nil then if (t^.left = nil) and (t^.right = nil) then begin dispose(t); t := nil end else begin deleteleaves(t^.left); deleteleaves(t^.right) end end; Grading Notes [part a]: 1) Watch the uninitialized local variable used to traverse to the right. 2) Typical error is while t <> nil Grading Notes [part b]: 1) Watch the nil checks and remember that the root's parent is nil and that the max might be a leaf (and thus have it's left = nil)! Grading Notes [part c]: 1) Make sure nil is checked separately from the leaf check (full evaluation rears its ugly head again). 2) Make sure that the pointer is set to nil after freeing the memory (via dispose). 3) There was no need to look at parent information in this part. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #1 (1992) a) function numvotes(results : resultstype; c : integer) : integer; var sum, i : integer; begin sum := 0; for i := 1 to numdistricts do sum := sum + results[c,i]; numvotes := sum end; b) function winner(results : resultstype) : integer; var maxvotes,currvotes,row : integer; begin winner := 1; maxvotes := numvotes(results,1); for row := 2 to numcandidates do begin currvotes := numvotes(results,row); if currvotes > maxvotes then begin winner := row; maxvotes := currvotes end end end; Grading Notes [part b]: 1) Watch init of maxvotes. 2) Make sure the state variable (maxvotes) is updated when necessary. 3) Make sure the index is stored and not just the number of votes. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #2 (1992) procedure printmostfrequent(var infile : text); var freq : array[0..100] of integer; i,grade,currmax : integer; begin for i := 0 to 100 do freq[i] := 0; while not eof(infile) do begin readln(infile,grade); freq[grade] := freq[grade] + 1 end; currmax := 0; for i := 0 to 100 do if freq[i] > currmax then currmax := freq[i]; for i := 0 to 100 do if freq[i] = currmax then write(output, i:4); writeln(output) end; Grading Notes: 1) You really want a frequency counter here, not an array of grades. 2) Make sure array starts at 0. 3) As in all "findmax" problems, make sure state variable is initialized and updated correctly. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #3/AB Exam PROBLEM #1 (1992) a) procedure findcommonletter(w1,w2 : wordtype; var pos1,pos2 : integer); var i,j : integer; begin for i := 1 to w1.length do for j := 1 to w2.length do if w1.letters[i] = w2.letters[j] then begin pos1 := i; pos2 := j end end; b) procedure printcrosswords(w1,w2 : wordtype); var pos1,pos2,vert,horiz : integer; begin findcommonletter(w1,w2,pos1,pos2); for vert := 1 to w1.length do if vert <> pos1 then begin printchars(' ',pos2 - 1); printchars(w1.letters[vert],1); startnewline end else begin for horiz := 1 to w2.length do printchars(w2.letters[horiz],1); startnewline end end; procedure printcrosswords(w1,w2 : wordtype); {This version makes the printing division more explicit.} var pos1,pos2,vert,horiz : integer; begin findcommonletter(w1,w2,pos1,pos2); for vert := 1 to pos1 - 1 do begin printchars(' ',pos2 - 1); printchars(w1.letters[vert],1); startnewline end; for horiz := 1 to w2.length do printchars(w2.letters[horiz],1); startnewline; for vert := pos1 + 1 to w1.length do begin printchars(' ',pos2 - 1); printchars(w1.letters[vert],1); startnewline end end; Grading Notes[part b]: 1) Lots of places to get lost with indices. Must keep very close track of which index relates to which word. 2) Watch the record notations and correctly referencing the fields. SOLUTION - A Exam PROBLEM #4/AB Exam PROBLEM #3 (1992) a) The following lines need to be changed in the code for AddLongInts: Temp := KthDigit(L1,1) + KthDigit(L2,1) becomes Temp := KthDigit(L,1) * digit Temp := KthDigit(L1,k) + KthDigit(L2,k) + Carry; becomes Temp := KthDigit(L,k) * digit + Carry ReplaceDigit(Result,NumSignificantDigits(L1) + 1,1) becomes ReplaceDigit(Result,NumSignificantDigits(L) + 1,Carry) b) function numsignificantdigits(l : longinttype) : integer; {This version looks for the first non-zero from the left.} var i : integer; begin i := 1; while ( (l[i] = 0) and (i <> maxdigits) ) do i := i + 1; numsignificantdigits := maxdigits - i + 1 end; function numsignificantdigits(l : longinttype) : integer; {This version remembers the last non-zero from the right.} var i,hold : integer; lookingfornonzero : boolean; begin hold := maxdigits; for i := maxdigits downto 1 do if l[i] <> 0 then hold := i; numsignificantdigits := maxdigits - hold + 1 end; c) InitLongInt requires a change; must mention storing a value into the NumSigDigits field. ReplaceDigit also requires a change; must mention that NumSigDigits field must be updated. AddLongInts does NOT require a change. Grading Notes[part b]: 1) Must look for the leading non-zero, either scanning from the left or remembering from the right. 2) Be careful if you use the KthDigit function, as it returns the kth digit as read from RIGHT to LEFT, but the numbering in this part starts with 1 AT THE LEFT. This confused many students (although some still used the abstraction correctly). Grading Notes [part c]: 1) At the exam reading, it was decided that if a student mentioned storing a specific value in InitLongInt, the value must be 1, otherwise no credit. 