anguine      resembling or relating to snakes.
anguilliform eel-shaped.
grig a grasshopper or cricket; a young eel; a lively person.
sniggle to fish for eels with a baited hook.
spitchcock a eel: halved, cut up, and broiled or fried.
ort an uneaten piece of food. (usu. pl.)
flummery boiled oatmeal or flour; a type of fruit custard; any of various dishes made with flour, milk, eggs, etc.; foolishness.
duff a boiled or steamed flour pudding. [var. of |dough|]
duff decomposing organic matter on the forest floor. [fig. use of |duff|]
duff (slang) the buttocks. [fig. use of |duff|]
prove (of dough) to rise.
burgoo thick oatmeal, soup, or stew.
brawn boar's meat, esp. boiled and pickled.
fress v.i. to eat, esp. heavily.
shaddock an Oriental citrus fruit. also |forbidden fruit|.
saloop a hot drink of milk, sugar, and salep or sassafras.
salep the dried tubers of certain orchids.
soja soybean.
prairie oyster a raw egg or its yolk, seasoned with salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, etc., and taken as a hangover remedy; a mountain oyster.