taphephobia      an abnormal fear of being buried alive.
felo-dese a person who commits suicide, or who commits a crime resulting in his or her own death.
bioscopy (med.) examination of the body to determine whether it is alive.
fossor (in early Christianity) a minor clergyman whose job it was to dig graves.
cerecloth waxed cloth, used for bandages and for wrapping the dead. (|cerements| are cerecloth wrappings, or any graveclothes.)
gisant a sculpture of a recumbent corpse.
redivivus living again.
resurrection man one who steals dead bodies, esp. for dissection.
flapdragon a game in which players snatch and eat plums, raisins, etc., out of burning brandy.
nim (arch.) to take or steal; a game with counters.
crambo a game in which one player proposes a word, and the other must find a rhyme. [from Gk. /crambe~ repeti~ta/, repeated cabbage.]
bagatelle a trifle; a board game in which balls are struck into holes with a cue; pinball; a short, light composition, usually for piano.