2) At the exam reading, it was decided that if a student mentions that the code must change to accomodate the record notation, that was deemed ok. 3) Affirmative answers without supporting reasons were awarded no credit. SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #2 (1992) a) function location(list : listtype; key : integer) : listtype; var found : boolean; begin found := false; while (not found) and (list <> nil) do if list^.info = key then found := true else list := list^.next; if found then location := list else location := nil end; function location(list : listtype; key : integer) : listtype; {This version does not stop when correct node is found.} begin while list <> nil do begin if list^.info = key then location := list; list := list^.next {do NOT guard this with an ELSE!} end; end; b) procedure movetofront(var list : listtype; key : integer); var loc : listtype; begin loc := location(list,key); if (loc <> nil) and (loc <> list) then begin if loc^.prev <> nil then {not really needed, since loc<>list} loc^.prev^.next := loc^.next; if loc^.next <> nil then loc^.next^.prev := loc^.prev; loc^.next := list; loc^.prev := nil; list^.prev := loc; list := loc end end; Grading Notes [part b]: 1) It is very important to test for the first node case and do nothing in that case. The above code will not work correctly if the (loc <> list) test is removed. 2) The first 3 of the last 4 assignment statements can be in any order. SOLUTION - AB Exam PROBLEM #4 (1992) a) function isleaf(t : treetype) : boolean; begin if t = nil then isleaf := false else isleaf := (t^.left = nil) and (t^.right = nil) end; b) function haspathsum(t : treetype; value : integer) : boolean; {This is the most straightforward impementation.} begin if t = nil then haspathsum := false else if isleaf(t) then haspathsum := t^.info = value else haspathsum := haspathsum(t^.left,value - t^.info) or haspathsum(t^.right,value - t^.info) end; function haspathsum(t : treetype; value : integer) : boolean; {This one collapses the tests as much as possible.} begin if t = nil then haspathsum := false else haspathsum := (isleaf(t) and (t^.info = value)) or haspathsum(t^.left,value - t^.info) or haspathsum(t^.right,value - t^.info) end; function haspathsum(t : treetype; value : integer) : boolean; {Then there's this one, for those of us who felt we HAD to add. It must make use of an auxiliary procedure.} var result : boolean; procedure pathsum(t : treetype; value,sum : integer; var result : boolean); begin if t <> nil then begin sum := sum + t^.info; if isleaf(t) then if sum = value then result := true else begin pathsum(t^.left,value,sum,flag); pathsum(t^.right,value,sum,flag) end end {no else down here to reset to false; could overwrite a true!} end; begin result := false; pathsum(t,value,0,result); haspathsum := result end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1991) function isincreasing(list : listtype) : boolean; var i : integer; increasing : boolean; begin with list do begin i := 0; increasing := true; while increasing and (i < (length - 1)) do begin i := i + 1; if items[i+1] <= items[i] then begin increasing := false end end; isincreasing := increasing end end; Grading Notes: 1) Watch the boundary cases (especially if a FOR or REPEAT loop solution is attempted). 2) Make sure the state variable is both set to the correct value and not set and reset on each iteration (i.e., adding an ELSE increasing := true to the above IF statement). 3) Make sure that the record is referenced (either by a WITH or ny using list.length and list.items). SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1991) function mintime(hours : arraytype; start,destination : integer) : integer; var min,i : integer; begin min := hours[start,destination]; for i := 1 to n do if (hours[start,i] + hours[i,destination]) < min then min := hours[start,i] + hours[i,destination]; mintime := min end; Grading Notes: 1) Watch the init of the local min. It should be hours[start,destination] or the named constant MAXINT (i.e., a specific value, like 32767, is not a valid init). 2) Make sure the loop goes to n (not 4, as in the sample given on the exam)! 3) Make sure the comparison and reassignment is correct. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1991) a) Fewer manipulations for Scheme 1 vs. Scheme 2: NumOccurrences: you can directly access the appropriate array element vs. having to scan the entire array Fewer manipulations for Scheme 2 vs. Scheme 1: MakeEmpty: set count field to 0 vs. having to 0 each array element b & c) Scheme 1: Const MaxElts = 100; Type ListType = array[1..MaxElts] of integer; procedure makeempty(var list : listtype); var i : integer begin for i := 1 to maxelts do list[i] := 0 end; procedure insert(var list : listtype; value : integer); begin list[value] := list[value] + 1 end; function numoccurrences(list : listtype; key : integer) : integer; begin numoccurrences := list[key] end; b & c) Scheme 2: Const MaxElts = 500; Type ListType = record Count : integer; Items : array[1..MaxElts] of integer; end; procedure makeempty(var list : listtype); begin list.count := 0 end; procedure insert(var list : listtype; value : integer); begin list.count := list.count + 1; list.items[list.count] := value end; function numoccurrences(list : listtype; key : integer) : integer; var occur,i : integer; begin occur := 0; for i := 1 to list.count do if list.items[i] = key then occur := occur + 1; numoccurrences := occur end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1991) a) procedure insertzerosecond (var list : listtype); var temp : listtype; begin temp := list^.next; new(list^.next); list^.next^.data := 0; list^.next^.next := temp end; b) procedure padlist (var list : listtype); {This version pads after the current cell and then recurs down the list.