demonomania      the belief that one is possessed by evil spirits.
go-devil a snake apparatus used to clear a pipe; a dart dropped down a shaft to detonate an emplaced explosive charge; a sled for dragging loads.
bottle imp a Cartesian diver, also known as a Cartesian devil.
sarcophile a flesh-eating creature, esp. the Tasmanian devil.
hoodoo (geol.) a rock pillar, often fantastic in shape, formed by erosion; a similar pillar of earth.
catface a defect in a finish coat of plaster.
clapperclaw (arch.) to claw with the hand; to revile.
hellgrammite a dobsonfly larva, often used as bait.
decalcomania a decal.
gibbous humpbacked.
palpebrate having eyelids. (and "palpebral")