MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES

 The  Mathematical  Sciences  Department  of  the  IBM Thomas J. Watson
 Research Center invites applications for  its  1997-1998  Postdoctoral
 Fellowship  for  research  in mathematical and computer sciences. This
 fellowship provides scientists of outstanding ability  an  opportunity
 to  advance  their  scholarship  as resident department members at the
 Research Center. The department provides an atmosphere in which  basic
 research  is combined with experience on technical problems arising in
 industry.   The program of the  Mathematical  Sciences  Department  is
 organized  for  research  in  pure  and  applied  mathematics,  and in
 theoretical and exploratory computer science.

 Each  candidate  must have a doctorate and not more than five years of
 postdoctoral professional experience when  the  fellowship  commences.
 The  fellowship  has  a  period  of  one  year, and may be extended by
 another year on mutual agreement. The stipend will be generally in the
 range of $67,000 to $70,000 per year, depending  on  experience.    In
 addition,  there  will  be  an  allowance  for  moving expenses.

 To  apply,  please  submit the following by January 10, 1997:  resume,
 including thesis summary; reprints of publications based on thesis and
 other research; a research proposal; and visa  status.    Citizens  of
 countries defined as restricted by the U.S. Department of Commerce are
 required  to  have  a green card or an equivalent visa status.  Please
 indicate where you first learned about the fellowship.  Applicants are
 responsible for requesting that three or more  letters  of  reference,
 including  one  from  the  thesis  advisor,  arrive before January 10.
 Direct all material to:

                   Committee on Postdoctoral Fellowships
                   Department of Mathematical Sciences
                   IBM Research Division
                   T. J. Watson Research Center
                   P. O. Box 218
                   Yorktown Heights, NY    10598

 One fellowship will be awarded.    Each  applicant  will  be  notified
 individually  as  soon  as the committee has reached a decision on the
 application, no later than March 14, 1997.

Baruch Schieber
T.J. Watson Research Center             Tel: (914) 945 1169
P.O. Box 218,                           FAX: (914) 945 3434
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598              sbar@watson.ibm.com
