bagasse      sugar cane or sugar beet refuse; a paper made from bagasse. note "bagassinosis".
filasse any of various non-cotton vegetable fibers, processed for the making of yarn.
S-twist / Z-twist terms describing the handedness of a yarn's twist, a vertical yarn's strands' slant following the stroke of the descriptive letter.
linsey-woolsey a fabric of linen and wool; an incongrous mixture.
grandrelle a yarn whose two plies are of contrasting colors.
noil a short fiber of a textile, separated from the long by combing.
ixtle a fiber from agave, yucca, etc.
poil a silken yarn or thread used for velvet and ribbon, and as the core of metallic yarn.
thrum the unused ends of a loom's warp threads, left when the web is cut off; any short piece of yarn, thread, or rope.