cullet      waste glass to be melted down.
parison a half-shaped mass of molten glass.
marver a hard, flat surface on which to shape a mass of molten glass.
punty an iron rod used to handle hot glass.
prunt a bit of glass fused to a glass piece.
merese one or more disklike protrusions where the stem of a glass meets the bowl or foot.
moil to work hard; drudgery; turmoil; a superfluous piece of glass formed in blowing, to be removed in finishing.
murrhine glass glassware fashioned after Roman murrhine cups; glassware in which metals or precious stones are embedded.
grozing iron in plumbing, an iron for finishing solder joints; a steel tool for cutting glass.
smalto colored glassy material used in mosaic, or a bit thereof.
smalt a blue glass of silica, potassium carbonate, and cobalt oxide, powdered and used to color vitreous materials.
zaffer a mixture used to impart a blue color to glass and ceramic glaze.
frigger a glass ornament or trinket.
end-of-day glass fused scrap glass, used for decorative work.