I'm currently a graduate student doing my MS in Intelligent Information Systems (MIIS). I'm interested in building applications which utilize the vast amount of data around us to facilitate wiser decision making and a better user experience. My research interests include Information Retrieval, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing applications. My most recent work includes personalization of news recommendation, social media analytics, personalized search and expert identification in MOOCs. My advisors are Prof. Jamie Callan and Prof. Emma Brunskill. I'm a Yahoo! Fellow (Yahoo! InMind project) , currently working on learning and leveraging the hidden news preferences of new users (details here), as a part of the Yahoo! InMind collaboration. I also worked on Distributional Semantics as a Core NLP/ML Algorithms intern at IBM Watson in Summer 2014.
Email: salonipotdar-at-cmu-dot-edu
Address: 5404 Gates Hillman Complex, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213, United States
My resume can be downloaded here.
- Graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, will be joining IBM Watson as a Core Algorithms Engineer (NLP/ML) from February 2015.
- Gave a presentation on our current work "News Personalization using Multi-armed Bandits" at Yahoo! Labs, December 2014.
- Gave a talk on my work at Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar, October 2014 (details here).
- Presented a paper at the EMNLP MOOC workshop, October 2014 (details here).