Saloni Potdar


MIIS Graduate student

Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


Google Scholar Profile

EMNLP MOOC Workshop 2014, Qatar

Identifying Student Leaders from MOOC Discussion Forums through Language Influence (pdf)

Seungwhan Moon, Saloni Potdar and Lara Martin

6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS’12, Bulgaria (Paper Accepted)

Online Expert Identification for Indian Stock Markets

Saloni Potdar, Navneet Rao and Saurabh Singi
Certificates and Honors

- Yahoo! InMind Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University, 2014

- Certificate in Cloud Computing, from the TCS Business Domain Academy

- ILP Kudos Award, the highest honor during training at TCS.

- Best Outgoing Student 2012, Computer Engineering Department, RSCOE, University of Pune.

- Certificate of Leadership, National Entrepreneurship Network, India.


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