ichnite      a fossil footprint.
baetyl (class. antiq.) a sacred meteorite.
adret the sunlit side of a mountain.
speos a cavelike tomb, temple, etc.
grisaille a monochromatic work of art.
sweven (archaic) a dream or vision.
rogue's yarn a distinctive thread in the lay of a rope, used to identify the maker.
grimalkin a cat, esp. an old female cat; a crotchety old woman.
discalced barefoot, as of certain religious orders.
hirundine pertaining to the swallow.
tenor/vehicle "love" and "rose", respectively, in "love is a rose".
perpend a stone extending through the thickness of a wall.
Muse originally, three sister goddesses: Aeode of song, Melete of meditation, and Mneme of memory.
irrorate speckled with color. [< L /ro_s/ dew]