To: The Campus Community

From: Robert Mehrabian

Date: August 27, 1992

Subject: Faculty Family Leave Policy


This policy provides options to which eligible faculty are entitled. Application for any of these options should be made with a faculty member's Department Head and Dean and must be approved by the Provost.

Eligibility for Family Leave

To be eligible for family leave, a faculty member must, during the period of the leave, be the primary care-giver for a child or other dependent. The definition of "primary care-giver" will vary across family situations but the individual must have exclusive care responsibility for a dependent for a significant fraction of the day during the regular work week. A faculty member who has dependent care assistance more than 30 hours per week on average, for instance, would not generally qualify as primary care-giver. Within these guidelines, the determination by the Provost, upon the recommendation of the Department Head or Dean.

Faculty members should apply for family leave as early as possible, generally at least one semester in advance. In some cases the need for family leave cannot be anticipated. In these cases, all parties should both make a good-faith effort to resolve the situation to the parties' mutual satisfaction.

Faculty who meet the primary care-giver criterion are eligible for family leave subject to approval by the Provost provided two years have elapsed since the last use, if any, of such leave.

Characterization of Family Leaves

A family leave may extend up to one year. The term for family leave is ordinarily one semester or one year.

Faculty on "full" leave have no teaching, research, or administrative duties and receive no salary. Faculty on "partial" family leave have a reduced workload and receive a comparable reduction in salary (e.g., half-time teaching and other duties would be associated with half of the faculty member's regular salary).

Benefits for faculty on full or partial leave are specified in the University's benefits policy. Faculty on full or partial family leave should schedule an appointment with the Benefits Office to discuss the nature of benefits available during the leave.

Tenure Clock

Untenured faculty members who are eligible for family leave, whether such leave is taken or not, are entitled to have the corresponding period fully or partially excluded, at their discretion, from current service for the purpose of determining the tenure decision deadline (i.e., they can "delay the tenure clock"), subject to the constraint that the aggregate exclusion for such family reasons may not exceed two years. To make any such exclusion effective, it has to be requested by the faculty member no later than the date on which the eligibility for family leave ends.

Other Family Leave Options

The policy is not intended to preclude other arrangements of Family Leave. Any such arrangement requires the mutual consent of the faculty member, the relevant Department Head or Dean, and the Provost, and are subject to the relevant provisions of the Promotion and Tenure Policy, the "Tenure clock and Family leave" section of this policy, and the University's benefits policies.


For questions regarding this policy contact, Susan Dunkle X8746.