} begin if list <> nil then if list^.next <> nil then begin insertzerosecond (list); padlist(list^.next^.next) end end; procedure padlist2 (var list : listtype); {This version makes the recursive call and pads on the way back up the list.} begin if list <> nil then if list^.next <> nil then begin padlist2 (list^.next); insertzerosecond (list) end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1991) a) function nodecount(tree : treetype) : integer; begin if tree = nil then nodecount := 0 else nodecount := 1 + nodecount(tree^.left) + nodecount(tree^.right) end; b) function leafcount(tree : treetype) : integer; begin if tree = nil then leafcount := 0 else if (tree^.left = nil) and (tree^.right = nil) then leafcount := 1 else leafcount := leafcount(tree^.left) + leafcount(tree^.right) end; c) function height(tree : treetype) : integer; {This version uses local variables to calculate left and right heights to subsequently compare.} var lheight,rheight : integer; begin if tree = nil then height := 0 else begin lheight := 1 + height(tree^.left); rheight := 1 + height(tree^.right); height := max(lheight, rheight) end end; function height(tree : treetype) : integer; {This version does the left/right calculations in-line.} begin if tree = nil then height := 0 else height := max( 1 + height(tree^.left), 1 + height(tree^.right) ) end; function height(tree : treetype) : integer; {This version moves the addition of one (to count the current node) outside the left/right calculations.} begin if tree = nil then height := 0 else height := 1 + max( height(tree^.left), height(tree^.right) ) end; d) function width(tree : treetype) : integer; {This version uses locals to calculate intermediate results.} var rootpath,lwidth,rwidth,subtreemax : integer; begin if tree = nil then width := 0 else begin lwidth := width(tree^.left); rwidth := width(tree^.right); subtreemax := max(lwidth,rwidth); rootpath := 1 + height(tree^.left) + height(tree^.right); width := max(subtreemax,rootpath) end end; function width(tree : treetype) : integer; {This version does all calculations in-line.} begin if tree = nil then width := 0 else width := max( 1 + height(tree^.left) + height(tree^.right), max( width(tree^.left), width(tree^.right) ) ) end; Grading Notes: 1) Be careful of using the function name as a local variable. 2) The last part (d) should have been written right from the spec provided in the problem statement. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1990) function finalscore(scores : arraytype) : real; {This version sums all the numbers and determines the min in one pass and then subtracts the min from the sum after the pass.} var count,min,sum : integer; begin min := scores[1]; sum := 0; for count := 1 to numscores do begin sum := sum + scores[count]; if scores[count] < min then min := scores[count] end; finalscore := (sum - min) / (numscores - 1) end; function finalscore(scores : arraytype) : real; {This version never adds the min into the sum (a value is either less than the current min, so the current min is added into the sum, or it is >= to the current min, so it is added into the sum).} var count,min,sum : integer; begin min := scores[1]; sum := 0; for count := 2 to numscores do begin if scores[count] < min then begin sum := sum + min; min := scores[count] end else sum := sum + scores[count]; end; finalscore := sum / (numscores - 1) end; Grading Notes: 1) Watch the init of min. It should be Scores[1], Scores[NumScores], or maxint (must use the constant name, not a particular value, e.g., 32767) 2) Make sure that the min score is actually dropped from the sum. 3) Make sure numscores is decreased by 1 in average computation. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1990) procedure countcorrect(var answerfile,responsefile,countfile : text); {This version stores the correct answers, so that answerfile is scanned only once.} type correctarray = array[1..maxquestions] of char; var correct : correctarray; count,numquestions,numcorrect,id : integer; answer : char; begin count := 0; while not eof(answerfile) do {Unknown # of questions, <= maxquestions} begin count := count + 1; readln(answerfile, correct[count]) end; numquestions := count; while not eof(responsefile) do {Unknown # of students} begin numcorrect := 0; for count := 1 to numquestions do begin read(responsefile, answer); if answer = correct[count] then numcorrect := numcorrect + 1 end; readln(responsefile,id); writeln(countfile,id:1,' ',numcorrect:3) end; end; procedure countcorrect(var answerfile,responsefile,countfile : text); {This version scans answerfile as many times as there are students, but doesn't require any extra storage. Note the two different interior loop guards which are possible.} var numcorrect,id : integer; answer,correctans : char; begin while not eof(responsefile) do begin numcorrect := 0; reset(answerfile); while not eof(answerfile) do { Could have used while responsefile^ <> ' ' instead of this} begin readln(answerfile,correctans); read(responsefile, answer); if correctans = answer then numcorrect := numcorrect + 1 end; readln(responsefile,id); writeln(countfile,id:1,' ',numcorrect:3) end; end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1990) function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {'Standard' solution} var i,j : integer; match : boolean; {NOTE: a separate local variable is not necessary} begin match := true; for i := 1 to n-1 do for j := i+1 to n do begin if (s[i] = s[j]) and (t[i] <> t[j]) then match := false; if (s[i] <> s[j]) and (t[i] = t[j]) then match := false end; samepattern := match end; function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {simple variant on 'Standard' solution} var i,j : integer; begin samepattern := true; {this version also doesn't use the extra local var} for i := 1 to n-1 do for j := i+1 to n do if not ( ((s[i] = s[j]) and (t[i] = t[j])) or ((s[i] <> s[j]) and (t[i] <> t[j])) ) then samepattern := false end; function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {another variant on 'Standard' solution} var i,j : integer; match : boolean; begin match := true; for i := 1 to n-1 do for j := i+1 to n do if not ( (s[i] = s[j]) = (t[i] = t[j]) ) then {watch the parens!