Control-Flow Analysis and Type Systems Nevin Heintze School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Phone: (412) 268-6739 Fax: (412) 268-5576 April 1995 ABSTRACT Type and control-flow systems serve different purposes, but they also have a number of common features. Their exact relationship has been an open question. In particular, two complementary questions arise: 1. Can control-flow systems be extended to perform type checking/inference, and if so, does the type information obtained correspond to that of some known type system? 2. Can type systems be extended to compute control-flow information, and if so, does the control-flow information obtained correspond that of some known control-flow system? Recent work by Palsberg and O'Keefe addresses the first questions by showing that the Amadio/Cardelli type system with subtyping and recursive types is equivalent to Palsberg and Schwartzbach's safety analysis (a control-flow system extended to reason about types) in the following sense: a program can be given a type by the type system iff it is accepted as safe by the safety analysis. This result effectively shows that control flow analysis can be used to perform type inference in the Amadio/Cardelli type system. In this paper we provide the first equivalence results that address the second question. In addition, we provide three new results that address the first question for type systems other than the Amadio/Cardelli system. Specifically, we take four type systems from the literature (involving simple types, subtypes and recursion) and systematically enrich them to reason about control-flow information. Similarly, we take four control-flow systems and enrich them to reason about type consistency. Our main result is a series of equivalences between these enriched type and control-flow systems: for each type system, there is a control-flow system with equivalent reasoning power, and vice-versa. Hence type systems and control-flow analysis can be viewed as complementary approaches for addressing questions of type consistency and control-flow. Keywords: type inference, subtypes, recursive types, control-flow analysis, safety analysis.