Welcome to the home page for Visitor-Hoster
The Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
About Visitor-Hoster
Visitor-Hoster is an implemented intelligent
information system aimed at helping a human secretary organize a visit in
an academic environment. The task of hosting a visitor involves arranging
the visitor's schedule with faculty that match the interests that the
visitor has expressed in his/her visit request. In Visitor-Hoster,
various information agents are utilized to retrieve task-related
information from several real-world heterogeneous data resources, such as
internet-based finger, on-line electronic library, etc.
Visitor-Hoster Related Papers
See also
"Preliminary Report on Generic Negotiator",
Zeng, D. and Sycara, K., CIKM 94 Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents. (Last updated 14-Sep-94)