} match := false; samepattern := match end; Grading Notes: 1) Watch for code that only returns the value of the last comparison made. A typical example of this would be to modify the IF in the last solution given above to the following IF/ELSE: if not ((s[i] = s[j]) = (t[i] = t[j])) then match := false else match := true 2) Don't want to compare only adjacent elements. **** OVER **** function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {Converts characters in T to corresponding characters from S. Stores result of conversion in a new array which is then compared to S. Conversion is done by holding a position fixed and running down T from that point looking for matching characters. If a match is found, and the symbol is not already used, the corresponding character of S is placed in the new array. The fixed position is then advanced one and the process is repeated.} var i,j : integer; Sused,Tused : set of char; ConvertTtoSsymbols : stringtype; begin for i := 1 to n do ConvertTtoSsymbols[i] := ' '; Sused := [ ]; Tused := [ ]; for i := 1 to n do begin for j := i to n do if (t[j] = t[i]) and (not (t[j] in Tused)) and (not (s[j] in Sused)) then ConvertTtoSsymbols[j] := s[i] ; Sused := Sused + [ s[i] ]; Tused := Tused + [ t[i] ] end; samepattern := ConvertTtoSsymbols = s end; function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {Keep a table which maps the symbols in S to those in T and the symbols in T to those in S. Use the map to convert the pattern in S to T symbols and the pattern in T to S symbols. If both converted strings match the original strings, then the same pattern appeared in both original strings. The map is constructed in the following fashion: look at each character in S and see what is in the corresponding position in T. Store that character from T in the table, if a character isn't already there. Take whatever character is in the table (either the one you just put there, or the one that was there already) and put that in the corresponding position in the ConvertStoTsymbols string. Simultaneously perform the task going from T to S.} var i : integer; ch : char; MapStoT,MapTtoS : array ['a'..'z'] of char; ConvertStoTsymbols,ConvertTtoSsymbols : stringtype; begin for ch := 'a' to 'z' do begin MapStoT[ch] := ' '; MapTtoS[ch] := ' ' end; for i := 1 to n do begin if MapStoT[ s[i] ] = ' ' then MapStoT[ s[i] ] := t[i]; ConvertStoTsymbols[i] := MapStoT[ s[i] ]; if MapTtoS[ t[i] ] = ' ' then MapTtoS[ t[i] ] := s[i]; ConvertTtoSsymbols[i] := MapTtoS[ t[i] ] end; samepattern := (ConvertStoTsymbols = t) and (ConvertTtoSsymbols = s) end; function samepattern(s,t : stringtype) : boolean; {Maps characters in S and T to a canonical form. The form used takes the first character in each string and assign it an A; find all subsequent occurrences of the same character in the original string and assign them As in the canonical string. Move to the next position in each of the canonical strings. If it is a blank (that position hasn't been mapped yet), assign the next character in sequence (B, C, etc.) to that position in the canonical string. Find all occurrences of the corresponding character in the original string and assign the appropriate canonical character in the corresponding positions in the canonical string. Repeat until the strings are exhausted, then compare canonical forms.} var i,j : integer; CanonSch,CanonTch : char; CanonS,CanonT : stringtype; begin for i := 1 to n do begin CanonS[i] := ' '; CanonT[i] := ' ' end; CanonSch := pred('A'); CanonTch := pred('A'); for i := 1 to n do begin if CanonS[i] = ' ' then begin CanonSch := succ(CanonSch); CanonS[i] := CanonSch; for j := i+1 to n do if s[i] = s[j] then CanonS[j] := CanonSch end; if CanonT[i] = ' ' then begin CanonTch := succ(CanonTch); CanonT[i] := CanonTch; for j := i+1 to n do if t[i] = t[j] then CanonT[j] := CanonTch end end; samepattern := CanonS = CanonT end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1990) a) procedure writelnstring(str : stringtype); var temp : stringtype; begin temp := str; while temp <> nil do begin write(temp^.ch); temp := temp^.next end; writeln end; b) procedure printfemaleancestors(tree : treeptr) begin if tree <> nil then begin if tree^.left <> nil then writelnstring(tree^.left^.name); printfemaleancestors(tree^.left); printfemaleancestors(tree^.right); end; end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1990) a) Initialization: set all elements of Pairs to 0 Running time O(k*k) b) An array of linked lists (of the y strings). Insert is done at the beginning of the list and is O(1). PrintSecondElements is O(n), where n is the number of pairs with first element x that have been inserted in the collection. c) A binary tree of the x strings, ordered lexicographically. Each element of the binary tree would point at a linked list (of the y strings). If the tree is balanced, Insert is O(log n + 1), log n to find the position of x in the tree, and 1 to insert the y string at the beginning of the linked list. PrintSecondElements is O(log n + m), log n to find the x string, and m to print all the associated y strings on the linked list. Grading Notes: 1) Some form of hash table would be OK for (c), but its design should be specified. