Será (me digo entonces) que de un modo
Secreto y suficiente el alma sabe
Que es inmortal y que su vasto y grave
Círculo abarca todo y puede todo.
Más allá de este afán y de este verso
Me aguarda inagotable el universo.
Jorge Luis Borges
Juan M. Huerta
Welcome to my Web Page. Here you will find my up-to-date contact information, resume, list of publications, Short bio, etc..
Mailing Address
Juan M. Huerta Current Affiliation Research Staff Member Immediate Contact Info
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Post Office Box 218
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Fax. (914) 945-44-90
Previous Affiliation
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Robust Speech Recognition Group
Speech Group
Advisor: Prof. Richard M. Stern
Carnegie Mellon University
Short Bio
I was born in Mexico City, I did my undergraduate studies in Electical Engineering at the Instituto
Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and my Master's in
Computer Engineering at Boston University
Resume An on-line version of my resume is available. Note, this resume is circa May 2000 and has not been updated since. Please see the list of publications below for a more current list of publications Publications: Note last updated July 2000 Please, feel free to contact me if you want to have a more current list of the stuff I've been up to!.
Here is a list of my publications.
Here is a copy of my Thesis proposal
I worked at Dragon Systems in their Foreign Languages research efforts. At Dragon I
explored the issues related to implementing recognizers in foreign languages (spanish). I am particularly proud of my work there: "Dragon Dictate
para Windows"!.
My work at CMU focused in the area of robust algorithms for automatic speech recognition in adverse environments: noisy channels, competing
speakers, background noise and music, speaker variability et cetera. My emphasis was on speech recognition
in cellular environments.
I have also been involed in multilingual speech recognition. I
led the Spanish Broadcast News Transtription system effort at the SPHINX group in 1997 and in 1998. I participated in the Johns Hopkins University Summer
Research Workshop with the team: "Towards Language Independent Acoustic Modeling".
Currently, I am Research Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson Research Center
where I work with the Telephony Speech Technologies group which is part
of the Human Language Technologies Group. My current
areas of focus are robustness to noise and channel, and multilingual
speech recognition.