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1989) procedure replace(var s : stringtype; chtoreplace,chtouse : char); var i : integer; begin with s do for i := 1 to length do if chars[i] = chtoreplace then chars[i] := chtouse end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1989) procedure printavailable(theater : theatertype); var row : char; seat : integer; rowcount,total : integer; begin total := 0; writeln('Row Available seats'); writeln; for row := minrow to maxrow do begin write(' ',row,' '); rowcount := 0; for seat := minseat to maxseat do if theater[row,seat] then begin rowcount := rowcount + 1; write(' ',seat:1) end; if rowcount = 0 then write(' None available') else total := total + rowcount; writeln; end; writeln; writeln('The total number of seats available is ',total:1,'.') end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1989) procedure writethreedigits(n : integer); begin write(n div 100 : 1); write((n div 10) mod 10 : 1); write(n mod 10 : 1) end; procedure writewithcommas(n : integer); begin if n < 1000 then write(n:3) else begin writethreedigits(n mod 1000); <---- write(','); | writewithcommas(n div 1000) <---- end; end; a) 123; 123,123 or 123,456,123 b) interchange the two lines marked with arrows c) instead of writing individual integers, call digittochar and concat: procedure appendthreedigits(var s : stringtype; n : integer); begin concat(s, DigitToChar(n div 100) ); concat(s, DigitToChar((n div 10) mod 10) ); concat(s, DigitToChar(n mod 10) ) end; procedure appendnum(var s : stringtype; n : integer); begin if n < 1000 then begin if n >= 100 then concat(s, DigitToChar(n div 100) ); if n >= 10 then concat(s, DigitToChar((n div 10) mod 10) ); concat(s, DigitToChar(n mod 10) ) end else begin appendnum(s, n div 1000); concat(s, ','); appendthreedigits(s, n mod 1000) end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1989) procedure eliminateduplicates(var list : ptrnode); var temp : ptrnode; begin if list <> nil then if list^.next <> nil then if list^.data = list^.next^.data then begin temp := list; list := list^.next; dispose(temp); eliminateduplicates(list) end else eliminateduplicates(list^.next) end; Alternate version (Iterative version I, removes trailing duplicate node): procedure eliminateduplicates(var list : ptrnode); var p,temp :ptrnode; begin if list <> nil then begin p := list; while p^.next <> nil do begin if p^.data = p^.next^.data then begin temp := p^.next; p^.next := p^.next^.next; dispose(temp) end else p := p^.next end; end; end; **** OVER **** Alternative version (iterative version II, removes leading duplicate node): This code is much harder to get correct; consider how to handle more than 2 initial duplicates. I decided to remove all duplicates starting with the second node (comparing against the third) and continuing from there. I then go back and check the first against the second after the entire list has been traversed. This allows me to make only one change to the head of the list. procedure eliminateduplicates(var list : ptrnode); var p,prev : ptrnode; begin if list <> nil then if list^.next <> nil then begin prev := list; p := list^.next; while p^.next <> nil do begin if p^.data = p^.next^.data then begin prev^.next := p^.next; dispose(p); p := prev^.next end else begin prev := p; p := p^.next end end; {there may be a remaining initial duplicate to be removed} if list^.data = list^.next^.data then begin prev := list; list := list^.next; dispose(prev) end end {matches the initial if list^.next <> nil test} end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1989) a) TYPE childrentype = ^childrec; childrec = record child : treeptr; next : childrentype end; b) function generaltreesum(t : treeptr) : integer; var sum : integer; temp : childrentype; begin if t <> nil then begin sum := t^.data; {or 0} temp := t^.children; while temp <> nil do begin sum := sum + generaltreesum(temp^.child); temp := temp^.next end; generaltreesum := sum {+ t^.data, if above init to 0 is done} end else generaltreesum := 0 end; Alternate version (mutually recursive): function generaltreesum(t : treeptr) : integer; function kidsum(c : childrentype) : integer; begin if c <> nil then kidsum := generaltreesum(c^.child) + kidsum(c^.next) else kidsum := 0 end; begin if t <> nil then generaltreesum := t^.data + kidsum(t^.children) else generaltreesum := 0 end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1988) function numdigits(number : integer) : integer; var count : integer; begin number := abs(number); count := 1; while (number div 10) <> 0 do begin count := count + 1; number := number div 10 end; numdigits := count end; You may wonder why the call to abs(number) is made in an assignment statement rather than the loop guard. You only need to take the absolute value of number once; it is more efficient to do it before the loop so that it is not called each time the guard is evaluated. This is NOT a grading issue, but a matter of personal preference. I repeat, this would NOT lose any points on a free-response solution. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1988) a) Single integer: Adv - easier to implement TimeSum operation D/A - harder to implement PrintTime operation Record: Adv - easier to implement PrintTime operation D/A - much harder to implement TimeSum operation b/c/d) Single integer implementation: TYPE elapsedtimetype = integer; procedure printtime(t : elapsedtimetype); begin write(t div 3600:2,' ',t div 60 mod 60:2,' ',t mod 60:2) end; procedure timesum(t1,t2 : elapsedtimetype; var sum : elapsedtimetype); begin sum := t1 + t2 end; Record implementation: TYPE elapsedtimetype = record hours, minutes, seconds : integer end; procedure printtime(t : elapsedtimetype); begin with t do writeln(hours:2,' ',minutes:2,' ',seconds:2) end; procedure timesum(t1,t2 : elapsedtimetype; var sum : elapsedtimetype); var totseconds,totminutes : integer begin totseconds := t1.seconds + t2.seconds; sum.seconds := totseconds mod 60; totminutes := t1.minutes + t2.minutes + totseconds div 60; sum.minutes := totminutes mod 60; sum.hours := t1.hours + t2.hours + totminutes div 60 end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1988) procedure expand(var m:matrixtype; factor : integer); var row,col : integer; {target row and column position} begin with m do begin numrows := numrows * factor; numcols := numcols * factor; for row := numrows downto 1 do for col := numcols downto 1 do numbers[row,col] := numbers[(row-1) div factor + 1,(col-1) div factor + 1] end end; Alternate version (perhaps easier to follow): procedure expand(var m:matrixtype; factor : integer); var orow,ocol, {original row and column position} row,col : integer; {target row and column position} begin with m do begin numrows := numrows * factor; numcols := numcols * factor; for row := numrows downto 1 do for col := numcols downto 1 do begin if col mod factor = 0 then ocol := col div factor else ocol := col div factor + 1; if row mod factor = 0 then orow := row div factor else orow := row div factor + 1; numbers[row,col] := numbers[orow,ocol] end end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1988) procedure reverse(var head : ptrnode); var prev,follow : ptrnode; begin if head <> nil then if head^.next <> nil then begin prev := head; head := head^.next; prev^.next := nil; while head^.next <> nil do begin follow := head^.next; head^.next := prev; prev := head; head := follow end; head^.next := prev end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1988) function mirrortree(t : treetype) : treetype; var temptree : treetype; begin if t = nil then mirrortree := nil else begin new(temptree); temptree^.data := t^.data; temptree^.left := mirrortree(t^.right); temptree^.right := mirrortree(t^.left); mirrortree := temptree end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1987) function minimum(head : ptrnode) : ptrnode; var temp,currmin : ptrnode; begin currmin := head; temp := head^.next; while temp <> nil do begin if temp^.info < currmin^.info then currmin := temp; temp := temp^.next end; minimum := currmin end; Grading Notes: 1) Watch local declarations - MUST save the pointer (not just the integer) 2) Watch for things like minimum^ (illegal function reference) SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1987) procedure compact(var l : listtype); {Post: length returned after compaction is # of nonzero elements, not the original length} var i,j : integer; begin j := 0; for i := 1 to l.length do if l.numbers[i] <> 0 then begin j := j + 1; l.numbers[j] := l.numbers[i] end; l.length := j end; Alternate version (less efficient [n-squared]): procedure compact(var l : listtype); {Post: length returned after compaction is # of nonzero elements, not the original length} var i,j : integer; begin i := 1; while i <= l.length do if l.numbers[i] = 0 then begin for j := i+1 to l.length do {push rest of elements up} l.numbers[j-1] := l.numbers[j]; l.length := l.length - 1 {necessary for proper termination} end {* note, i is NOT advanced if that slot was 0 *} else {* this is necessary to handle consecutive zeroes *} i := i + 1 {check next element} end; Grading Notes: 1) There should only be one parameter, of type ListType and it MUST be a VAR parameter. 2) Loops should only go as far as the length field of the record. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1987) function tokenexists(var infile : text) : boolean; var ch : char; begin tokenexists := false; while not eoln(infile) do begin read(infile,ch); if ch = ':' then if infile^ = '=' then tokenexists := true end end; Grading Note: Watch for embedded string (i.e. '::='). Many seemingly good solutions missed the embedded occurrence. As an example, here's an alternate while loop which misses the embedded occurrence: while not eoln(infile) do begin read(infile,ch); if ch = ':' then if not eoln(infile) then {in case ':' is last chartacter} begin read(infile,nextch); if nextch = '=' then tokenexists := true end; end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1987) a) Postcondition: returns a ... a b ...b a ...a 1 pos-1 1 m pos n b) Code: if pos = 1 then insert := concatenate(str2,str1) else if pos = length(str1) + 1 then insert := concatenate(str1,str2) else insert := concat( concat(extract(str1,1,pos-1),str2), extract(str1,pos,length(str1)) ) SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1987) procedure eraseobject(var image : imagetype; row,col : integer); begin if (row >= 1) and (row <= size) and (col >= 1) and (col <= size) then if image[row,col] = black then begin image[row,col] := white; eraseobject(image,row-1,col); eraseobject(image,row+1,col); eraseobject(image,row,col-1); eraseobject(image,row,col+1) end end; Grading Notes: 1) Must check bounds FIRST (can all be done simultaneously) 2) Must check color (no recursive call if white). This check CANNOT be done in the same IF test as the bounds check (will cause an array reference error due to full evaluation of the boolean expression). SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1986) function numnodes(first : pointer) : integer; {Assumes there is no header node} var count : integer; temp : pointer; begin count := 0; temp := first; while temp <> nil do begin count := count + 1; temp := temp^.link end; numnodes := count end; Alternate, recursive solution: function numnodes(first : pointer) : integer; {Assumes there is no header node} begin if first <> nil then numnodes := 1 + numnodes(first^.link) else numnodes := 0 end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1986) function inversion(list : sequence; n : lengthtype) : integer; var count : integer; i,j : lengthtype; begin count := 0; for i := 1 to n - 1 do for j := i to n do if list[i] > list[j] then count := count + 1; inversion := count end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1986) procedure numberleaves(tree : treetype; var nextnum : integer); begin if tree <> nil then begin numberleaves(tree^.right,nextnum); if (tree^.left = nil) and (tree^.right = nil) then {check if leaf} begin tree^.datum := nextnum; nextnum := nextnum + 1 end; numberleaves(tree^.left,nextnum) end; end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1986) program compact(input,output,infile,outfile); var infile,outfile : text; procedure handleblanks(var numblanks : integer); begin numblanks := 0; while infile^ = ' ' do begin get(infile); numblanks := numblanks + 1 end; end; procedure copyline(numblanks : integer); var dummy : char; begin write(outfile,numblanks:1,' '); while not eoln(infile) do begin read(infile,dummy); write(outfile,dummy) end; readln(infile); writeln(outfile) end; procedure scanandwrite; var numblanks : integer; begin reset(infile); rewrite(outfile); while not eof(infile) do begin handleblanks(numblanks); copyline(numblanks) end end; begin scanandwrite end. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1986) Since the specification for the problem states that the program must do BOTH the search and the list operations quickly, a structure that can be searched in O(log n) time or better and displayed in O(n) time is desired. Realize that this can be done by an array as well as a linked structure. Using a structure that required DUPLICATION of records lost 1 point in grading, e.g. two arrays, or a separate tree and linked list. a) A binary tree, ordered by name and threaded in increasing order of contribution. ALTERNATIVE: an array of records, ordered by name, with an index field to 'thread' the array by contribution. b) A 'normal' binary search of the tree (see below) has time O(log n): if namekey < node^.name then search left subtree else if namekey > node^.name then search right subtree else report name found and return pointer c) Traverse the linked list which is provided by the contributions thread as stated above. This operation takes O(n). d) CONST maxchar = 20; TYPE stringtype = array[1..maxchar] of char; ptr = ^node; node = record name, city : stringtype; amount : real; left, right, next : ptr end; VAR root, contriblist : ptr; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1985) procedure rotate(var s : list; n : integer); var temp : item; i : integer; begin temp := s[n]; for i := n downto 2 do s[i] := s[i-1]; s[1] := temp end; Grading Notes: 1) "s" must be a var parameter. 2) Make sure loop runs in the proper direction. 3) Must store correct value (s[n]) before entering the loop. 4) temp must be of type "item". SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1985) Approaches: 1) alternately move nodes into two disjoint lists 2) first, count the number of nodes in the original list, then traverse half-way and split into two disjoint lists at the midpoint 3) traverse the list, advancing one pointer two nodes and another pointer one. When the first returns to the start, the second will be halfway around. procedure split(p : ptr; var q : ptr); {Approach 1} var pend,qend : ptr; begin q := p^.link; qend := q; pend := p; while qend^.link <> p do begin pend^.link := qend^.link; pend := pend^.link; qend^.link := pend^.link; qend := qend^.link end; qend^.link := q; pend^.link := p end; procedure split(p : ptr; var q : ptr); {Approach 1 - Alternate version} var runner,holdp,holdq : ptr; isodd : boolean; begin q := p^.link; isodd := true; runner := q^.link; holdp := p; holdq := q; while runner <> p do begin if isodd then begin holdp^.link := runner; holdp := holdp^.link; end else begin holdq^.link := runner; holdq := holdq^.link end; isodd := not isodd; runner := runner^.link end; holdp^.link := p; holdq^.link := q end; **** OVER **** procedure split(p : ptr; var q : ptr); {Approach 2} var index,count : integer; pend,qend : ptr; begin pend := p; qend := p; count := 0; repeat qend := qend^.link; count := count + 1 until qend^.link = p; {Count the nodes} for index := 1 to (count div 2) do pend := pend^.link; q := pend^.link; pend^.link := p; qend^.link := q end; procedure split(p : ptr; var q : ptr); {Approach 3} var temp : ptr; begin q := p; temp := p; repeat q := q^.link; temp := temp^.link^.link until temp = p; temp := temp^.link; p^.link := q^.link; q^.link := temp end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1985) program prob3(input,output,phone); const n = 5; m = 8; type location = array[1..n,1..m] of boolean; var phone : text; tellocs : location; procedure init; var i,j : integer; begin for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to m do tellocs[i,j] := false; end; procedure readfile; var i,numphones,row,column : integer; begin reset(phone); readln(phone,numphones); for i := 1 to numphones do begin readln(phone,row,column); tellocs[row,column] := true end end; **** OVER **** function suff(row,col : integer) : boolean; begin if (row < n) and (col > 1) then suff := tellocs[row,col-1] or tellocs[row+1,col-1] or tellocs[row+1,col] else if (row < n) and (col = 1) then suff := tellocs[row+1,col] else if (row = n) and (col > 1) then suff := tellocs[row,col-1] else suff := false end; procedure evaluate; var i,j : integer; begin for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to m do if (not tellocs[i,j]) and (not suff(i,j)) then writeln('No phone at nor near ',i:2,j:2) else if (tellocs[i,j]) and (suff(i,j)) then writeln('Phone at and near ',i:2,j:2) end; begin init; readfile; evaluate end. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1985) a) Two operations: printing a line copying aline or lines b) I would use a doubly linked list of lines. Since all operations except list must be O(1), I would maintain internal pointers to the previous and next lines as well as external pointers to the first line, last line and current line. TYPE stringtype = array[1..maxchar] of char; {holds a line's characters} ptr = ^line; line = record linedata : stringtype; {characters for the line} previous, next : ptr {pointers to previous and next lines} end; {to implement a doubly linked list} VAR top, bottom, current : ptr; {external pointers into the list} c) Implementation of the next command: if current <> bottom then current := current^.next else writeln('Error, no next line in structure!'); Implementation of the insert command: {assume newline is a pointer to the line to be inserted} newline^.next := current^.next; current^.next := newline; newline^.previous := current; if current <> bottom then newline^.next^.previous := newline else bottom := newline; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1985) procedure mark(p : nodeptr); begin if p <> nil then if p^.marker = false then begin p^.marker := true; mark(p^.left); mark(p^.right) end; end; Grading Notes: 1) Can't use "and" instead of 2 if's. This causes a dereference nil error. 2) MUST check state of marker. If not, the routine will loop forever. 3) MUST traverse preorder. If not, endless loop is possible (chain of left links). SOLUTION - PROBLEM #1 (1984) program readin(input,output); const max = 8; type arr = array[1..max] of integer; var a : arr; procedure readline(var a : arr); var i : integer; begin write('Enter 8 numbers -> '); for i := 1 to max do read(a[i]); readln end; procedure displayrev(a : arr); var i : integer; begin for i := max downto 1 do write(a[i]:5); writeln end; function negcount(a : arr) : integer; var i,count : integer; begin count := 0; for i := 1 to max do if a[i] < 0 then count := count + 1; negcount := count end; begin writeln; readline(a); writeln; displayrev(a); writeln; writeln(negcount(a):1,' of the integers are negative.') end. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #2 (1984) procedure insert(n : integer; var l : list); var temp : nodeptr; begin with l do if first = nil then begin new(first); first^.datum := n; first^.next := nil; last := first end else if n > 0 then begin new(last^.next); last := last^.next; last^.datum := n; last^.next := nil end else begin temp := first; new(first); first^.datum := n; first^.next := temp end end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #3 (1984) function treesum(x : treeptr) : real; begin if x = nil then treesum := 0 else treesum := x^.data + treesum(x^.left) + treesum(x^.right) end; SOLUTION - PROBLEM #4 (1984) You don't want a 2-dimensional array, since that would take O(n * n) space, and the specification requires space be linear in the number of non-zero elements. I would use a linked list of linked lists, i.e. a linked list of the rows with non-zero elements, and each cell in that list would contain a row reference and a pointer to a list of the the non-zero elements of that particular row. Each cell in the secondary list would contain the row and column number as well as the value of the non-zero data. See diagram below. SOLUTION - PROBLEM #5 (1984) a) The search function scans one array, looking for an element greater than or equal to the current element in the other array. It then scans the other array in the same manner. It continues this alternation until either running out of room in one array or finding an element which occurs in both arrays. function search(g,h : list) : boolean; var gindex, hindex : integer; begin gindex := 1; hindex := 1; repeat while (g[gindex] < h[hindex]) and (gindex < n) do gindex := gindex + 1; while (h[hindex] < g[gindex]) and (hindex < n) do hindex := hindex + 1 until (gindex = n) or (hindex = n) or (g[gindex] = h[hindex]); search := g[gindex] = h[hindex] end; b) In the case where the arrays are unsorted, the best you can do is to step through the first array one element at a time, looking for each element in the other array with a linear search. This method is O(n * n), compared with O(n) for the algorithm implemented in part a.